I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1600: Princess Vivi

The result of the treatment went smoothly.

"Xiao Xi's body is getting better and better. He is basically no different from a normal healthy person. After a month of raising, he can heal."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, Dongfang Su smiled and said three good times.

The ice beauty is also rare to see a smile.

To her, Dongfang Weixi is her sister.

"Okay, it's too early, you have to go to a meeting tomorrow, Xiao Xi, go back with Grandpa."

Dongfang Su seemed to be urging Dongfang Weixi to go home, as if letting her granddaughter stay here for a while longer, the safety of her granddaughter would not be guaranteed.

Although Dongfang Weixi wanted to stay with Jiang Siming for a while, she still listened to what grandpa said.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, I heard that you are going to have a concert this month, can I go to see it?"

Before leaving, Dongfang Weixi remembered this and looked at Jiang Siming expectantly.

Dongfang Su hurriedly winked at Jiang Siming, he didn't want his granddaughter to go to such a noisy place.

And so many people are not safe.

"Of course you can. It's also fine for your body to go to the concert."

Jiang Siming nodded, completely ignoring Dongfang Su's eyes, and let him blow his beard and stare dry.

Dongfang Weixi was overjoyed, and said eagerly: "But I checked, your concert tickets have long been sold out..."

"What a big deal, I won't have to give you a VIP seat."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he smiled and asked Dongfang: "Old man, do you want me, I will give you one too."

"I don't..." Dongfang Su said to his lips, but swallowed again.

In a place with so many people, if Bing was only allowed to watch Xiao Xi alone, it would not be reassuring.

Forget it, it happened that Jiang Siming had nothing to deal with during the concert, so let's go, just as a guarantee for the safety of his granddaughter.

"It's okay, then send a few more, don't be so stingy, I will call a few more people to see it."

Dongfang Su said, muttering: "Old man, I have never seen a concert in my life. A concert is something."

Talking and whispering with their hands behind their backs, Dongfang Weixi and Bingmei smiled at the same time, and then left.

Before leaving, Dongfang Weixi turned back to cheer Jiang Siming: "Brother Jiang, cheer for a meeting tomorrow! I will go to the scene to take a peek~"

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, sent them away, and returned to the courtyard by himself.

Take a bath, lie down, and wait for tomorrow's Kyoto meeting.

I looked at the time, it was still early, ten hours before dawn.

Jiang Siming calculated that these ten hours were enough for him to stay in One Piece for ten and a half months.

I have to go in and have a look. I fainted the day before yesterday. I still don't know what's inside.

Jiang Siming was very curious whether he would disappear directly or stay in the copy when he passed out.

After closing his eyes, the sound of the waves rang in Jiang Siming's ears after a while.

With this familiar sound of waves, Jiang Siming can be sure that after he fainted, he was in a coma in One Piece until now.

Except for the sound of the waves, Jiang Siming also heard some rustling sounds.

Opening his eyes suspiciously, Jiang Siming found that he was sleeping on the familiar Golden Meri, which belonged to him and Ram's exclusive cabin.

And his room didn't know what was wrong, it was separated by a piece of cloth.

Jiang Siming got up in confusion, pushed aside the cloth in front of him, and saw the scene that made the man want to spray his nosebleed.

A beautiful girl with blue hair is changing clothes in his room...


A scream sounded in the girl's mouth, and then the girl put on clothes at the fastest speed, and pulled out the weapon from her waist, a strange weapon that looked like a motorized knife.

It's about to work towards Jiang Siming.

At this moment, Nami and Ram and the others rushed in when they heard the news.

Seeing Jiang Siming getting up, both Nami and Ram's eyes were red with excitement, and the two simultaneously rushed into his arms.

"Big Brother Jiang (brother), it's great that you are fine!"

When the blue-haired girl saw this scene, she was a little surprised and froze in place.

Luffy Sauron and the others rushed over.

"Big Brother Jiang, you finally woke up! Haha, I said Brother Jiang will be fine!" Luffy laughed broadly.

"Brother Jiang, it's fine, I'm still waiting to surpass you, you can't just belch like that." Sauron smiled with his knife in his arms.

"Big Brother Jiang, you have slept for many days. Are you hungry, do you need me to make you something to eat?" Sanji asked with concern.

Finally, Usopp: "Brother Jiang, you didn’t know that you were in a coma for many days. We took you to Drum Island to find a doctor. On the way, we were ambushed by bad guys. Nami froze and climbed to the highest point alone. Shan Feng found Dolier Doctor Lady and begged her to see you. She herself fell ill."

After listening to Jiang Siming, he didn't expect that so many things happened when he was in a coma. He thought he also withdrew from the copy after he was injured and unconscious.

But he did not leave the instance at all, and was still in a coma in the instance.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, otherwise, if Jiang Siming was delayed for a while, everyone would have to worry about themselves.

"Thank you, Nami." Jiang Siming said to Nami with a smile.

Nami blushed and shook her head and said, "Brother Jiang, you're fine, aren't we partners? I don't have the ability to fight, and that's all I can do."

Jiang Siming smiled, remembering that he had also got a [weather stick], and I would give it to her when I had a chance.

"Brother, how are you doing now?" Ram raised his head and asked.

"It's all done, don't worry." Jiang Siming smiled and stroked Ram's head.

Everyone was relieved, and everyone felt better all at once.

The girl with long aqua-blue hair next to her also realized that this person was a partner of the Straw Hat Pirates, and it seemed that he still had a very important position in everyone's minds.

What happened just now, it seems that he didn't mean it...or just forget it...

"By the way, Weiwei, why did you suddenly scream just now? What happened?" Nami remembered it and asked the girl.

The girl suddenly became embarrassed, and waved her hand staggeringly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

"That's it, that's good." Nami was in a very good mood and introduced to Jiang Siming: "Brother Jiang, this is Weiwei, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan."

"She will go to sea with us temporarily. We promised her to help her save the Alabastan crisis. Because there are too few cabin rooms, I will let Vivi live in your room temporarily with a piece of cloth. Would you mind it? Wei? Wei has been taking care of you all this time."

After listening to Jiang Siming, he recalled the story of One Piece, Vivi, the Kingdom of Alabastan.

With that said, they should soon meet the first Qiwuhai, Krokdal.

It seems that the Straw Hat Pirates have experienced a lot of things these days when I was in a coma.

Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise my own existence would give everyone more pressure and burden.

[Author's digression]: The third update ~ there is another update, to compensate for the inconvenience caused by the late refreshment of sake in these two days, upload it immediately~

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