I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1582: Automatically exit the copy

Jiang Siming tried a few times, and suddenly wanted to try to increase this magic sword Qianbian to see the effect.

Anyway, he won't be able to use the Fright Salamander Sword for the time being.

(Scary Salamander Sword: Man's mouth, deceitful ghost! Say it will give me an increase next time!!!)

Just do it.

"Use the Amplification Charm, the increase starts, please choose the time of the increase yourself."

Then I threw a [lucky pill] in my mouth, harp, candy, lime.

"Take [Lucky Pill], the lucky value doubles, and the expiration time is 59 minutes and 59 seconds."

Light a Yulong cigarette again, which is regarded as the standard ritual for Jiang Siming every time he does this kind of work.

There is no way, if it is not the life of the chieftain, if there is no ceremony, Jiang Siming has reason to believe that the increase of ten times is estimated to fail more than five times.

After smoking the cigarette and eating the pills, the increase starts.

"It's the first time to increase, success! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +1!"

"The second increase, success! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +2!"

"The third increase, success! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +3!"

"The fourth increase, success! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +4!"

"Fifth increase, failure! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +4!"

It was not until the fifth time that it failed once.

Jiang Siming didn't care and continued to increase!

"The sixth increase, failure! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +4!"


"The tenth increase, success! Magic Sword Thousand Blades +8!"

The increase is over!

It's a pity that this time my luck was a little bit worse. I failed twice and only increased by 8 floors.

But it's not bad, as a non-chief must have the consciousness of non-chief.

Let's take a look at this new weapon that has been augmented.

[Magic Knife Thousand Blades +8]: God forging a national treasure! Composed of thousands of blade fragments, it can only attack but not defend. It is unparalleled in the world. It is one of the most aggressive weapons!

All weapon attributes are increased by 8 times, blade fragments are increased by 8 times, and three additional attributes are added.

[Spirit Absorbing Attribute]: Every time the blade hurts an enemy, it can absorb some of the enemy's strength and turn it into its own use.

But the current absorption state is too weak, and it will stop sucking and enter sleep if it reaches a certain level.

[Furious attribute]: Use the sword to enter the violent state, and within a short time, the master of the sword will increase by one level! But the side effects will be weak for a certain period of time.

[Spirit attribute]: Qianblade's spirit is greatly improved, can understand the master's mind, and follow the master's order.

This increase is worth it!

Jiang Siming was very satisfied after seeing the increased magic knife Qianbian.

Especially the spirit absorption attribute, a bit too abnormal.

Fortunately, there are limits to the spirit absorption now.

Otherwise, if you hurt the enemy, you can always absorb his strength and transform it into your own strength. Doesn't it become a perpetual motion machine if you continue to fight?

If this is the case, Jiang Siming also said it was worth it.

After playing for a while, enough, Jiang Siming temporarily put it in the Qiankun Ring.

Ram and Nami must be waiting anxiously, they have to go back quickly, and it is important to heal their injuries.

On the Golden Meri by the sea, Nami and Ram had already waited anxiously, wishing to rush back to Rogue Town to find someone.

Fortunately, Luffy stopped them, because at this time the Roggetown pier was surrounded by the navy. They were too dangerous in the past and they were likely to be arrested.

Therefore, their ships do not stop at the pier, they have to stay away from the pier, or they will be screened by the navy.

Just when everyone couldn't wait to forcefully rush into Rogge Town, Jiang Siming finally appeared at the ferry terminal!

"It's Brother Jiang! He's back!" Nami was pleasantly surprised.

Sauron looked over and said solemnly: "Big Brother Jiang seems to be injured."

"What? Brother Jiang would be injured even if he is so powerful? Who did it, my mother must abrupt him!"

"Anyway, first pick up Brother Jiang on the ship. There are still many navies at this pier."

Sanji said, they were planning to kill the navy first.

However, he found that Jiang Siming suddenly raised a knife that he didn't know where it appeared from, and swept it easily!

All the guns in the hands of the navy were neatly and sliced ​​into two pieces just like wheat, and they were all scrap!

The navy fled in fright and dared not stop.

Sauron was stunned. It was the first time he saw Jiang Siming using a knife.

Jiang Siming told him that he was a swordsman before, but he still didn't believe it, but now he found out that it was true.

And as a swordsman, he can feel it with just this sword, Jiang Siming's swordsmanship is far superior to him!

"Very well, I finally have a goal to catch up, Brother Jiang, sooner or later I will catch up with you!" Sauron clenched his fist and swore secretly.

Lu Fei didn't think so much, a rubber fist rushed towards Jiang Siming.

"Brother Jiang, come up!"

Jiang Siming looked at the extra-long rubber hand extended by Lu Fei and shook it subconsciously.

But as soon as he gripped it, Jiang Siming regretted it. Generally, being pulled like this by Luffy didn't end well!

But at this time it was too late to pull hands.

He followed Luffy and flew back, aiming directly at the mast of the Golden Meri.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, this wave of slamming gold stars is unavoidable.

"Luffy, you bastard! You can't be gentle when Big Brother Jiang is injured!"

Nami scolded Luffy, and then when Jiang Siming was about to hit the mast, she stepped forward and used her body to block Jiang Siming from the second injury.


Jiang Siming had already closed his eyes and waited to be bumped into a big bag, but he did not expect to bump into a very soft place, and it was very fragrant.

When I opened my eyes, I didn't expect that I was in Nami's arms.

Nami endured the pain of being hit by high speed, her blushing turned into a morning glow, the pain and shyness appeared on her face at the same time, and she even let out a low-pitched sy.

This is painful, painful, painful, say it three times.

Sanji on the side saw Jiang Siming's treatment, and looked up to the sky with envy.

Why can't he enjoy the treatment of Miss Nami~

"Thank you."

Jiang Siming thanked Nami, but still couldn't hold back, blood spilled from his mouth again.

He fought too hard with Father Luffy, consumed his true qi, and barely dealt with Smogg. This time, his physical strength and true qi were severely overdrawn and he was injured.

Jiang Siming couldn't make it through, turned his head and fainted.

"Big Brother Jiang!" Nami cried anxiously on the spot, and the others were also very anxious.

After fainting, Jiang Siming automatically woke up from reality.

Jiang Siming was shocked, why would he automatically withdraw from the copy?

And Jiang Siming felt that he had suffered such a serious injury in the copy, but the reality was nothing.

How could this be?

Jiang Siming had never encountered such a thing before, mainly he had never been injured in the copy and passed out.

Carefully review the copy description and all the copy fragments that have been obtained.

Jiang Siming came to understand.

It turns out that if he is injured or killed in the dungeon, it will not affect reality.

But if he faints from a serious injury, he will temporarily leave the instance.

And if you die in the dungeon, you will disappear forever in that dungeon, and you can't get in again.

And everything received and invested in it will disappear.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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