I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1590: Disconnect

"All irrelevant people wait to get out first."

The tall man said to the villagers.

These villagers were relieved and ran out hurriedly, not dare to stay for a while.

But Li Zhengjie, the honest young man, remained there.

"Why aren't you leaving?" The tall man stared at him.

Li Zhengjie was trembling, but he still plucked up the courage to plead with Jiang Siming: "Brother, Xiao Yu is innocent, can I take her with him, she is a victim."

"She was originally a college student. She was mutilated by a beast like Cheng Yong for three years. Now she looks like this, oooooo..."

Having said that, Li Zhengjie actually started to cry.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness.

Li Zhengjie fell in love with Xiao Yu at first sight, and the two of them were actually doing well, and both were interesting to both.

However, Xiao Yu suddenly disappeared three years ago, leaving Li Zhengjie in a dream for three years.

It's a pity that I see Xiao Yu again, but he has long since been wrong, and Xiao Yu can't recognize him anymore.

All this made Li Zhengjie feel like a knife.

At that time, Xiao Yu got lost and arrived in their village, mainly because Cheng Yong's mother was too good at acting, and was the first to help Xiao Yu bring to their village.

So Xiao Yu trusted Cheng Yong's mother and went to her house for a day.

This happened as a result.

"Take her away, she will be taken care of by you in the future, don't let this girl be hurt again, understand?"

The tall man spoke.

Li Zhengjie nodded fiercely when he heard the words, and said: "I will use my life to protect her safety! Let her not be harmed any more!"

After finishing speaking, this simple and honest young man used to pull up the panicked drizzle, hiding in the corner, and left the yard.

Before leaving, she knelt down at the tall man.

When Li Zhengjie left, only Jiang Siming and Cheng Yong were left in the yard.

Cheng Yong's family was panicked, they felt that Jiang Siming was unwilling to let them go.

"Brother, ancestor, grandpa, we know we were wrong, please, call the police, we are willing to go to jail."

Cheng Yong's father banged his head and was extremely frightened.

The tall man looked at them condescendingly, as if looking at a few corpses.

"My cnm! Go to hell!"

Cheng Yong, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly rose up, raised the kitchen knife in his hand, and slashed at the tall man's back with all his strength.

Cheng Yong had a cruel and sinister expression on his face.

In his eyes, Jiang Siming was already dead.

However, the kitchen knife came to an abrupt end in midair before approaching Jiang Siming's back.

It's like someone locked his hand firmly with an invisible iron chain, unable to move at all.

Cheng Yong couldn't believe it in his eyes.

The tall man turned his head, before he could open his mouth to beg for mercy.

The arm holding the kitchen knife was severed again.

Cheng Yong screamed again and let out a miserable cry.

"It looks like a veteran, not less harmful."

The tall man said, clapping his hands, and said with a light smile: "That's right, for people like you, professionals will handle it."

After hearing the joy of Cheng Yong's family, they thought that the tall man was talking about the police.

If only the police would be fine, they now only beg the police to take them away, and don't see this man again in jail.

However, I don't know why in the yard, it suddenly darkened.

The gloomy cold air poured into the yard, causing the three of them to tremble.

The tall man did not act on them, but inexplicably said to the air:

"I'll leave it to you. Have fun. Play as you like. Play until you disappear automatically."

After speaking, the tall man walked out the door and disappeared without a trace.

Cheng Yong's family of three was overjoyed, thinking that the demon was finally gone and he was safe.

But not long after, in the yard, there was a scream that was more terrifying and terrifying than before...

The villagers here said that the screams of Cheng Yong's family lasted for a whole day.

During the period, the police came, but weirdly couldn't find the address of Cheng Yong's house.

The police had been walking around Cheng Yong's house, and couldn't see Cheng Yong's door.

The villagers said it was a ghost hit the wall.

No matter how Ren Chengyong's family called for help, everyone was helpless.

Later, the cry for help turned into a cry for death, and Cheng Yong's family cried out desperately for death.

But it is impossible to survive, not to die.

In the last day, the screams finally stopped, and the police finally found the door of Cheng Yong's house.

However, after I went in, people who had heard of that scene vomited for several days, and I would never forget the horrible scene in my life.

For Jiang Siming, who has done all this, he has already slept at home.

He has no guilt or psychological burden at all. On the contrary, after doing this, he is in a good mood.

No matter how cruel it is to treat human traffickers, it should be.

He now only hopes that when he goes to Kyoto for a meeting, he can maximize the severity of the punishment for human traffickers.

It is best to catch a human trafficker and be sentenced to a felon. The minimum period is 20 years, and the more serious is lifeless, and the more important thing is the death penalty.

For those who bought children, Jiang Siming also felt that they should be punished heavily.

It is these people who have the need to buy children that have spawned so many human traffickers to take risks.

In addition, Jiang Siming intends to wait for the technology to mature, so he can start a family-finding company to help the separated people find relatives for free.

It also helps the police catch human traffickers.

It's a pity that he can't wait there every day in the company holding the iris gene search database. He can only say that if there are suitable fragments in the future, he will definitely implement it.

A few days have passed since June 1, and the second World Championship final has not yet started.

A heavy news in the gaming circle came out again.

League of Legends professional player Jane proudly decided to retire on June 3rd.

Jane proud, UZI, player LPL006, disconnected.

Since then, there is no legend in the AD position. Since then, the LOL professional circle in China has lost a genius.

This news shocked the entire League of Legends circle, as well as the entire e-sports circle.

After all, Jane is proud of a player like this, an ancestor-level figure in the e-sports circle. Where he is, there is absolutely no shortage of people who black him and fans him.

Jane is proud to be a well-deserved star player in the gaming circle.

Even his retirement was published in the People's Daily. I wish him a wonderful life after his retirement.

This is really the first time in the e-sports circle that the People's Daily can report on the retirement of a professional player.

Even if Jiang Siming hasn't enjoyed it yet, emm... he hasn't retired mainly (cover his face)...

And this is the card face!

People who hacked him always look for various reasons, but now believe that those squirts have nothing to say.

When he was 15 years old, he fought in the world arena. Eight years have passed. A god-level AD has left the arena forever with regret and reluctance.

Before him, Jiang Siming's EDG club, No. 001 player Ming Kai, who was also the factory director, also retired.

Zeng Jin’s three imperial families are really gone.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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