I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1574: Sewage purifier technology!

Jiang Siming satisfied Sauron's desire to fight, and said to the Aaron's subordinates:

"If you win them, I will let you go, otherwise, you will die."

Several Aaron's subordinates had no choice but to regard this as their only vitality.

It was another battle against their opponents.

In the end, Sanji, Sauron, and Luffy, living up to expectations, all killed these men.

Jiang Siming also immediately got a hint of the mission's success.

"The task is completed, a random black shard will be rewarded!"

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Advanced Sewage Purifier Technology] Black Fragments*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

[Advanced sewage purifier]: It comes from different-dimensional technology, which can purify industrial and urban sewage. The purification speed can purify thousands of tons of sewage a day.

Note: The battery life of the purifier is one year and can be replaced by the battery of the robot.


Jiang Siming was overjoyed and finally waited for this fragment.

He had promised the elders to produce sewage purifiers for Huaxia Duoduo.

Everyone gave the money, more than 200 billion.

Now I can finally make this money in peace of mind.

As soon as Aaron died, the villagers of Kokosia Village all celebrated.

But at the same time, news that Jiang Siming and other Straw Hat Pirates killed Aaron quickly spread to the East China Sea Admiralty.

Most importantly, Jiang Siming also killed Colonel Rat and dozens of navies.

This incident caused considerable shock in the East China Sea Admiralty.

Inside the navy office.

A rough man with a cigar in his open shirt, watching the report, patted the table angrily.

"Who is so bold! I dare to kill my navy colonel and there are so many navies! I can hardly put our navy in the eyes!"

The girl with glasses standing on the side added: "This person killed Colonel Mouse. We have heard of Collusion between Colonel Mouse and Aaron, but there has been no evidence."

"Even so, it is unforgivable for a pirate to dare to kill so many of our navies. If this person is not caught, the face of our navy will disappear!"

"Okay, I will immediately draft a reward order, how much Bailey is appropriate?"

"This person can kill Colonel Mouse and kill Murloc Aaron alone. The strength should not be underestimated, so let's take 50 million Baileys!"

"Yes! Colonel Smaller!"

The girl said that when she picked up the portrait of Jiang Siming, she was going to draft a reward.

Seeing the portrait of Jiang Siming, the girl stared blankly for a second, and then secretly said to her that it was a pity that such a good-looking boy would become a pirate...

"There are still a few people who will be arrested at 20 million, 9 million and 5 million."

Smogg pointed to Luffy, Sauron and Sanji again.

The girl took it all in her hands and walked out.

"I didn't expect an interesting person to appear in the weak East China Sea, hum." The cigar man said with a smile while looking out the window.

Although he and Colonel Mouse are both colonels, their strengths are worlds apart.

He was demoted to a colonel because he often refused to obey the orders of his superiors and acted against him.


On the other side, the village of Kokosia is full of joy.

The villagers held a grand banquet to entertain the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates killed Aaron for them, and they were exposed to the rule of darkness for more than ten years.

These villagers didn't know how excited they were, and they brought out the best food, fruits, and drinks at home to entertain the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy was so happy, sitting at the table and eating Hesai.

On the table in front of him, there were already dozens of empty plates stacked together.

God knows how this kid's stomach grows.

Sauron was drinking silently, full of coldness.

Usopp had no intention of eating at all, standing on the highest step of the village, boasting to a group of naive village names how brave he was today.

Bragging, has always been Usopp's favorite.

Sanji still didn't forget the beauty, turning around behind Nami and Nokigao, trying his best to show her hospitality.

"Miss Nami, for such a happy party, can I ask you to dance?"

"No, go aside!"

"Miss Nuoqigao, has anyone told you that you are such a **** stunner, can you invite you to dance with it?"

"I'm not free, you can find someone else."

Sanji still refuses to give up. When he wants to talk about it, he finds that Nuoji Gaohe Nami has been pretending to eat.

However, the eyes of the two women, from time to time, glanced at Jiang Siming who was sitting opposite.

The wine in Jiang Siming's cup was almost finished, and Nuoqi Gao immediately took the initiative to fill Jiang Siming.

The food on the plate was almost gone, Nami quickly took her to Jiang Siming's plate.

This guy Luffy wanted to come and eat, but Nami shrank back in fear with a fork.

Seeing this scene, Sanji's little heart was beaten so badly.

Fortunately, there were still many young girls in the village. He decisively slipped away and ran to start to tease his sister.

"Brother Jiang, thank you for defeating Aaron and saving our village. I toast you."

Nuoqigao didn't look cold in front of Jiang Siming, and raised his wine glass cautiously.

Jiang Siming gave her a generous toast and said with a smile, "This is the 13th thank you said today."

"Ah? Have you? Have you so many times?" Nuoqi said nervously.

"Yes, it is 14 times this time, and I have counted it for my brother." Ram interjected while eating.

Nuoji Gauguin was embarrassed and could only pretend to drink to cover up.

"Brother Jiang, when are you leaving?" Nuo Qigao thought of this.

"You have to ask the captain, Luffy." Jiang Siming turned to ask Luffy.

Lu Fei answered as he ate, reluctant to put things down and talk.

It seems that one second of eating time will not be delayed.

"We will leave tomorrow, but we are going to the great route. We can't delay it too long." Lu Fei said with his cheeks bulging.

Nuoqigao was obviously lost when he heard it.

She even wanted to tell Lu Fei that she wanted to go to sea with her.

But when I think that I don't have any abilities, it will only increase the burden of the family and will not bring everyone any help.

Had to take a look at Jiang Siming, then immersed himself in drinking silently.

At night, almost everyone was drunk.

Luffy fell asleep on a pile of food plates, and Sauron and Sanji also slept on the haystack.

Jiang Siming didn't want to take Ram with them to sleep on the street, he wanted Nami to take herself to find a room to sleep.

It was discovered that Nami was also drunk too much and fell drunk on the table.

While sleeping while talking in dreams, what are dreams in anyway, Jiang Siming didn't understand a sentence, like a Martian language.

Only Nuoqigao was still there, she had a good drink, but because she drank too much, she was a little shaky.

"Brother Jiang, do you want a room, I will take you to my house."

With that, Nuoqi got up, helped Nami, and led Jiang Siming and Ram to her house.

Ram also fell asleep, sleeping soundly in Jiang Siming's arms.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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