I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1589: Poor mountains and evil waters come out of trouble!

In a third-tier province, there is a remote village in the mountains. There is no police station here, only a village committee.

Even if you want to go to the county, you have to walk a long way.

This small village is almost isolated from the world, a wedding is being held, and a man from a family is marrying a wife.

This is a big happy event in the countryside. Almost everyone in the village rushed to have a wedding wine to join in the fun.

The protagonist of marrying a wife is the son of a rich family in this village.

The family heard that the whole family went to the city to do business and could make more than 200,000 yuan a year.

Tens to two hundred thousand, in this place, can be said to be astronomical.

Many villagers have never seen so much money in their lives.

This family also became the richest man in the village, and the family was very domineering, and the village chief was courteous to them.

All the villagers are more afraid of them.

Today, the family got married. For the sake of fun and face, the richest family rarely kindly invited everyone here, in fact, to show off.

The yard of the richest man’s house is set up with seven or eight tables, all with good wine and food.

The villagers could see it drooling, but the owner of the richest man’s house did not speak, so they dared not move their chopsticks.

Finally, a man in his thirties with acne-faced walked out in a groom's costume, with a happy face.

Next to him, there was a woman with dementia.

The woman dressed in bridal clothes, giggled as she was led by the groom like a marionette.

Some of the villagers below began to talk.

"Why do I look familiar with this bride?"

"It's a bit familiar. By the way, she looks like a college student who got lost in our village three years ago, right?"

"Yes, it seems to be her! Why do you look stupid?"

"I seem to have heard people say that this girl came to us three years ago and lived in Cheng Yong's house at the time, but she disappeared the next day."

"Didn't Cheng Yong say that this girl has gone back."

"Shhh! Stop talking! Be careful to be heard."


When the bride and groom arrived, Cheng Yong's parents also walked out with red faces, and after speaking some kind words, they began to make the bride and groom worship the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Cheng Yong's house suddenly rushed into a young man in his twenties, with an ordinary appearance and honest and honest appearance.

As soon as the man came in, he pointed at Cheng Yong and shouted: "Cheng Yong! You are not a **** human! You are a beast!"

The whole village was shocked.

Several villagers hurriedly persuaded the honest young man: "Zhengjie, don't talk nonsense, go back!"

"Uncle, I won't go back! Their family is so conscientious, why let me go back!"

A few villagers were in a hurry and hurriedly pulled him out.

But the young man was so strong that no one could drag him.

Cheng Yong's family of three had a gloomy expression.

Cheng Yong even asked with a sneer: "Let him tell me, I would like to hear, what can he say, Li Zhengjie, who is Diao Mao."

Li Zhengjie broke away from the villager's hand and pointed at Cheng Yong and cursed: "Cheng Yong, don't think I don't know. Xiao Yu came to our village three years ago and disappeared the next day. You said Xiao Yu had gone back, you said nonsense. Badao, it is clear that you imprisoned Xiaoyu in your cellar!"

When I said this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Joke, what evidence do you have!" Cheng Yong did not change his face.

Li Zhengjie blurted out: "I heard this in your backyard last night! You imprisoned Xiao Yu in your cellar for three years, and you **** tortured Xiao Yu for three years!"

All the villagers present changed their colors.

No wonder this little rain disappeared after staying one night that day, and suddenly appeared again three years later. People were still stupid.

It turned out to be imprisoned by Cheng Yong. Xiao Yu himself is an orphan, so no one has ever been looking for her.

Li Zhengjie not only said this thing, but also said a bigger thing!

"Your family said that they are starting a company outside, but they are actually going outside to do human trafficking!"

"You go out every year to abduct and sell your children, steal those children and sell them again. You make this kind of money, don't you be afraid of thunderstorms!"


Now Cheng Yong's family can't sit still anymore.

Cheng Yong's parents lifted the iron rod by the door and smashed it at Li Zhengjie.

"I let you talk nonsense! I must beat you to death today!"

Cheng Yong's parents showed hideous features, and Cheng Yong followed close behind. He was even more ruthless and took a kitchen knife from the kitchen.

The villagers present here wanted to persuade them to fight, but when they saw them taking the murder weapon, they didn't dare to move.

The family has been domineering for a long time, and the villagers are afraid.

Li Zhengjie was also aware of the crisis, and he hurriedly wanted to run away.

At this moment, the big iron gate of Cheng Yong's house was suddenly opened!

A tall figure walked in from the outside, wearing a mask and sunglasses, unable to see the appearance.

All three of Cheng Yong's family stopped.

With an acne-prone face, Cheng Yong held up a kitchen knife and pointed at Jiang Siming angrily and said, "Who the **** are you, dare to smash the door of my house? You are impatient!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his feet suddenly felt empty, and his whole person fell to the ground.

Everyone looked and saw Cheng Yong's leg, not knowing when it was cut off horizontally!

The legs are still standing in place, but the person has fallen to the ground.

For a while, blood rushed to the ground quickly.

Cheng Yong reacted and let out a scream!

Cheng Yong's parents looked at the son who fell on the ground in horror, and then at the tall man in front of them.

"You you you... why are you hitting my son!" Cheng Yong's mother said sternly, a fierce shrew.

Relying on being a female, thinking that the other party would not do anything to her.

But the next second, the shrew fell to the ground in the same way, and one arm fell off the shoulder without knowing when.

Cheng Yong's mother rolled on the ground with her son, screaming.

The screams were extremely harsh.

All the villagers present were frightened and dared not move.

The remaining Cheng Yong's father felt weak and knelt on the ground immediately.

"My friend, no matter what your purpose is here, please let us go. I am willing to give you two hundred thousand, no, no... I give you one million! Let us go."

The tall man didn't speak, but walked in front of him, stared at his face, looked for a while, then spoke lightly:

"Those kidnapped by your family, and this female student, have you let them go?"

Cheng Yong's father finally knew the purpose of the other party, and his liver and gallbladder burst in fright.

Weeping and kowtow begging for mercy.

"We don't dare anymore, we are wrong, we will surrender now, right, right, we surrender!"

Cheng Yong's father was in a hurry and knew that if he did not surrender today, this person would never let them go.

For facing this person, they are more willing to surrender to jail.

Anyway, they know that the law is not too harsh on traffickers like them.

They stayed in prison for more than ten years at most.

It is better than facing this terrifying man here, life and death are unpredictable.

The tall man laughed after hearing this and said, "Want to surrender?"

"Yes, yes, we surrendered, and will never report you, we just said that our legs and feet were accidentally broken."

The tall man stood up, spread his hand and smiled: "It seems I really don't need to make a move."

Cheng Yong's family was relieved and saved their lives.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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