I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1573: The real dragon appears!

"Damn kid, I want to chew you up!"

After Aaron finished speaking, he kicked his feet and his speed was like a bullet!

He ran into Ram at Ram!

Just before halfway through the flight, Along was kicked by Jiang Siming, kicked and flew back, hit the wall and dented!

This attack was not painful to Aaron, he blasted the wall violently, and the shark stared at Jiang Siming sharply.

The shark's sense of smell told him that the man in front of him was the greatest threat to him!

"Boy, I will let you see, my Aaron's anger!"

After speaking, Aaron finished speaking, and took a hand in a glass jar.

A stream of water flew out of his hand!

This seemingly useless stream of water scattered hundreds of water droplets in the air.

These water droplets seemed to possess magical powers. Seeing the rate of fire of the bullet, they shot at Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming stepped away and escaped these amazing water droplets.

His strength was sealed, and without true energy, he could only use his physical fitness to fight.

So Jiang Siming is not invincible right now. Although it is not a big deal to be hit by these drops, at least he will be a little embarrassed.

Seeing Jiang Siming evade, Along continued to fish in the tank with his hands. Every time he fished out the water would turn into bullet-like droplets.

It is equivalent to possessing a shotgun and firing it madly at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming hid several times and was a bit annoying.

"Play with waterdrops, right? Okay, I'll play marbles for you!"

Jiang Siming picked up a pile of small stones from the ground, and threw them at Aaron according to the gourd painting scoop!

The power and speed of these stones is much stronger than Aaron's water droplets.

Aaron couldn't dodge, so he could only cover his face with his arms, and abruptly received these stones with his body.

Bang bang bang!

The stone hit Aaron's body, more powerful than a real bullet.

Although the body of a shark is as hard as steel, it still screams and screams from these stones!

Several stones even got into the flesh.

"Damn it, so **** it!"

Aaron was so angry that he didn't dare to play with Jiang Siming anymore, he chose to fight Jiang Siming in close hands!

At this time, Aaron was like an enraged blood shark, attacking Jiang Siming to kill him.

And his shark nose and shark teeth have become his weapons.

Jiang Siming smashed his shark teeth with a punch, but he didn't expect Aaron to grow a new set of teeth immediately.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is the natural advantage of our murlocs. You humans will never be able to do it. We are the top of the food chain!"

Jiang Siming didn't bother to talk nonsense with this arrogant shark spirit.

"Is it great to grow again? I think how many times you can grow again!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he once again gave Along's new tooth a blow!

Long and broken again!

It's still long, keep hammering!

Repeatedly, Jiang Siming seemed to be on the teeth of this shark.

Once you grow up, I will break it once.

Gradually, Aaron’s teeth grew longer and slower, and in the end they didn’t even grow...

Jiang Siming then let go of Along's head, and Along backed away in horror.


Talking without teeth, like an old lady.

Sauron laughed when they saw it.

"Boss!" Along's men did not expect that the boss's teeth were really lost.

For the first time, Aaron felt his face lost. He was so angry that he suddenly stopped facing Jiang Siming, turned his head and jumped into the sea outside the paradise.

"What? Escaped?" Everyone couldn't believe it, Aaron just fled?

However, in the next second, a shark's shadow flashed out of the sea!

Far surpassing the speed of water droplets just now, like a rocket, ramming Jiang Siming!

"Shark flying arrows!"

This shark used the increasing effect of the water to exert his greatest strength.

Jiang Siming dodged aside, and Along crashed into the position just now.

The ground that was hit, cracked open!

Densely like a spider web.

And it is this shark nose that causes this phenomenon.

This extremely sharp shark's nose, even if it smashed the ground, it was safe.

Sauron and they both got cold behind their backs. If this thing hits them, it will definitely suck!

Without its teeth, the shark started attacking with its nose again.

After the first miss, Aaron immediately launched a second wave of attacks!

Still still shark flying arrows!

This time, Jiang Siming stood upright and did not choose to dodge.

"Brother Jiang! Get away!" Nami and Nuojiao exclaimed.

But while shouting, Aaron had already crashed into Jiang Siming.

Aaron wanted to laugh proudly. This guy is so arrogant that he will definitely die if he takes this trick!

But in the next second, Aaron's nose was pinched, and the whole person stopped in the air.

Jiang Siming used one hand to forcibly block the shark's arrow!

Everyone present was shocked.

What kind of power can one hand stop this big shark with a full blow.

"You have a nose without your teeth, don't you? I think you have a nose without a nose!"

After Jiang Siming said, his hand broke!


That very hard nose was actually broken by Jiang Siming!


Along felt a sharp pain in his nose, and it was heartbreaking.

"Always let you make big moves, I haven't made big moves yet, how about one move?"

Jiang Siming looked at the shark man with a smile.

Aaron was aware of the death crisis, and ignoring the pain of being broken off his nose, he hurried to the sea!

It wants to escape! The person in front of him is not an opponent at all!

However, before Aaron jumped into the sea, there was a sound of dragon chanting behind him!

Along looked back subconsciously, his eyes horrified!

I saw a golden golden dragon, biting fiercely at him!

It's called Aaron, but it's not a real dragon, it's just a shark.

And this is a real dragon!

Sauron and Sanji also had their eyes flying out.

Never expected their teammates to be so powerful!

Lu Fei woke up quietly and was shocked to see this scene.

"Dragon Eighteen Palms!"

Jiang Siming resorted to martial arts skills that he hadn't used in a long time.

The orange skill is still unusable, so I can only use the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong, which has only been used in Yitian.

Long Yin bursts, howling proud wind!

Aaron has nowhere to hide.

The dragon roar soon ceased, and the manor returned to tranquility.

However, Aaron had already fallen to the ground and lost his life.

The East China Sea bully, the murloc Aaron, just died here.

Nami and Nuoqigao looked at the corpse of the murloc Along. After two seconds, the two sisters hugged and cried at the same time!

The childhood nightmare and **** hatred of the two sisters are finally reported today!

Once Aaron died, the remaining murlocs quickly surrendered.

Aaron's three elite men also wanted to escape, but they were stopped by Sauron.

"Spare us, we dare not."

"The fight hasn't finished yet, how can it be so easy to go!"

Sauron looked upset, he hadn't enjoyed it yet!

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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