I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1601: Shemale Fruit

"Well, Weiwei, sorry, I just scared you, my name is Jiang Siming, and I am a doctor from the Straw Hat Pirates."

The girl gentleman Jiang Siming smiled, Weiwei immediately looked a little strange, lowered her head and said it was all right.

How could she be embarrassed if she hadn't just been watched by Jiang Siming.

Neither of them talked about it, and everyone didn't even know what happened.

At this time, a voice rang from the door: "Sauron, is he really a doctor too? How is his medical skills..."

The voice was very small, but Jiang Siming still heard it.

He looked at the door, and saw a cute little reindeer standing on the legs of Sauron's trousers and looking curiously at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming recognized it at a glance, Chopper!

And Chopper looks a lot like A Qiao in his house.

Acho is the continuation of Chopper's reindeer, but Acho is a female reindeer, and Chopper is a male.

And Aqiao can't transform into a human form for the time being, and Chopper is already human.

The humanoid Chopper wears a hat and is very cute.

Seeing Jiang Siming's gaze, Chopper quickly hid behind Sauron.

It’s just that his signature moves are hiding backwards, the body is outside, the head is inside...

Sauron and the others also introduced new member Chopper to Jiang Siming.

A group of people gathered Jiang Siming out of the cabin and onto the deck.

Jiang Siming stretched out comfortably, his bones crackling.

It seems that after lying down for so many days, my body is about to rust.

After looking at his realm, he was in a coma for so many days, and his true energy rose a lot, but he still didn't build a foundation.

However, his current combat experience and strength greatly surpassed his previous self even if he did not build a foundation.

If he were given another chance to go head-to-head with Monkey D. Long, he might still lose, but he would never lose so ugly and thoroughly.

Sanji made a big meal, and everyone gathered in the dining room and sat together.

This is the happiest day for everyone since Jiang Siming was in a coma.


Everyone toasted to celebrate Jiang Siming's recovery.

Weiwei sat in the opposite corner of Jiang Siming, secretly observing Jiang Siming while pretending to eat.

Knowing the identity of Jiang Siming, she killed the navy colonel, killed Aaron, the strongest pirate in the East China Sea, and defeated Smogg in the town of Roger.

Such a record can be said that every one is impressive.

These were all gathered on one person, and still on a man who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Weiwei watched it for a long time, but she couldn't see anything special about Jiang Siming.

This man seems to have nothing but handsome...

And after listening to Lu Fei and the others, Jiang Siming had not eaten Devil Fruit.

Weiwei couldn't believe it. This person is a great pirate with a reward of 90 million!

"By the way, Big Brother Jiang, your bounty has risen from 50 million to 90 million, look!"

Nami remembered this and took out a reward order.

Above is a portrait of Jiang Siming, and his reward has changed from 50 million to 90 million now.

Almost doubled.

"Isn't I in a coma, how come I will rise again?" Jiang Siming was a little strange.

"It's not that you defeated Small, and Small reported to the Navy Headquarters. They re-evaluated your strength and determined it to be 90 million."

Lu Fei talked about the food stuffed in his mouth and didn't forget to vomit: "It's too damning. My Master Captain's bounty is only 50 million, but you are 90 million."

Jiang Siming hasn't spoken yet, Nami smiled proudly and said: "Then you need to say, Brother Jiang is much better than you."

"I can definitely surpass Brother Jiang."

"Me too." Sauron smiled confidently.

Both have the same goal, first surpass Jiang Siming!

After a big meal, it was still early, Jiang Siming rested on the deck.

Next to him, Nami and Ram held the tablet and acted like a baby to Jiang Siming, because the tablet was dead.

Luffy and Usopp are playing cards with Sanji, Chopper is studying his new pills, and Sauron is still exercising.

Weiwei leaned on the deck and stared at the sea in a daze. There was a strange duck sleeping beside her. This was Weiwei's mount and a loyal follower.

Nami replaced a new tablet at Jiang Siming again, and just wanted to continue watching "Naruto" happily.

Jiang Siming stopped her.

"this is for you."

Jiang Siming took out the weather stick and handed it to Nami.

Nami took over and asked curiously what it was.

Jiang Siming gave her a detailed introduction to the use of the weather stick. After Nami listened to it, she didn't even watch Naruto and gave it to Ram to see. She was excited holding the weather stick and began to study its use.

As a navigator, Nami has always wanted to improve her fighting ability, but she has no talent for fighting.

However, Nami, who has excellent IQ, mastered this kind of high IQ weapon quite quickly, and it didn't take long to play it very proficiently.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang!" Nami couldn't put it down with this awesome weapon.

Jiang Siming smiled dozingly at her.

Nami blushed immediately and ran away.

When the atmosphere was relaxed, the Golden Meri was passing through a submarine volcanic fog area, but unexpectedly a strange person was added on board.

This person is like a ladyboy, obviously a man, but wearing a swan skirt and heavy makeup, he is neither human nor ghost.

This person probably also came from another ship when he passed through the thick fog accidentally.

This person also found something was wrong and wanted to retreat. As soon as the sole of his foot slipped and fell into the sea, he quickly sank to the bottom.

"Hey, this person is also a Devil Fruit Ability person, right? Why did he sink to the bottom at once."

Luffy is strange.

Sauron was kind-hearted and jumped down to save the man.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, thank you!"

"Did you eat Devil Fruit?" Luffy asked curiously.


"What fruit?"

"Imitate the fruit, let's do it, anyway, my boat hasn't come to pick me up, I will show you a show first."

The ladyboy touched Luffy's face after speaking, and his face changed to Luffy's.

And even the body has become like Luffy, if you put on the same clothes, you really can't tell who is who.

"Oh! Sri Lanka One!"

Luffy and the others exclaimed, they didn't expect this person to have this ability.

Then, the ladyboy touched Usopp and Sauron again, and immediately became like Sauron and Usopp.

This person then wanted to touch Nami's face, but Jiang Siming was dragged behind him.

"Let's forget it."

Jiang Siming doesn't want Nami to be imitated by him. In the original plot, after Nami was copied by a ladyboy, she behaved nonsense.

Even though it was not Nami herself, he did not want to see this scene appear again.

"Hey, you seem to be familiar with each other, where I feel I have met."

The ladyboy tried to touch Jiang Siming's face, but was frightened by Jiang Siming's eyes.

This person just remembered something, but at this moment a boat drove towards them, and the person on it was calling the name of the ladyboy.

The shemale's thoughts were interrupted, and he stopped thinking about it for a while, and one of them left the Golden Merley.

"I'm leaving, everyone, I will see you again in the future~"


[Author's digression]: Fourth more ~ ​​add one more chapter ~ do what you say!

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