I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1585: Lao Jiang is annoying as a bus driver!

Jiang Siming was overjoyed and almost forgot this almighty little cutie.

"Quickly, help me find the address above and navigate to it for me, otherwise your master will lose 300 million today."

He lost one hundred million, and another two hundred million would be given to him if he wins Mr. Ma and Mr. Wang.

If you didn't make any money, of course it was a loss.

——Comrade Jiang Siming's financial understanding.

"Good master~"

Xiaoxian began to report secretly in Jiang Siming's ear, and then turned left and right. Jiang Siming reached the neighborhood with the fastest speed and the shortest distance.

In order to save time, although there are elevators, there are too many people, and Jiang Siming is too lazy to wait and runs up the stairs.

The cameraman wants to cry...

Accurately arriving at the user's door, Jiang Siming knocked on the door, and soon a girl carefully opened the small window of the door to see if it was a bad person.

"Hello, your takeaway."

"Oh, just leave it at the door."

The girl is very alert, for fear of encountering bad guys.

Going out actually requires such vigilance, especially if a girl is working outside alone, she needs to beware.

Jiang Siming agreed with the girl's behavior, and did not feel that they were impolite. He put the takeaway at the door, turned and left.

But not long after he left, the order suddenly received an evaluation.

"One star bad review!"

Jiang Siming was stunned, why should he give himself a star rating? ? ?

And even if there is a problem with the fruit, the woman gave the rider's bad review and the store's bad review together.

I'm gonna!

The beautiful Chinese words blurted out.

Jiang Siming remembered that he didn't do anything. She let him go outside and he was very cooperative. Everything was in accordance with her requirements. Why should he give him a bad review?

Looking at the reason for the negative review, Jiang Siming was completely speechless.

"Reason for bad review: I'm in a bad mood, I'm broken in love, just give it as I want."

Jiang Siming: "..."

He finally knew why this woman was so cautious and vigilant. The relationship was not because she was afraid of bad people harming her, but because she was afraid that the delivery staff would not please her and beat her up.

To be reasonable, if you have a bad temper, you might rush back to hammer her.

The uncle camera also saw the reason for this bad review, and immediately felt sympathy for Jiang Siming.

"Mr. Jiang, what should I do? Should I go back and discuss with her?"

Jiang Siming said nothing, and said, "No, write down this customer's identity information, and Yundian will never take orders from him in the future. The reason is the same as her, and I am not in a good mood."

After speaking, Jiang Siming smiled brightly.

Uncle cameraman gave a thumbs up, gave a tooth for a tooth, and relieved his breath!

At this time, President Ma just delivered an order and called Jiang Siming to show off.

Jiang Siming told Mr. Ma about the matter.

Mr. Ma was also very angry for Jiang Siming after listening.

"Mr. Jiang, you did the right thing. If our Yundian takeaway encounters such unreasonable customers in the future, as long as they are found to be true, they will be blocked forever. My Taobao and Mr. Wang's Shunfeng will never accept this. Human list."

If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.

Even sitting system!

"Then all my products are just as good."

Jiang Siming said calmly.

Today’s big boss’s gift-giving activity is not just to promote Yundian food delivery.

It also allows these three bosses to personally experience the working environment of the delivery staff, so that some unreasonable places and some systems can be amended in time.

At the beginning of this work, all three of them could feel that the job of a takeaway is really difficult to do.

The takeaway is not a gas bag, if it is a reasonable and reasonable bad review, it should be.

But like that kind of malicious, sorry, block!

His employees are not a punching bag. Of course, if the mistake is made by the Yundian takeaway, Jiang Siming will never take it lightly.

"Oh, my order is here again, let's not talk about it yet."

President Ma hung up, and Jiang Siming received the second order soon.

The second takeaway order was a big one, and it took more than 20 meals to a bus terminal.

The location is a bit far away, but Jiang Siming still picked it up.

First, I drove the eDonkey to the designated restaurant. After the other party had packed more than 20 rice bowls, Jiang Siming put them in the insulation box, and drove the eDonkey to the bus terminal.

More than half an hour had passed by the time I got there.

No way, the battery car can't go on the road, there are many restrictions, and can only reach the destination under the condition of observing the traffic rules.

The young lady at the bus stop did not blame Jiang Siming, but thanked him politely.

Look, there are actually many good people in society.

Jiang Siming helped her put the takeaway away. The young lady saw Jiang Siming's appearance at once, and she almost jumped out of her chair in surprise.

"you are!"

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile: "It's me and me, let's calm down, OK?"

The girl smiled embarrassedly, and suddenly realized that her takeaway was a big star, a big rich man, which was too surprising.

"Then can I ask for an autograph?" the girl asked pleadingly.

"Yes, a group photo will do!" Jiang Siming agreed very happily.

The girl sold the photo and autograph ten years later and earned a luxury car worth more than 500,000 yuan.

If the first customer just knew this, he would have regretted it.

After putting things away, signing the girl and taking a photo together, Jiang Siming planned to leave.

Just about to leave, the pager on the girl's platform rang.

"Xiaohui Xiaohui! In an emergency, quickly send a master driver to Platform 235 on Putuo Jiangxi Road, where a master driver fell ill and fainted, and someone urgently needs to drive for him."

The girl said, "Captain, the drivers on the platform have all gone out today. Today, on June 1st, a lot of buses have been added. I don't have any hands."

"What can I do then."

Jiang Siming looked at the general bus route in the pavilion of the girl's platform, Putuo Jiangxi Road, not far from him, and he was able to drop by.

"I'll go."

The girl was stunned for a second, and asked in disbelief, "Do you have... a driver's license? This requires an A3 driver's license..."

Jiang Siming did not speak and handed his driver's license to the other party.

The girl checked and confirmed that there was no problem.

The captain couldn't find anyone at this time, so he had to ask Jiang Siming to help.

"Then I'll pass." Jiang Siming finished speaking and took the spare bus key.

I drove on the eDonkey and ran to Putuo Jiangxi Road. There was indeed a bus here, and many passengers were in a hurry.

The driver has been sent to the hospital, but what should they do? It seems that they can only wait for the traffic police to send them away, or take a taxi by themselves.

Many people rush to work to school, all a little anxious.

Jiang Siming drove the eDonkey over, came to the bus, took the eDonkey directly onto the bus, and then strode onto the bus.

Sit in the driver's seat.

Although it is the first time to drive, Jiang Siming's driver's license is attached to any vehicle skilled in operation technology.

So the action is quite skilled, starting, opening the door, and turning on the air conditioner by the way.

This summer, the bus is not air-conditioned.

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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