I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1576: Go to Rogue Town!

However, this seal can only be regarded as loosening a small part, allowing Jiang Siming to recover a small part of his true spirit.

For the time being, it's not even the foundation building, it can only be said to be half foundation.

Fortunately, it's good to have infurience, at least you don't need to rely on pure strength like fighting Aaron.

Aaron is just a very inconspicuous weak chicken in One Piece, and he will meet increasingly stronger characters later.

If he remains strong, Jiang Siming may also suffer a big loss.

At present, Jiang Siming's true energy is still very small, but the control of things can be used, of course, the flying sword still cannot do it.

But his current zhenqi can barely use Gale Breathing Slash once.

The most important thing is that Jiang Siming already knows how to gradually lift the seal, which is exactly the same as reality (covering his face).

He thought it was a special condition or a special task to complete, but he hadn't been prompted, which made him a little nervous.

Now that he understands it, Jiang Siming just wants to say that it turns out to be his old line, and that's all right.

At this time, a seagull flew by.

This seagull is very strange, not only wearing a hat, but also hanging a bag.

Although it was the first time Jiang Siming saw him, he knew that this was one of One Piece's unique messenger, the messenger seagull, also called the messenger bird.

As long as you want to buy a newspaper, just shout at it.

However, each newspaper Seagull charges 10 Baileys.

"I want a newspaper!" Nami shouted to the sky for the first time.

The seagull flew down obediently and gave Nami a newspaper.

Nami gave it 10 Baileys. Unexpectedly, the seagulls were too few, so she took out a sign that said 15 Baileys.

price goes up...

Nami reluctantly took another 5 Baileys, and said fiercely to the seagulls: "Next time you increase the price, I will pluck your hair!"

Seagull was frightened, and quickly sent Nami a pile of reward announcements.

Only then did Nami's anger calm down, and it was quite difficult for the small wealth cat Nami to pay more.

"Isn't it 5 Bailey? Don't do that." Usopp complained.

"Five Baileys are also money! And we need to buy newspapers every day, which is not a small sum." Nami replied straightforwardly.

Sauron asked suspiciously: "Didn't you save 100 million Baileys, and you didn't give it to Aaron or were snatched by Colonel Mouse. Are you still almost the money?"

"I have left all the money for the village. The village needs to be built, so I am now poorer than you! You will be responsible for buying the newspaper Sauron in the future."

After hearing this, Sauron said awkwardly: "How can I have money..."


"My pocket is cleaner than this sea, don't believe you search it."


"I have to save money to buy gunpowder and weapons. I'm a sniper and I can't live without equipment."

Nami sighed and said, "Then we may not even be able to buy newspapers in a few days."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nami dropped a purse on her head.

Nami opened it and saw that it was full of Pele, the amount amounting to millions.

These were obtained when Jiang Siming ransacked the Black Cat Pirates.

"You have money, just spend it." Jiang Siming said calmly, leaning on the curtain.

Nami saw so much money, her eyes lit up, her hands folded, her left foot tilted.

"Big Brother Jiang is really rich and handsome~ He is more than 19,000 times stronger than these guys!"

After complimenting Jiang Siming, Nami was only willing to read the newspaper, and she was shocked when she read it!

"It's over! Brother Jiang, you are wanted by the Navy!"


Everyone stopped what they were doing and hurried to see.

On the newspaper, it read:

[The most arrogant pirate in the East China Sea was surprised to kill the navy colonel and dozens of navies. He has become the most dangerous person in the East China Sea and will be arrested by all navies! 】

Behind is a portrait of Jiang Siming, and there is even a word "must be arrested" on it.

Obviously this was the navy's complete anger and vowed to arrest Jiang Siming.

"No, then we are not going to be surrounded by a large group of navy..." Usopp said, his legs were shaking.

"Hey, there is a reward order!" Nami noticed the reward order that the seagull had given.

The first one is Jiang Siming, offering a reward of 50 million Baileys!


Everyone took a breath, fifty million Bailey!

Isn't that the bounty that exceeds the highest Aaron in the East China Sea?

The first time I was offered a reward, there were 50 million Baileys, which is too exaggerated.

"Wow! I have it too!" Lu Fei saw his reward, 20 million, and danced with excitement.

"Oh, I also have 9 million." Sauron smiled satisfied.

"Cut, why do I only have 5 million, wait, what kind of portrait is this? Is this me?"

Sanji looked at the portrait on his reward and was shocked.

This... Sausage Mouth Killing Matt and these dull eyes, is it really Sanji?

(Shanji's portrait is seen once and laughed once, you can search for it if you haven't seen it, it's too funny!)

The others also saw Sanji's offer of reward and laughed.

"This should be a failure to obtain the photo, so it was painted by hand, and the artist should be an ‘artist’ to draw you so much, quack..."

Luffy laughed so much that his stomach broke.

Jiang Siming was also happy, glad that his portrait was not insulted by the painter.

Sanji did not speak and closed himself up.

"Hey, why is there no reward from me!" Usopp was very unconvinced.

Except for Namiram, there are others, but he doesn't.

"You are so weak, even if you have a reward order, it won't exceed fifty." Soronza said heartily.

Usopp yelled in anger.

But Nami is most worried about Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is the most wanted criminal, and with 50 million Bailey's bounty, not only the navy will arrest him.

Even those bounty hunters and other pirates will covet it.

At that time, Jiang Siming would be in danger.

Nami's mood got worse, she was very guilty.

It was all because of her that Jiang Siming faced an embarrassing situation.

Jiang Siming got off the curtain at this time and chuckled lightly: "We are pirates. Isn't it the most normal thing to be wanted? Even if it doesn't matter how many enemies come, we can't bring them down."

"That is, what to be afraid of, we are so strong, we are not afraid of how many enemies come."

Lu Fei's natural straight brain and militant gene.

Sauron and the others did the same, both of them said they didn't persuade them at all.

Nami's mood was a little better now.

"Now four people on our ship are wanted, so when we get to the next town in a while, we can't be brazen and we have to be careful."

"Where is the next stop?" Luffy asked.

"Logue Town." Nami replied: "It is also the town closest to the Great Sea Route, and at the same time, it is also the place where the previous generation of Pirate King Gore D. Luo was born and executed."

"Wow! I'm going to check it out!" Luffy was fascinated immediately.

His goal is to be the One Piece, the place where the previous generation One Piece died, of course he wants to see it.

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to speak, the mission came again, and it was... a five-star mission! !


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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