I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1577: Five-star mission!

[5-star mission]: Go to Rogge Town and challenge Monkey·D·Dragon, whether you win or lose!

[Task Reward]: Reward 1 random boutique orange fragment!

[Mission failed]: deduct 1 random boutique orange fragment!

This five-star mission made Jiang Siming's eyelids twitch a little.

Now he is going to challenge Monkey D. Dragon?

Does this count as a gift...

Monkey D. Long, this man is Luffy's father, the leader of the revolutionary army, and is also considered by the world government as the "most murderous criminal".

Although this man has never really revealed his strength, there is no plot of him fighting against others in the comics.

But this person is at least one of the three domineering ones.

This can be seen from Lu Fei and his grandfather Karp. Both of their families have strong inherited domineering abilities.

Domineering belongs to the potential power in "One Piece", which is divided into three types, armed color, overlord color and seeing and hearing color.

These three kinds of domineering can be understood as special abilities, special abilities like devil fruits.

Armed color can increase attack power, overlord color can increase aura, seeing and hearing color can predict the future.

Monkey D. Dragon must have one of them, maybe even two or three.

Moreover, he has eaten Devil Fruit, able to call the wind and rain, soar the clouds, and control the climate.

The comics didn't clearly state what kind of fruit he was eating, but with such an ability, no one would think that Monkey D. Dragon was weak.

The most accurate estimate is that the strength of Monkey D. Dragon is probably at the general level!

What concept of general level.

Except for the Four Emperors and Quasi Four Emperors, the general is the strongest, far surpassing the emperor's deputy and Qi Wuhai.

Jiang Siming hasn't even touched Qi Wuhai now, but he is going to challenge the general.

Can you win?

Jiang Siming himself has no confidence, and his main strength has been sealed too much. Unless his strength reaches the foundation-building level, he can be confident to defeat the general.

And it also depends on which general it is, the level of strength between generals is also uneven.

If it were the most powerful general like Aka Inu, the base building might not be able to beat.

No way, the animation of One Piece, regardless of its strength, seems to be incomparable with the strength of other comics like Dragon Ball.

But in fact, the further behind it, the more terrifying the opponent's strength.

Jiang Siming also came here to realize that not every dungeon can be crushed by him, and the dungeons that appear in the future may become more and more fierce.

As long as he wants to take the fragments, he must go in and complete the task.

So in the future to go to the copy, you must be vigilant and not arrogant.

Jiang Siming took this task, although it was dangerous, but he had to try it.

Even if you can't beat it, you can just return the copy in seconds.

This is his nirvana, but it can’t be beaten, so I won’t play when I turn it off~

While he was stunned, Jiang Siming did not expect to receive another task in his mind, Samsung's!

[3-star mission]: Defeat Smogg and save Luffy from his hands!

[Task Reward]: Reward 1 random fine cyan fragment!

[Mission failure]: deduct 1 random fine cyan fragment!

Unexpectedly, two missions appeared this time.

Jiang Siming accepted all orders, and Father Luffy dared to fight, let alone a Colonel Smogg.

It didn't take long for the Golden Meri to arrive at the pier in Rogue Town as usual.

Luffy and they couldn't wait to set foot on this town closest to the great route.

Jiang Siming led Ram to the end.

The seven walked into Rogge Town.

There is a world of difference between the villages similar to Kokosia.

The three words prosperous, lively, and huge can not describe the town of Rogge too much.

"Rogge Town is the most prosperous place in the four seas, because almost all the pirates who are going to the great sea route will choose to stop in Rogge Town first. There are all the supplies that the pirates need."

Nami introduced that although she had never been, she had learned the world map too well, and she knew everything well.

"Haha, I'm going to see where the previous One Pirate King was executed!"

Luffy said excitedly and ran away.

"Hey! We haven't agreed on a meeting place yet!"

Luffy didn't hear Sauron's words at all, and he ran away early.

Everyone had a black head, how could they have such an unreliable captain.

"Everyone, let's split up first, I'll go shopping for ingredients, and see if I can meet a few beautiful women, haha." Sanji also left.

"I want to go to the weapon shop to see if there is a suitable knife."

Both of Sauron's knives were cut off when they challenged Hawkeye, and they could only be replaced by garbage.

"Sauron, go see the knife, are you rich?" Usopp asked.

Sauron suddenly stopped, an embarrassment appeared on his face, indeed, he had no money...

"I can lend it to you, but when you pay it back, you have to pay back three times the profit!" Nami showed a look of love.

Sauron's mouth twitched, a hundred unwilling.

Behind him, a purse was thrown over, and Sauron subconsciously caught it, only to find a bag of gold coins inside.

"Count I borrowed from you, no interest." Jiang Siming walked over from behind and said with a smile.

He wanted to say that he didn't need to pay it back, but Sauron would definitely not want it.

"Thanks, Brother Jiang, I will pay you back as soon as I have money." Sauron took Jiang Siming's purse and walked to the weapon shop.

"Big Brother Jiang, why are you stealing business with me~" Nami pouted and said coquettishly.

Jiang Siming smiled and squeezed Nami's face, and said: "Business can't be done with partners, let's go, go shopping with you, is it compensation for you?"

"Really ~ great!" Nami Yixi, immediately took Jiang Siming's arm and took Jiang Siming to go shopping.

Helpless, Usopp had no choice but to act alone to buy something.

The town of Rogge is full of shops and pedestrians.


Nami held Jiang Siming's arm affectionately, and went out shopping like a couple.

The girls in the past saw Jiang Siming's eyes full of energy, cast all kinds of envy and hatred at Nami.

Why is this woman so annoying to be with such a handsome man!

No matter how jealous they were, Nami didn't let go, but held her arms tighter, just like this feeling.

Jiang Siming had to let her hold it, and he had to hold Ram with the other hand.

Rogue Town Admiralty.

The news that the Straw Hat Pirates had entered Rogue Town had reached here.

With a cigar in his mouth, Smogg led the navy to arrest people!

Jiang Si knows that there are navy hunting them everywhere in Rogge Town, but he still chooses to go shopping with Nami.

When the three of them were visiting a clothing store, Jiang Siming saw two very strange people looking around.

"Captain Bucky, I still haven't seen Luffy."

"Damn it, keep looking, he must be here!"

[Author's digression]: First more~

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