I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1598: Spirit Tool Mosinagan

"Pick up [King of Glory Mobile Game Mastery] White Fragment*1 (1/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Internet Speed ​​Boosting Device] Golden Shards*1 (1/6). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Internet Speed ​​Enhancement Device]: It can increase the Internet speed of a fixed server to the world's fastest speed, which is limited to a small area.

Jiang Siming saw the two fragments given by RNG and they were not bad.

Internet speed has increased, and you don’t need to worry about the Internet speed of your PM Internet cafe and home in the future, hehe.

And this king of glory is proficient in fragments. In the future, I will play the king when I am bored, and see which passerby player dares to play with his own Li Bai! Chopped his head!

Successfully avenged the Eternal Great God, but it was a bit miserable that this was only the third wave, and only Jiang Siming and Kite were left.

For the next game, it must be a very big challenge.

In particular, this safety zone will be brushed on the large empty beach on the east side of the Lion City. There are very few bunkers. When the time comes, many teams may be besieged.

Especially if they are allowed to discover their identity with the kite, they will definitely be treated more'specially'.


"Huh? What's wrong with Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Siming opened his mouth and said, "I will put you in a safer place, so you can rank in it."

"Ah, what about you?" Kite asked suspiciously.

"I kill a few more people, and how many points can be saved."

Jiang Siming knew that if he chose Gou, if he could go to the end, he would have a high chance of eating chicken.

The fewer people left, the greater the probability that he will eat chicken.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to do this, after all, he still had a mission.

Mosin Nagan's mission is still there, he has to kill, 10 kills mission he only completed 5 kills temporarily.

It's okay not to eat chicken, but the task must be done.

That's why Jiang Siming came up with such a countermeasure, letting the kite stay stuck and doing his best to complete the task.

Kite didn't ask too much, and agreed happily.

"But there doesn't seem to be anything good here..." Kite glanced at the map, where can this space beach be hidden.

Jiang Siming smiled, arguing, is there anyone who can compare to him?

He has a [pretending to be proficient] man, but he doesn't want to use this trick at all.

Really want Jiang Siming to get up, he can get out of it!

Lao Jiang is also very experienced if he doesn't need to teach others by himself now.

Drive her to a swing machine with exhaust gas.

"Kite, you just lie down here, remember, face out, hide your body inside, and then dye all your skin back, so that the surrounding grass will be the same as your skin color, unless the other party knows where you are hiding in advance. Don't want to know where you are."

Jiang Siming taught with the kite one by one, and the whole body was hidden under the swing.

According to Jiang Siming's meticulous completion, the kite really "disappeared"!

"Let me go, Lao Jiang, are you from King Gou?"

"Brother Jiang, I learned again, and I will follow Brother Jiang, and I will learn as long as I live."

Great God and always watched for a while, but fortunately, Lao Jiang never liked playing games.

If he really likes to play, it is estimated that many professional players will be scared to retire...

After hiding the kite, Jiang Siming got on his motorcycle and drove directly out of the fourth wave of safety zone.

There is a big mountain in the big empty beach outside the fourth wave of safety zone.

But it is a bit difficult for ordinary people to go up.

But for Jiang Siming, it's as simple as a monkey climbing a tree. He drove his motorcycle twice and jumped to the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Jiang Siming began to stand at the highest point of view of the space beach.

It is also the safest point where the most dangerous and most likely to be caught fire and immediately poisoned.

Jiang Siming first checks whether there are people around the kite. If he can help the kite solve one more nearby enemy, the kite will be more hopeful to the end.

It's a pity that the kite is safe for the time being, but Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and saw a group of people running to the safe area.

Jiang Siming didn't care whether it was safe to shoot directly, so Mosinagan raised his hand and put it on his shoulder.


Let's fight!

Before the poison came, there were only a few that could kill, and the task had to be done.

At this time, the time of [High Energy Moment] was not over yet, and Jiang Siming's sniper was as accurate as a gun shot by poking a man's head.

One shot knocked down the driver on the car at a distance of more than 600 meters!

"The player [4AM_Ming] used the M1891 sniper rifle to knock down the player [EF_Wolf]"

The people at EF felt like a beeping dog. After looking at Jiang Siming's position, they couldn't be right with him. They could only say that they gave up their teammates and drove off.

When Jiang Siming meets the commanding heights, what else can he do without admitting he is unlucky.

EF's people left, Jiang Siming was a bit anxious and could only make up for that buddy.

Unfortunately, no one confronted him, otherwise Jiang Siming felt that as long as these people dared to get out of the car and confront him, he would have to kill them all.

But it's better than nothing. It's good if someone picks it up. Jiang Siming doesn't ask for too much.

As time went on, more and more teams moved to Dakongtan, and Jiang Siming's firing frequency and speed became faster and faster.

The poison came over, and Jiang Siming didn't even think about entering the circle.

Fill up the drink early and continue to search for prey on the mountain.

When the blood stick dropped to about half, Jiang Siming wrapped a first aid kit and continued to fight.

Reckless play.

One! Two! Three...

Jiang Siming has been using this Mosin Nagan to kill a full six people on the mountain, and the task has already been completed.

And he also succeeded in angering all the professional players, they didn't need to communicate, and at the same time tacitly put all the guns to the top of the mountain.

If you don't clean up this guy, you can't play, and you have to have a teammate less when you show your face. Who can stand it.

Jiang Siming also understands that after discovering that many people framed himself, he chose to lie down on the mountain without moving.

I started to take drugs to myself for as long as I could.

It's a pity that the medicine was gone. Finally, Jiang Siming was electrocuted alive in the power grid...

Seeing the news that Jiang Siming was electrocuted in the upper right corner, all the living professional players wanted to celebrate with champagne.

This plague **** is finally dead!

This also means that they are very hopeful to compete for the chicken in this game.

Although Jiang Siming was dead, he also completed his task and won back many points.

"The task is completed, the reward has been issued!"

"Pick up [Spirit Weapon Mosinagan] White Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Spirit Tool · Mosin Nagan]: Mosin Nagan will have the same effect as the Spirit Tool 98K. Enemies killed with this gun will have a certain chance to drop fragments.

The fallen fragments will no longer be omnipotent fragments, other types of fragments may also appear.

The probability is 30 percent.

In addition to the accident of the fine white fragments given by this mission, among the six people killed by Jiang Siming, two fragments were also given away.

However, those two pieces were chicken ribs and were thrown into the furnace by Jiang Siming mercilessly.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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