I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1583: Foundation building in four months?

Since he withdrew from the copy, Jiang Siming didn't plan to go in.

He wants to get in now but can't get in...

Estimated to have to wait two days.

Xinyi was still asleep in her arms, and Xiao Nizi slept soundly.

It’s just that Jiang Siming is a bit weird, why Xinyi has eaten Zhuji Dan, and why has her realm not changed at all?

Even if such a precious medicine didn't raise the realm all at once, at least it would have to rise a lot.

But Xinyi has not changed at all.

Jiang Siming checked her body, but found nothing unusual.

After scratching his head, Jiang Siming didn't think about it for the time being. Maybe it will take a while before the medicine is effective.

It's a pity that he only has one Zhuji Dan, otherwise he can take one to try the effect of the medicine.

He had only been to the alchemy room once before going to bed, and he hadn't done it well at all, and he didn't know how long the pill would take.

Jiang Siming couldn't fall asleep either, and when he thought about it, he didn't expect Xinyi to be woken up by him.

"Senior Brother~ Why did you wake up so early?"

Xin Yimei's eyes opened slightly, her hand rubbed her eyes cutely, and she yawned and asked.

Jiang Siming caressed her face affectionately, and smiled: "Is it bothering you?"

Xinyi shook her head, her hair slipped from her temples, even if she just woke up, it was enough to fascinate sentient beings.

"Senior Brother, you are hungry, let me get up and make you early."

Xinyi said she wanted to get up.

Jiang Siming hugged her and said, "I'm not hungry. Just get up and exercise. You can continue to sleep."

"Well, good~"

Xinyi continued to lie down obediently.

Jiang Siming kissed her and was about to go out.

"Senior Brother, I just had a dream."

Jiang Siming turned his head and asked curiously: "What did you dream of?"

Xinyi suddenly became shy, and said embarrassingly: "I dreamt that I was pregnant with your child~"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "What else?"

"I also dreamed that our children would know how to read and count on their stomachs, and they would call them Mom and Dad~Puff~Glitter~"

Xinyi couldn't help laughing as she said that, this dream was too ridiculous.

How can a baby be called a mom and dad before he is born, this is too fake~

Jiang Siming did not smile, and comforted her: "My child, it should be smarter, after all, Father TA is so smart~"

Xinyi smiled happily.

Jiang Siming didn't take it seriously, after all, it was just a dream.

Putting Xinyi to sleep, he went out to wash.

After washing, I went out to the alchemy room to take a look, and it really didn't work well.

Looking at the time, it was seven o'clock, and Xiaoxiao was about to go to school.

Jiang Siming came into the house to make breakfast for his wife and children.

Xiaoxiao Junior High School is also a private aristocratic school, so the school time is 8:30.

Unlike Jiang Siming's junior high school, he had to arrive at school at six in the morning, and he had to get up at five, and go to the morning self-study first, and half an hour to buy breakfast after the morning self-study.

After breakfast, I started the morning class. I was very busy and tired, and often lacked sleep.

Mainly after school, there are a lot of homework. When I go back, I write that I cannot sleep until 11 or 12 o'clock.

Then I slept for five hours and got up again.

Nima now thinks about it and feels that the middle and high school lives are too hard.

In contrast, Xiaoxiao’s school is also very good, starting at 8:30 and ending at 5 pm, with little homework, and a lot of art, sports, piano and computer classes.

Envy he has nothing to say.

Soon after making breakfast, Xiaoxiao went downstairs.

She was still wearing her pajamas and yawning. She still didn't sleep enough for so long.

Still not taking the stairs, flying down from the second floor with closed eyes...

Xiaoxiao was wearing a dress pajamas yesterday, so when she flew down, her skirts floated up.

And because it’s summer, Xiaoxiao only wears...

The key is Jiang Siming just came out early, and he saw everything just when he raised his head.

And Xiaoxiao also found it when she fell, and the two of them looked at each other with big eyes to small eyes for a second.

"Hey, dad, what did you see?"

Not only is this girl not shy, but she even dared to tune up Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's old face was embarrassed, and he rolled his eyes and said, "Fly downstairs with your eyes closed. You are not afraid of falling a big dog. When the time comes, your front teeth will knock off to see how you might go to school to meet people."

"Hee hee, it's a big deal not to go to school, anyway, the school is too simple, I can learn by myself."

Jiang Siming had nothing to do with her, so he had to say: "Go to wash your face and brush your teeth for dinner, I will almost go to school."

"Dad, don't you pay attention to me at all? It's June 1st today. School is off, okay."

Xiaoxiao pouted and said.

Jiang Siming was taken aback before he woke up, yes, this year's Children's Day on June 1st.

Xiaoxiao school is closed.

In order to save face, Jiang Siming had to force an explanation even if he knew he had forgotten.

"I know today on Saturday, but I think you are no longer a child, so I didn't expect you to have a holiday."

Xiaoxiao was even more displeased after hearing this, and crossed Xiaoman's waist and said, "The aunts and grandpas born outside the 90s still say that they are going to be past June 1st. Why can't I be past June 1st after 00."

Jiang Siming's face turned black when he heard it. Isn't he the old man?

Forget it, Jiang Siming doesn't want to argue with her.

I'm afraid that this girl will say something like last year's June 1st: "Those grandpas and aunts who have marked June 1st, June 1st Children's Day is celebrated, and children's inappropriate things should be done."

Such ridiculous ‘famous quotes’.

At the dinner table, Zhao Xiaoxiao talked about beef noodles, and said to Jiang Siming: "Dad, when we finish breakfast, let's go to the yard for a fight?"

"What's good to fight, but can't beat me."

Jiang Siming is also immersed in noodles. A bowl of beef noodles in the morning is really comfortable.

And the beef noodles he made by himself, the taste is too good.

The stewed soup has a light and elegant color; the braised broth has a rich scent; the scallion and garlic are bursting, and the fragrance is ten miles, who knows who tastes it~

"Let's try it out. I haven't discussed with my dad for a long time. I seem to have improved rapidly recently~ I feel almost reaching a bottleneck."

Zhao Xiaoxiao's words made Jiang Siming raised his head in disbelief, reached out and pressed her on her hand, and immediately the noodles couldn't go on.

I rely on!

Jiang Siming was shocked.

Because of Zhao Xiaoxiao's cultivation base, it is really about to build a foundation!

Oh my god, how long is this?

Jiang Siming remembered that Xiaoxiao only practiced not long after the Spring Festival, and it was only four months until now.

He calculated Xiaoxiao's cultivation speed at that time, and it would take at least half a year to build the foundation.

Xiaoxiao shortened it by two months.

Really deserves to be a masterpiece.

Jiang Siming didn't know what to say.

After eating the noodles, Jiang Siming satisfied Zhao Xiaoxiao's little wish to learn from each other.

However, since the cultivators like them do not dare to fight at home, no matter how big the yard is, it is not enough.

Jiang Siming took her through the wormhole and ran to an uninhabited dense forest in Yunnan, and asked her to let it go.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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