I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1597: Encounter RNG

"I'm going, who is this, it's so cheap!"

Great God is quite autistic.

This group of people didn't kill one, and the circle was only the third wave.

They died just like that, so whoever left them autistic.

Jiang Siming also didn't expect that he and Kite would survive a catastrophe.

The arrangement of this wave of spike traps is really very routine, which completely understands the habits and ideas of professional players.

Others put it on the highway, but this is the other way around, putting it at the foot of the mountain.

Not to mention, this approach often works.

Look, A Weihe always gave it for nothing.

Seeing the great **** and eternal death so miserable, Kite suddenly felt very lucky.

Although she is three-fed, but at least not directly GG is not.

His teammates were ambushed, and Jiang Siming certainly wouldn't just run away like this.

The key is to kill their opponent, but also his own, RNG's.

Alas, Jiang Siming felt a little bit back today, and he was ambushed by his own people.

But it's normal. After all, in this World Championship, four Chinese teams squeezed together.

It's normal to run into each other.

On the contrary, there will be ghosts if you don't run into each game, and it's not the Korean team.

But since they all ran into each other, Jiang Siming had no reason to let him go.

Get off at a nearby shooting spot.

The kite guarded his back to prevent anyone from being attacked, while Jiang Siming stared at the place where Ah Wei and the others died just now.

It's a pity that RNG people are quite old, especially after fighting against Jiang Siming so many times, they have long learned lessons from the past.

They all shrank up, not giving Jiang Siming a chance to fight the gun.

But this method could not stop Jiang Siming's footsteps.

"Help me set the kite, and I will touch it." Jiang Siming wanted to make a quick decision.

Because this position is really not a good position, it is easy to be found by other teams.

"Okay!" The kite agreed, and Jiang Siming killed it.

If the people of RNG are not revealed, then they will not know the location of Jiang Siming for the time being.

For fear they will come out to explore.

Jiang Siming summoned a wave of bombing areas directly above his head, which not only scared them into the building and did not dare to come out, but also prevented people from other teams from taking the opportunity to sneak attacks.

At the same time, Jiang Siming opened [High Energy Moment] again.

Use this skill when you have the opportunity, don't think about saving.

In this way, everything is ready.

The bombing together, but no one dared to show up in the open space in the red circle.

The people at RNG also felt that Jiang Siming and Kite couldn't possibly come over in this bombing zone. If they came, at least wait for the bombing to end.

Therefore, the four of them were relieved and happily counted the points in the building. These two points were newly added.

Counting the battle scores with other teams in the second wave just now, their score has reached six points.

4AM is only twelve points so far, and now there are two fewer people, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

They think this score has a good chance to overtake 4AM and even eat chicken!

But killing them did not expect that Jiang Siming was not so courageous.

He touched the bombing area.

The handsome guy of RNG was the closest to the clay pot, but the bombing area covered up all the footsteps.

The two did not expect that a terrifying person was already close at hand.

At this time, the bombing had just ended, and the four of them were relieved. They just wanted to go out to see if the people who 4AM had gone. After they left, they could lick the bag of the great **** and eternal.

However, as soon as Shuai Shuai and Clay Pot came out of the house, they had the same big pineapple machine gun on their faces.

This gun was picked up by Jiang Siming from Faze and the others.

Kite didn't like to play, so he laughed at it.


The big pineapple pointed at the two foreheads, a terrifying flame emerged, and the barrels of the guns quickly turned red.

Shuaishuai and Taohu's complexion changed drastically, subconsciously, one wanted to fight back and the other wanted to avoid.

However, neither of them did it. Under the powerful blast of the big pineapple, they became fragile flesh and blood and fell into a pool of blood.

The helmets of the two of them shattered into scum, and their heads were full of holes.

"Damn! He touched it!"

"How dare this person? Dare to touch it in the bombing zone?"

The two of RNG were unable to complain, and regretted that they were too relaxed.

The remaining two RNG members did not speak, and immediately walked out of the building on the other side.

XDD happened to see Jiang Siming's back. With joy, he raised his gun and wanted to take this opportunity to take Jiang Siming down.

However, after Jiang Siming knocked down the two of them, he didn't even turn his head and plunged into the building where Shuai Shuai they had just hidden.

Tinker Bell's bullet was completely empty, only two shots.

Seeing Jiang Siming jumped into the building, of course Xiao Dingdong and his teammates were not reconciled.

Just stole their two teammates, can they just sit back and watch.

The key point is that Jiang Siming did not make up for the two of them, giving Shuaishuai and Clay Pot a strong desire to escape.

The two hurriedly climbed out, and they really climbed out of the room.

"I'm afraid in the future. If you get thundered at the door, it will be over." Dingdong has rich experience and is determined not to be fooled.

Jiang Si clearly wanted to fish, and waited for them to help people at the door before giving a thunder.

If another one is killed, then it will be much easier.

However, they didn't expect that the two men would not stay at the door at all. They climbed out and immediately turned left and continued to climb behind the house.

Ding Dong and his teammates jammed a door to prevent Jiang Siming from rushing out.

Seeing that Jiang Siming didn't move, Xiao Dingdong and his teammates were alone, running to help his teammates.

However, as soon as they squatted down, Jiang Siming's footsteps sounded inside, as if to come out.

The two had to immediately give up the idea of ​​helping others, raised their guns to the corner of the house, and only waited for Jiang Siming to come and they swept him into a sieve.

But after a while, the footsteps disappeared.

"Did he give up again?" Xiao Dingdong muttered suspiciously.

Since they didn't see Jiang Siming, the two continued to squat down and pull people down.

But after a while, footsteps sounded again.

Tinker Bell and his teammates can only give up helping their teammates again and continue to shoot.

In this way, so repeatedly.

Jiang Siming seemed to be teasing them deliberately. Every time they pulled someone, the footsteps in the house would sound.

It has been like this five or six times, RNG's popularity has jumped, but there is no way.

And Shuaishuai and Clay Kettle's blood volume also automatically fell to the dangerous line.

They had no choice but to bite the bullet and help their teammates.

They think Jiang Siming is scaring them.

Everyone has heard the story of the wolf coming as a child, and vice versa.

If you can't go out all the time, even those who are on guard have time to relax their vigilance.

It was at this point that Jiang Siming rushed out from behind the house.

At this time, the kite had also arrived.

He not only wanted to scare RNG to prevent them from pulling people, but also waited for the kite to arrive.

Only when the two are double-teamed can they be foolproof.

It was too late for RNG who knew the truth and routines. XDD had a bullet on the eyebrows, and the rest of the players were beaten to pieces.

All eyes went black and the screen lost its color.

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

Sorry (bow at 90 degrees), it's too late today, I hate myself like this (cover my face), so, in order to make up for everyone, I will add more tomorrow, no more I am a dog!

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