I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1575: Loose seal

The following day, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates regrouped.

Kokosia's villagers all came to send off their benefactor.

"Huh, where is Brother Jiang?" Sauron asked suspiciously.

"I haven't seen my sister either. She doesn't plan to come to send me off."

Nami also swept around and found no one.

When everyone was about to look for it, Jiang Siming showed up with Ram, and Nuoqigao followed behind him.

Everyone saw that Nuoqigao felt a little different from yesterday, but everyone couldn't tell what was different.

I feel that Nuoqigao seems to be more mature and sexier than the one I saw yesterday.

The maturity used to be pretended, but now, no matter where you look from it, it looks like a flower that has already bloomed.

And strangely, Nuoqigao's previous headscarves were also taken off by her, and they were no longer cool hairstyles. On the contrary, they looked like good women.

Even the dress has changed, the off-shoulder vest has disappeared and long sleeves have been worn.

Even so, it can't hide the charm of Nuoqi Gao.

Such Nuoqigao completely broke away from the girl's immaturity, and became a little more charming.

"Wow~~ Miss Nuoqigao, has anyone told you that your beauty is unstoppable and unparalleled!"

Sanji looked straight.

If Nami is only the beauty of a girl for the time being, and can only be regarded as cute for the time being, then Nuoqigao is completely synonymous with **** mature.

In the eyes of men, cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of sexy!

Nami felt a little weird, so she walked to Nuoqigao and looked at her left and right.

"Nuoqigao, why do you wear this? You don't like short-sleeved vests the most."

Nuoji Gao smiled, lightly pulled the ends of her hair, and said: "I can wear whatever I want, can you control it?"

"Hey, I'm just curious to ask, don't you tell me this, meanie!"

Nami grumbled that the two sisters often quarrel.

"Get on the boat, pay attention to safety, remember... take care of Brother Jiang... listen to him, you know."

"You are so strange, are you really Nuoqigao? I want to inspect the goods!"

With that said, Nami began to squeeze Nuoqigao's face, and then squeezed the neckline of Nuoqigao's clothes, revealing a hole that she could only see and glanced in.

Before Nuoqi scolded her, Nami herself made a fuss.

"Ah! Nuojigo, where's your tattoo?"

Nami just saw that the murloc tattoo on Nuoqigao's shoulder was gone!

"I asked Big Brother Jiang to clean it up for me." Nuo Qi Gao blushed and said.

Can't help but think of the absurdity of last night...

Nami didn't think too much, but thought that her sister was just looking for Brother Jiang to get a tattoo.

"Ah! Me too!"

Nami turned around and ran to find Jiang Siming, clutching his arm hard and shaking her.

"Brother Jiang, I want to get rid of the tattoo too! Please~"

Nuoqigao looked at Nami and secretly arranged her clothes. Inside the sleeves, the previous murloc tattoos were indeed gone.

But in fact, there is an extra tattoo, but Nami is hidden by her underwear and can't see it.

This tattoo was also made by Nuoqi Gao seeking Jiang Siming's pattern.


Fortunately, Nami didn't find it, otherwise she must know.

"Nami, let me get rid of your tattoo~" Sanji started again.

"Will you?"


"Have fun!"

Nami drove away Sanji and continued to beg Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, and said, "Okay, I can find a time for you after I go to sea, okay?"

"No, no, I want it now~"

Sauron and the others blushed, how could this sound so weird.

Jiang Siming wondered why Nami was so impatient, but after another thought, she understood what Nami meant.

She has been a subordinate of the Murlocs since she was a child, and this tattoo is her shadow and shackles.

In this hometown, Nami wants to get rid of her tattoo and all her inner demons before she leaves.

"Okay, get on the boat with me first."

Jiang Siming agreed and led Nami on the Golden Meri.

Within two minutes, Nami came back again, her tattoo on her shoulder was gone.

She danced happily, except for her face a little red.

After staying at the ferry for a while, the Straw Hat Pirates finally boarded the boat and waved goodbye to the villagers of Kokosia.

Nuoqigao only stared at Jiang Siming and refused to move half a step.

She envied Nami for being a pirate with Jiang Siming.

In fact, after the rain last night, Jiang Siming asked her if she wanted to go to sea with him.

Nuoqigao really wanted to agree at the time, but she was worried that she would become a burden for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Moreover, the oranges in the orange field left by mother were also in the mature season, and no one could take care of them, so Nuoqigao had to reluctantly give up and stay in Kokosia temporarily.

Jiang Siming also promised her that he would come back to pick her up when her orange field was ready.

With this sentence, Nuoqigao is full of hope for the future.

The Golden Meri finally left Kokosia and continued on the direction of the great route.

In a day, the Golden Meri was far away from Kokosia.

A group of people are waiting for the next stop at sea.

The staffing of the Straw Hat Pirates has reached seven.

Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Jiang Siming and Ram.

Because of the heavy rain yesterday, everyone was holding back in the cabin for a day.

As soon as it cleared today, we all ran to the deck to let out the wind.

Nami sleeps on the sun lounger, holding a tablet computer, watching "Naruto".

Needless to say, only Jiang Siming can do this.

"It's amazing, the TV can be so small~ too convenient, haha, I won't be boring in the future! Brother Jiang, love you~"

Nami was very satisfied with this gift and held it every day. Ram would also sit in Nami's arms and watch with her.

In the kitchen, Sanji concentrated on learning some Chinese food skills that Jiang Siming gave him yesterday.

Yesterday, as a chef, Sanji was supposed to cook, but Luffy these guys actually begged Jiang Siming to cook.

Because they said that Jiang Siming's cooking is much better than his cooking.

This made Sanji really intolerable, so he had to look for Jiang Siming to compete in cooking.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming would crush him with a bowl of Yangchun noodles...

Now Sanji didn't even bother to bother Nami, and he focused on studying cooking, planning to surpass Jiang Siming.

Sauron is still the same, sitting on the deck training, holding a horizontal bar larger than others, and constantly waving.

Luffy and Usopp are very boring, fishing on the bow.

Jiang Siming stood on the guard post, slowly admiring the scenery in One Piece.

At the same time, I look forward to encountering stronger opponents and tasks.

Looking down, there is true spirit floating inside!

Yes, the first seal of Jiang Siming has been unlocked!

As for why it was unlocked, it was thanks to Nuoqigao.

She helped Jiang Siming turn on the [Yin and Yang Gong], and smoothly helped Jiang Siming restore his true energy!


[Author's digression]: The second update ~ Chapter 1572 has been reviewed, and the sake has been busy changing, so today's update is a bit late, I hope everyone can understand~

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