I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1588: Orphan prototype

Jiang Siming just watched this revelation of finding a child.

That being said, I lost it in 15 years, and it has been five years since I found the present.

This made Jiang Siming suddenly think of a movie he had seen before, "Lonely" by Liu Tianwang.

The farmer played by Liu Tianwang was also abducted by traffickers with his son.

He drove on his motorcycle and searched for his son all over the world, but he didn't find it for fifteen years.

Don't think this is a movie, it is actually adapted from real events.

Looking at the baby above the enlightenment, Jiang Siming felt very distressed.

Although he is not a father, at least he can know how sad the family who lost the child is.

So he has always hated human traffickers extremely.

Xiaoxiao was almost abducted by human traffickers before, and there were many children in Yu Fei’s orphanage. In fact, they were abducted by human traffickers for fear of being caught and discarded by the police.

Xiao Guoer was also taken back by Yu Fei and his father from the trafficker.

The face in front of him was dark, with a vicissitudes of life and dust.

The man in tatters, facing the traffic police panic, clutched his wallet tightly.

It's like Lei Zekuan in "Lonely".

Jiang Siming suddenly remembered something, just when the green light came on, Jiang Siming drove the car first, and found a parking place to stop the car.

Returning to the place just now, the man is still negotiating with the traffic police.

Jiang Siming listened for a while, and the traffic police understood the man’s difficulties. They were also very human. They did not punish the other party, and they also squeezed 200 yuan into his pocket.

Jiang Siming smiled knowingly when he saw this place. There is darkness in the world, but more of it is light.

The man who was graciously dealt with by the traffic police thanked him very much and hurriedly pushed his motorcycle to go back.


Hearing someone yelling, the middle-aged man looked back. He didn't believe that he was calling himself, and he glanced back in panic.

"Is this your child?"

Until he heard this question, the man confirmed that he was talking to himself.

"Yes, it's me who drops the baby."

The man has a Sichuan accent, which makes people listen very kindly.

"Come over and chat, right?" Jiang Siming invited.

The man hesitated, but chose to push the motorcycle to the side of the road and sit on a bench with Jiang Siming.

However, the man deliberately stayed far away from Jiang Siming. First, beware that Jiang Siming is a bad guy, and second, he was afraid that his dirty clothes would stain people.

"How many years have you been looking for children, uncle?" Jiang Siming asked kindly.

"More than five years."

"Is there no clue?"

The man sighed and shook his head, and said, "No."

"Where did you find it?"

The man took out a map from his clothes and spread it out. It was a map of China.

It is densely marked with red dots.

"I've been to these red spots, but I haven't been to the others."

Jiang Siming took a look and found that Jiangxi, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, etc., a total of more than 20 provinces, all ran through.

And this is not just a simple process. People go to a province and then look for them in cities one by one.

How many cities and counties are there in a province, and how long it takes to run these provinces together.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but admire this uncle's perseverance.

In order to find his own child, he is willing to spend so much effort, even if he knows the needle in the sea, the probability that he can find it is very small.

If Jiang Siming was an ordinary person today, he would probably be advised to stop looking for it.

The uncle seemed to feel that Jiang Siming was a good person, so he opened the conversation.

"In fact, there are many people like me. In the past five years, I have met many people who lost children like me."

Jiang Siming leaned back on the chair, somewhat silent.

"I can't talk to you anymore, I have to rush to the next stop to find a child, sorry."

The uncle got up and said goodbye to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming spoke, and asked the uncle: "Uncle, I can help you find the child."

The uncle was obviously taken aback, then he couldn't believe it.

"But I want time, so please give me one day and I will help you find your child's place."

"It's impossible, I couldn't find it for five years." The uncle shook his head, surely not convinced.

No one would believe this.

"Don't worry, our company has developed a very high-tech new thing, but it hasn't got it on the market, but it can really help you find your lost child."

Jiang Siming added: "Anyway, you haven't found it for five years. Are you afraid of this day?"

The uncle probably wanted to find the child too much. He wanted to grasp the hope and promised to trust Jiang Siming once.

"Then you come with me first and get in the car."

Jiang Siming took him to the place where he parked first.

When the uncle saw this car, he had never seen him in his life, and said that he would not get on it for fear of getting his car dirty.

"Well, I'll just drive a motorcycle and follow you."

Jiang Siming saw that he did still have a motorcycle, so he didn't feel embarrassed and got in the car and led the way.

Uncle followed on a motorcycle.

Jiang Siming took him all the way to his Fuding Hotel.

"Uncle, you are staying here for one night today, and tomorrow, I will give you the address of your child."

The man shook his head hurriedly and said, "You don't need to live here. I have no money. I'll just sleep on a chair in the park all night."

Jiang Siming smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, this hotel is owned by me. It does not charge you. It is free. If you stay here for one night, I can find you tomorrow, right?"

After hearing this, the man felt reasonable, and timidly followed Jiang Siming into this luxurious hotel that he couldn't even think of.

Jiang Siming arranged for the hotel manager to get a room for the uncle, and asked him to buy new clothes for him, ready to be delivered to him.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming repeatedly assured his uncle that he would bring good news to him tomorrow, and then he left Fuding and hurried home.

In fact, Jiang Siming already knew the location of his child when he chatted with his uncle.

In the iris gene search library, the location is clear.

The reason why he kept him was that Jiang Siming saw him as tired, and it seemed that he hadn't eaten a decent meal for many days.

That's why he deliberately said that he would wait for a day, so that he would have enough rest before looking for his children.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming leaned against the car window with his left hand, propped his face, and drove the steering wheel home with his right hand.

Along the way, Jiang Siming made a decision, waiting for this Kyoto meeting, what he said he would let traffickers enter the list of felons!

At the same time, the iris gene search database not only provides information about the uncle's lost child, but also information and location of the person who abducted his child.

Jiang Siming disappeared in Shanghai as soon as he drove home.

He can't sleep if he doesn't sigh fiercely today!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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