I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1571: Stewed shark fin!

Nuoqigao saw Jiang Siming's smile, and thought that the other party didn't take him seriously, so he was a little unhappy.

"I didn't joke with you, there is a group of terrible bullies who have taken over. If they find you, an outsider, and Nami's partner, then neither you nor Nami will have a good end!"

Nuoji patted the table high and said coldly.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, this girl is really cool, a bit like Shengxue.

"Ok I see, where does the bully live?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course I found them, then killed them and rescued Nami." Jiang Siming replied calmly.

Nuoqigao was amused by Jiang Siming's reckless words.

She held the table with both hands, stood on tiptoes, moved her head forward, and laughed:

"There used to be many people who talked like you, do you know their fate?"

"Should all be dead, am I right?"

When Jiang Siming said this, he also moved his head over, and the two immediately faced each other, no more than a few centimeters apart.

Nuoqi Gao could feel the breath coming from Jiang Siming's body, making her throbbing inexplicably.

Jiang Siming also smelled Nuoqi Gao's body, the fresh body scent was accompanied by a touch of orange scent.

Nuoqigao hurriedly backed up a few steps, turned her head, and snorted coldly: "Believe it or not, you want to die, no one is stopping you, Nami is in the murloc paradise, you should go find her by yourself. Up!"

"Thank you, I will be back soon."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took Ram and left.

Nuoqigao turned around and found that Jiang Siming was really missing.

"This arrogant idiot, how can you really go!" Nuoqi became angry and hurriedly chased it out.

After Jiang Siming and Nuoqi went out, they happened to meet Nami who had come back from Murloc Paradise.

Nami didn't expect Jiang Siming to appear here.

She subconsciously smiled with surprise, and when she wanted to say hello, she remembered something.

The expression changed in an instant, and he deliberately took back all the happy emotions, with a calm face.

"Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to you and took you back." Jiang Siming said for granted.

Nami's body trembled, her teeth bit her lip, she held back her emotions and made a sneer expression.

"Hehe, you are really as stupid as Luffy and the others, can't you tell that I lied to you? I am a subordinate of the Murloc clan, I approach you just to lie to your bounty!"

After Nami finished speaking, she pointed to the outside of the village, and shouted to Jiang Siming: "Hurry up, otherwise don't blame me for calling Aaron to come and clean you!"

Jiang Siming said nothing, looked at her quietly, and said, "When will we leave?"

As if Jiang Siming hadn't heard Nami's words just now.

Nami was even more difficult to fight, and hurriedly threatened ‘fierce’: “I said! I’m a subordinate of the Murloc! Not your partner!”

With that said, Nami got excited and tore her jacket.

He exposed his fragrant shoulders, behind his jade-like fragrant shoulders, pierced the murloc tattoos.

It is exactly the same as Nuoqigao's sashimi.

"Did you see it! I'm not your partner at all, I'm just for money!"

When Nami said this, her lips turned pale, and her eyes didn't dare to look at Jiang Siming's gaze.

At this moment, a large group of people in navy uniforms appeared in the village.

Headed by a naval officer with a rat face.

The officer looked at Nami as soon as he came over with a treacherous smile.

"You are Nami, I heard that you stole a lot of treasures. Naval law. The stolen items need to be confiscated. So please hand over the treasures you have hidden."

Nami immediately raised the club and weapon she carried with her, and said angrily: "Don't think about it! I am a murloc subordinate, so you are not afraid of being chased by Aaron!"

The mouse-like officer laughed and said, "Of course I was scared before. Now, we do things for Aaron."

"What?" Nami was stunned on the spot.

The mouse officer didn't intend to waste time, he waved and shouted: "Aaron said that Nami's treasure is hidden in the orange field, go find it out!"


The greedy group of navy wanted to pass.

Nami almost wanted to crush it with the stick in her hand. She couldn't believe it. The person who told her the promise never thought of fulfilling it.

One hundred million Baileys, rescue the village.

This is the agreement that the murloc Aaron made with her.

As long as he collects 100 million Baileys for him, he will let Kokosia Village go and give her freedom.

Over the years, Nami has desperately worked as a thief on the ocean, and has escaped countless times just to collect 100 million Baileys.

But just when she was about to get together, Aaron planned to borrow the hand of the navy to **** her property.

In this way, Nami will have nothing, 100 million Baileys, and start all over again.

"You bastards!"

The little thief cat went mad, and his thin body lifted a club and fought desperately with the group of navies, preventing them from entering their orange fields.

But in the end, Nami's weak strength can't match so many navies, she can only watch the navy rush into the orange field after she fell to the ground.

Nami's eyes are desperate, her eyes are cracked!

Sister Nuoqigao also rushed over to help, and both sisters were knocked down.

Can only watch these navy search their orange fields.

Jiang Siming walked over at this moment, looked at her calmly, and said, "Are you giving up now? Are you still thinking about honesty and morality with bad people?"

The reason why he didn't help, Jiang Siming wanted Nami to really feel how bad a bad guy can be.

Otherwise, Nami would still be naive.

Nami finally realized that she woke up and raised her head, her pitiful and helpless eyes could almost soften a man's heart.

"help me..."

Nami cried and asked Jiang Siming for help, which was the second time she asked Jiang Siming for help.

The first time she asked Jiang Siming for a bounty to praise Gao and Crowe.

Hearing Nami's request for help, Jiang Siming suddenly showed a smile and reached out and touched her head lightly.

"no problem."

After that, Jiang Siming got up, and his figure disappeared instantly.

After a few breaths, Nami and Nuoqigao heard a screaming scream from the orange field.

When Jiang Siming came out of the orange field, he still dragged the body of the mouse officer in his hand.

At this moment, the two sisters were so shocked that they forgot to shed tears.

How long did it take, dozens of navies... and one navy colonel, just... all dead?

Jiang Siming threw the body of the navy colonel aside like trash, clapped his hands and said:

"Nami, take me to find that salted fish now. I will stew it to make shark fin for you. I tell you, shark fin is not allowed to be eaten by us now, haha."

Jiang Siming's smile and voice gave the two sisters unprecedented hope.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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