During this period, Xinyi didn't feel anything, or that she had already closed her eyes and dreamed of being tired.

As for Jiang Siming, he didn't pay attention to this either. He only needed a certain amount of time to play a role in building a foundation.

So he didn't care, closed his eyes, turned his head and entered the copy.

Jiang Siming may never have imagined that the plan he has been thinking about has quietly knocked on his door...

First, I went to the copy of the Three Kingdoms and went around, Guishuang and Daming were still fighting.

A battle between a powerful country and a powerful country is indeed time-consuming.

However, Guishuang has been beaten by Daming in a precarious manner.

The city of Guishuang was occupied by the Ming army.

At present, Guishuang's soldiers and horses can only shrink in the royal city as an encirclement, relying on the city's high pool to linger.

It is only a matter of time before breaking through the royal city.

Jiang Siming even stayed in Three Kingdoms for two days.

One way, the Forbidden City is too comfortable to live in. In the Nuo Harem, you have to go to'watering' from time to time to moisturize the concubines (smirk)~

After all, there are no such good days in One Piece.

Not only did he have no good days, he was also sealed off, Lan Ling.

But for the sake of fragmentation, this thing is tolerable.

After coming out of the Three Kingdoms, Jiang Siming glanced at his watch, and only one hour passed.

Keep closing your eyes and enter One Piece to fight!

Open your eyes again, the Forbidden City is no longer there, and the dragon couch love concubine disappeared.

The rest is the vast ocean.

Jiang Siming stood on a battleship, and not far away was the familiar Golden Meri.

The Merley stopped at a very small corner, next to an island.

This island is much larger than the island of Silobu Village, and many houses can be seen from a distance.

Jiang Siming glanced around and did not see Luffy and the others.

Jiang Siming thought they had gone to the island to purchase supplies, so he didn't think much about it and summoned Ram out.

"Oh~hmm~ I slept so soundly, Master, yesterday Rem said that I really want to go on an adventure with you, can you call Rem out too, so that both of us can serve the master~"

After Jiang Siming's head was big, he couldn't handle one of them, so he called another?

But Rem's words...it seems to be fine too.

But it also depends on the fragments.

"Remember to call brother."


"Let's go, go find our partner."

Jiang Siming drove the warship to the shore and pulled Ram to the island.

The Golden Meri is here, indicating that the Straw Hat Pirates' partners must still be there.

Jiang Siming led Ram up to the island, and soon he saw a town far larger than the village of Silobu.

This should also be a small village.

It's just that Jiang Siming only saw the house, but he didn't see even one person on the street.

The road in the middle of the street was destroyed by something, but a huge gully destroyed the entire street.


Ram yelled cutely into the street.

Many people walked out of the house immediately. These people looked at Jiang Siming and Ram very vigilantly.

Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to be bad people, I felt relieved.

A scared-looking man in military uniform walked out and shouted to the two of them: "Get out of here now! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

After speaking, this person took the others and left in a hurry.

Both Jiang Siming and Ram were puzzled.

"Brother, what happened to them?"

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "I don't know, we are here to find people, don't care about them, let's go in and find them."

The two were just about to continue entering the island.

A blue-haired girl came out holding a stick and threatened them: "No outsiders are allowed here, let's go!"

The girl has blue hair and a cold look. The skin is beautiful and healthy, and she wears a camisole.

There is a tattoo on his shoulder, which is still in the shape of a shark.

When Jiang Siming saw this girl, he immediately thought of a character in One Piece.

Nuoqi Gao.

That is Nami's sister.

Nami and Nuoqigao are actually orphans, adopted by a female soldier and become sisters.

Nuojigo has blue hair and Nami has orange hair.

The two sisters had a very happy life with the female soldier's mother, but unfortunately the murlocs came to occupy the village.

Killing their mother, Nami had to follow the murloc Aaron to do things for him in order to save her hometown.

And Nuoqigao stayed in the village, always guarding their orange orchard.

"Is this Nami's hometown?" Jiang Siming wanted to confirm further.

The girl froze for a second, then asked: "Are you Nami's friend?"

"Well, she and I are partners in the same pirate group, I came to find her."

Jiang Siming replied.

After listening, the girl obviously relaxed her guard, looked around again vigilantly, and said to Jiang Siming: "It's not convenient to talk here, come with me."

Jiang Siming had no doubt, and followed her to a wooden house, which was very clean.

The girl poured a glass of orange juice for Jiang Siming and a glass for Ram.

"Thank you."

Jiang Siming thanked him.

The girl sat opposite Jiang Siming and said, "Are you really Nami's partner?"

"Of course, my name is Jiang Siming, did she tell you?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

The girl shook her head and said, "Nami has never mentioned that she has a partner since she came back, but she seems to have said that she likes a guy, but she didn't say who it was."

Before Jiang Siming spoke, Ram interjected beside him, "That's my brother, sister Nami likes my brother~"

The girl looked at Jiang Siming in surprise, and looked at the boy carefully. He was indeed very handsome.

It seems normal that Nami likes it.

But soon the girl shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "It's useless to like it, Nami said, she has forgotten you cleanly."

"Huh?" Jiang Siming asked with a question mark, what to do.

He didn't do anything, why did he feel that he has had a hard-hearted love with Nami...

"Hey, go, Nami will never follow you again."

Jiang Siming did not answer, but asked in confusion, "Am I the first partner to come to Nami?"

The girl nodded.

Jiang Siming suddenly understood that at the time she came, Nami should have stolen the Golden Meri and the treasure and returned to her hometown, wanting to redeem her hometown from Aaron.

At this time, Luffy and Sauron might still be in the sea restaurant, so they did not come.

He said that there was no one on the Golden Meri, and the contents had been completely removed.

It turned out that the little thief cat, Nami, did it.

That's great, he already had a two-star mission, which was to kill Aaron.

[2-star mission]: Help Nami defeat the murloc Aaron and save Kokosia Village.

[Task Reward]: Reward 1 random boutique black fragment!

[Mission failure]: deduct 1 random boutique black fragment!

Black fragments, this allure is too great.

Fortunately, caught up.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming couldn't help but smile.

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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