I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1599: Sixth place

Jiang Siming was poisoned to death, but 4AM still has a small flame of hope.

The kite became the hope of the whole village at 4AM.

Because Jiang Siming had just been helping her solve nearby enemies, the kite was temporarily safe.

Coupled with Jiang Siming's guidance, no one found the kite.

There was even a group of people who showed up beside the kite without seeing her.

Until the end, the safe zone was no longer here, and the kite had no choice but to choose to transfer.

This shift, of course, cannot be denied.

Fortunately, in the end, the kite desperately killed two lone wolves, and fell down regretfully.

"My pot, if I wait for that team to go first and then I can keep up."

Kite stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, and did not forget to reflect on what she had just done.

"Okay, sixth place, and finally got 4 points. It's better than our two fish-fishing bastards." Great God said with a wry smile.

These two of them are really no sense of game experience~

But Kite still blames itself.

"We are sixth, with a head count of 24. Although the ranking score is only two points, 26 points may not be less than the first place. Don't worry about it." Jiang Siming patted her shoulder to comfort.

Still Jiang Siming's words work.

At the end of the game, the TL team won the game.

The scores are rearranged.


NO.1..【4AM】..【47+26//73 points】..【Eating chicken x1】

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24//42 points】..【Eat chicken x1】


NO.4..【17】..【17+12//29 points】


【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【42 Kills】..【5865 Damage Value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【12 kills】..【2705 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【9 kills】..【1018 damage value】

NO.4.【Koy】..【7 kills】..【695 damage value】


Although 4AM is sixth, the score is actually two points higher than TL, but the gap with other teams is not too wide.

Especially TL, followed closely behind, this world finals, suspense is still there.

At the end of the game, TL accepted an interview, and 4AM was the sixth place. Naturally, like other teams, he packed his keyboard and mouse and went back to the background.

This feeling is really not used to it.

Since Jiang Siming joined 4AM, Great Gods and the others have become accustomed to accepting interviews and camera captures every time they finish the game.

This is rarely the case today.

But occasionally losing once is not unacceptable.

After the game, the players have a few days to rest.

"Lao Jiang, let's go to the Oriental Pearl Tower to play together tomorrow, no, adjust the pressure." Great God invited.

Jiang Siming shook his head and replied, "I have to go to Kyoto tonight."

"Why are you going to Kyoto?" The three of them were puzzled. Wasn't Lao Jiang's business mostly in Magic Capital.

Jiang Siming replied calmly: "Forget it? The annual meeting is held in Kyoto. I have to attend it."

The three of them suddenly realized the gap between themselves and Jiang Siming.

Usually they can't see it when they play games together, but now Jiang Siming said that they reacted.

This guy is not an ordinary professional player like them.

People can even participate in this kind of meeting, and even get a princess.

"Then I can see you on TV tomorrow?" The Great God remembered this. Isn't the meeting in Kyoto a live broadcast?

"Maybe, the scene is too big, it is probably difficult to see me unless I go up to speak." Jiang Siming replied.

"That's fine, I want to watch it~" Kite suddenly became happy, and she said that she had to stare at the live broadcast of the meeting all the time she said.

"Kite, didn't you agree to go to the Oriental Pearl Tower with us to play."

Kite naturally replied: "I said I'll go if Brother Jiang goes. Of course I won't go if Brother Jiang doesn't go. Get up to watch the live broadcast tomorrow morning, hehe."

Great God and Eternal touched his head, this woman is hopeless!

Say goodbye to everyone briefly, Jiang Siming flew to Kyoto that night.

The meeting is held tomorrow, and he always gets it today.

It just so happened that the half-month period agreed with the old man in Dongfang was approaching, and he could treat Dongfang Weixi by the way.

When I arrived in Kyoto, it was already past eight o'clock in the night, and Jiang Siming went to the South China Sea without eating any food, in his own small courtyard.

As soon as I arrived, I saw Dongfang Weixi standing pretty at the door of his yard with an incubator in his hand.

The ice beauty next to her followed Dongfang Weixi inseparably.

"Brother Jiang!"

I haven't seen him for half a month, but Dongfang Weixi misses Jiang Siming very much.

After she was healthy, she was studying finance and wanted to take a college entrance examination and then went out to work in Jiang Siming's company.

Dongfang Su, even her grandfather, did not object.

For him, as long as his granddaughter is healthy and happy, as long as he doesn't break the law, he supports everything.

Here, cooking for Jiang Siming is not included...

"Brother Jiang, I know you flew over right after the game. You must have not eaten. I made this for you. Would you like to try it?"

Dongfang Weixi raised his incubator like a treasure.

After she recovered from her illness, she began to learn to cook, and Dongfang Weixi's mother was very good at cooking before.

So maybe it was inherited from her mother's excellent genes, Dongfang Weixi has a very high talent for cooking, and it has only been a few days after she has learned cooking.

But what she made at home was only for the old man Dongfang Su, and suddenly said that she would cook for Jiang Siming.

And I still carefully prepare my own specialties, even when buying vegetables, I have to choose them myself.

This made Dongfang Su a little psychologically imbalanced.

He can only eat the experimental products made by his granddaughter, so why can Jiang Siming eat his specialty dishes.

But even if it is unbalanced, the old man dared not tell his granddaughter. It is estimated that when he meets with Jiang Siming next time, Beep Lailai will be indispensable.

"Okay, I'm hungry, let's go to the house."

Jiang Siming happily agreed, opened the door, and brought Dongfang Weixi into the room, followed by the Bing Beauty reluctantly.


Before long, Jiang Siming's voice of wind and remnant clouds sounded in the courtyard restaurant.

"Well! Not bad, not bad, although it's far from my chef's craftsmanship, but it is the perfect match, the taste is moderate, the salty fragrance is slightly spicy, but it's still a bit unsavory, I will give...70 points!"

Jiang Siming wiped his mouth after eating and didn't forget to comment.

Dongfang Su, who happened to walk in from the outside, heard Jiang Siming's "big words" at the door, and his beard was crooked with anger.

"Smelly boy, cook for you at night and pick and choose, I think you only deserve fast food!"

Jiang Si found out that Dongfang Su had arrived tomorrow morning, and was calm when he was scolded.

"Old man, you entered the yard without authorization. Is this a thief?"

Dongfang Su became even more angry and said, "I'm here to pick up my granddaughter. I'm afraid she will be ruined by you, stinky boy, can't you?"

Jiang Siming was happy, and said with a smile: "Yes, you can, then I will invite you to sit down, and then I will invite you to have tea. Is it all right?"

"It's almost the same." The old man snorted, quite arrogant.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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