I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1586: Internet cafes play!

When the crowds of passengers were still confused, Jiang Siming said to them: "Get in the car, I will replace the driver and will take you to your destination."

As soon as the passengers heard it, they rushed into the car.

Jiang Siming was very smart this time. When he came, he wore a mask and then sunglasses, so no one recognized him for the time being.

Everyone thought it was a real driver who came to hand over the shift, and got in the car quickly.

When everyone got on the car, Jiang Siming closed the door and started the car and drove to the front platform.

It's the first time he drives a bus, let alone, it's quite fresh.

After the car started, the passengers in the car started to feel something wrong.

Because from the rearview mirror of the car, although the driver is wearing a mask, his eyebrows and eyes are too much like a person.

The man with the camera was standing next to the key driver.

This has to make everyone doubt.

"Camera, you have to block the passengers when they are coming, I can drive."

Jiang Siming had a hunch that he should be recognized, so he greeted the cameraman and asked him to cover himself.

The cameraman smiled bitterly. Not only did he have to take a camera, he also had to work part-time as a security guard...

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a few young female passengers to come to the driver's seat.

"It's Jiang Siming! It's him!"

The sharp-eyed female passenger recognized Jiang Siming's identity and immediately screamed.

With this call, the whole car began to commotion.

"It was Jiang Siming who drove!"

"Don't lie to me, really Jiang Shen?"

"Yes, yes, that's the man who sings well and is very rich!"

"Ahhhh, I'm going to find him for an autograph!"


The cameraman hurriedly stopped everyone.

But the cameraman alone cannot stop so many people.

Jiang Siming had to take off his mask and said to everyone seriously:

"Everyone, I'm driving, please sit back to your original position. This is a matter of safety for everyone. Don't you be kidding me?"

There is a momentum in Jiang Siming's tone that people cannot refuse.

Just one sentence let everyone sit back obediently.

But all of them craned their necks and held their phones to pat the driver.

When I met the richest man in Asia on a bus, he was the driver for everyone.

This is something that can be heard in Moments.

The richest man in Asia is driving me! Just ask if you accept it!

Jiang Siming didn't care about these, and driving the bus was really enjoyable.

In the past, he actually wanted to be a bus driver. After all, he had a stable job in a public institution.

It's a pity that the A3 driver's license is too difficult to take, and it's so easy to enter public institutions, so you can only think about it.

To the next stop, Shanghai Nursing College Station.

Jiang Siming stopped steadily and opened the door.

Another group of passengers boarded the car, all girls from the Nursing College.

As soon as Yingying Yanyan got into the car, she immediately noticed Jiang Siming who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Usually an old man drives, but today he suddenly changed his face, a super handsome guy.

All eyes are straightened, and the collective heart is pounding and pounding.

No way? Such a handsome little brother turned out to be a bus driver? What should I do, want to strike up a conversation~

Once again, my dear, these little nurse sisters are just as happy as the other passengers.

I even forgot to swipe my card to insert coins.

"Swipe your card to insert coins and go back."

Jiang Siming had to remind them.

Suddenly I found myself really not suitable for this line.

This is going to drive the bus every day and be surrounded by these little girls every day, so why are you working?

Unfortunately, once Jiang Siming wears sunglasses, no one loves him, so he concentrates on driving his car.

Jiang Siming drove the bus all the way to the agreed stop. In the process, the bus was as steady as the ground, and everyone could hardly feel the bumps and shaking of the bus.

Even old drivers have to give a thumbs up.

Many passengers did not even want to get off the train, and would rather sit through the station and follow Jiang Siming to the terminal.

Jiang Siming later took a photo with the passengers in the car very kindly, and then quickly disappeared back to the place where he received the order on his own little eDonkey.

There are already a lot of orders on his phone that he has not answered.

Because it was too long.

And Mr. Ma and Mr. Wang have already taken over seven or eight orders.

Jiang Siming also expressed helplessness. He sent a super far order, and it was normal for a small order.

There was an hour left until two o'clock at noon, and Jiang Siming couldn't help it even if he tried hard.

"Acknowledge your fate, admit your bad luck."

Jiang Siming insisted on the concept of losing, and continuing to send out the other orders.

One after another, the orders in the mobile phone are almost delivered.

Twenty minutes before two o'clock.

Jiang Siming intends to return after sending the last order.

The last order was ordered by a buddy in the Internet cafe, a fish-flavored pork rice bowl.

Jiang Siming came to the Internet cafe with the order and found the buddy who ordered the No. 25 machine.

This buddy is wearing headphones and is engrossed in playing chicken.

But the brother had been hiding in the house, holding his stomach and was very uncomfortable.

Seeing Jiang Siming seems to have seen a savior.

"Your takeaway." Jiang Siming handed him the takeaway.

This buddy didn't watch takeaways at all. He got up on the sofa and said to Jiang Siming: "Brother, please help me hit me. I have a stomachache and I need to go to the bathroom."

Because Jiang Siming put on all his masks and hats to prevent him from being recognized again, the other party looked at his stomach and didn't even look at Jiang Siming at all.

Jiang Siming laughed when he heard his request, so look for him to level up?

"I'm afraid I've got it." Jiang Siming said jokingly.

"It's okay! Anyway, I haven't eaten chicken for more than half a year. I don't know what the chicken tastes like. Just play with it! If you lose, I will give you five-star praise!"

After that, the brother was anxious to go to the pit, and ran away in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Siming feels a little sorry for this buddy. He hasn't eaten chicken in half a year. Is it so miserable?

Forget it, I didn't have time to send other orders after seeing the time.

Just give this brother a fight.

Jiang Siming sat down, began to take the brother's number, and began to operate.

1 kill!

2 kills!

3 kills!


Just like this, Jiang Siming used this buddy's number to slaughter wildly in the game.

Before long, the brother who went to the toilet came back. He saw the number of kills in the upper right corner of the screen, and he was killed.

He remembered that he didn't kill anyone before leaving.

In five minutes of work at the moment, are the 21 kills above true?

He even thought he had taken the wrong machine, but he could be sure that it was his own machine.

The above Master Kong's braised beef noodles and red Nanjing cigarettes are his own.

When this buddy was stunned, Jiang Siming had already stood up, and the words "good luck, good luck, eat chicken tonight" were displayed on the computer screen.

"It's done, remember to give five-star praise."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Leaving this buddy in the Internet cafe looked dazed, after a long time he finally figured out a truth.

"It turns out that playing the game well is useless. In the end, I still have to deliver food. Oh, forget it. After I'm on the Internet today, I'll go out and find a job, oooo..."

Since then, Internet cafes have lost a dream chasing boy, and there have been more brick movers on the construction site...

[Author's digression]: First more~

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