I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1578: Bucky the Clown

Both of them wore capes, as if they were afraid of being recognized.

Under one of the cloaks was a very funny and ugly face with a red nose and big mouth.

The other is a very beautiful lady, with delicate features, her skin is like a ball of suet, white and smooth, as if reflecting light.

Jiang Siming recognized these two people with a glance.

Bucky the Clown and Al Rita.

Luffy's enemies are still two people who have eaten devil fruits.

Bucky the Clown is a split fruit, the body can be split into many pieces.

Alrita eats slippery fruits. Before that, she didn't grow like this, but an ugly fat aunt.

The beautiful and moving woman in front of me is the result of her eating slippery fruits.

The effect can not be said to be plastic surgery, it is almost the same as changing the individual.

So she is also the envy of all girls watching "One Piece", any girl wants a fruit like this.

Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing when he saw these two people, even though they were Luffy's enemies.

But in fact, the two are not too bad, Bucky later became one of the seven Wuhai.

The two looked around, Bucky saw Jiang Siming, nothing unusual.

After all, he had never seen Jiang Siming, just a little jealous of Jiang Siming's appearance.

"Boy, the uncle asks you, have you ever seen this person!"

Bucky opened Luffy's reward order and asked Jiang Siming.

Nami was changing clothes in the clothing store, so he didn't see it at all.

Alita next to her turned her head when she heard the words, and her eyes were full of caution for an instant.

"Hi! This handsome guy, can you buy me a drink, or I can buy you~"

Alrita said with a scratching head.

Bucky said with a black face on the side: "Can you do business first?"

"Yes." Alrita constricted a little, but still asked charmingly: "Handsome man, have you seen this man in a straw hat?"

"I have seen it." Jiang Siming answered honestly.

The two were overjoyed and immediately asked where Luffy was.

Jiang Siming just wanted to find a reason to send them away.

But I didn't expect Nami to come out of the clothing store just then.

"Brother Jiang, do you think I am beautiful in this suit?"

"So you have a girlfriend? But do you think your girlfriend can compare to my beauty~ Break up with her, I am yours~"

Yaerita also patronizes the fight for Jiang Siming's spouse rights.

Bucky has recognized Nami.

It was this woman who **** her split limbs in Orange Town and sent it to an unknown island with a cannon.

As a result Bucky had a very hard time for a long time.

"Nami, it's so narrow!" Bucky gritted his teeth.

Nami also noticed Bucky, and Hua Rong was so frightened that she quickly dodged behind Jiang Siming.

"Take your life!"

An angry Bucky shot immediately, both hands fell off his arms, each holding a dagger, and stab Nami!

However, this separated arm was held firmly in the air by Jiang Siming's hand.

"Boy, are you going to be nosy? Then go to the funeral with her!"

Bucky finished speaking, his whole body split, his legs swept like a whirlwind!

"It's really a miraculous fruit."

Jiang Siming smiled, the devil fruit is indeed amazing.

Unfortunately, this ability is too weak in his eyes.

Jiang Siming gathered his strength a little and threw Bucky's hand back.

Bucky's hands flew back much faster than just before, like two heavy cannons, violently colliding with Bucky's legs.

And by coincidence, Bucky's dagger was stuck in his thigh.

Bucky shouted in pain.

"Damn it, it's so damn! I'm angry!"

Bucky yelled angrily.

Then I wanted to continue to do it, but in the blink of an eye, Jiang Siming's neck was pinched in his hand.

"What can you do if you are angry?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile, the strength in his hand getting stronger.

Bucky blushed quickly, and then he realized that the man in front of him was no opponent at all.

Looking at Jiang Siming again, he suddenly remembered in his mind.

On Luffy's reward order, there is also a reward order of 50 million Baileys.

This man is exactly the same as the man on the reward order!

"Alrita! Are you still watching the show next to you, cough cough..." Bucky had to ask his teammates for help.

Yal Rita also realized that Jiang Siming was not a waiter, but an enemy.

No matter how handsome he looks at this time.

Resolutely raised her weapon big iron rod and smashed it towards Jiang Siming!

But the iron rod was suspended above Jiang Siming's head, but it couldn't fall down.

"How could this be?"

Both were shocked, unable to understand.

"Finally, there is no need to hide." Jiang Siming smiled.

With True Qi, you can use the Object Control Technique, and you don't have to avoid some simple killer moves.

"I gave up. I don't know Taishan. Let me go."

Bucky's face was already purple, and if this continues, he will have to be strangled alive.

Bucky had to surrender.

Jiang Siming didn't mean to kill him, so he simply stopped.

But he was not so kind, just let him go.

"Nami, tie up his split body again." Jiang Siming said.

Nami immediately understood the meaning, and immediately found a rope to tie Bucky's split belly and legs together and put them in front of Jiang Siming.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Bucky asked in horror, as if he had already guessed the ending.

"Of course I learned Nami's tricks. Do you know what playing football is?"

Jiang Siming smiled, and then raised his foot, which was infuriating.

Bucky's body took off on the spot like a missile, flying into the sky in the blink of an eye, disappearing.

This can fly much farther than the shells Nami used.

"Ah! My belly, my legs!"

Bucky shouted in despair, but to no avail.

Jiang Siming put him down at this time.

Bucky dared to be angry and didn't dare to say anything, so he ran away desperately and set foot on the path to find his body again.

The remaining Alrita pulled out a ‘charming’ smile, trying to seduce Jiang Siming with beauty and let him let him go.

"Handsome guy, if you let me go, I can...be your girlfriend~"

Jiang Siming had a chill, thinking of the way Alrita was before, he couldn't bear such a beautiful woman.

But I don't really want to hit women.

"Ram, leave it to you."

Ram understood, and when he raised his hand, a wind wave blew Alrita directly and flew to an unknown distance.

"I won't let you go!" Yal Rita left a last sentence.

After finishing Bucky's group, Jiang Siming took Ram and Nami to continue shopping.

Nami finds Jiang Siming by her side, so she feels too safe~

When the three of them walked halfway, the sky suddenly changed color.

The originally sunny weather was full of dark clouds, and the clouds were also mixed with lightning.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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