I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1602: Enter the kingdom of sand!

Weiwei was startled when she heard the person on the other boat call the name of the ladyboy.

She dared to tell everyone when the man was gone.

"He is von Klay, Mr. 2 of Baroque Studio!"

The Baroque Studio is a studio founded by Krokdal, one of the villains of the Seven Wu Hai.

The people inside are called by code names.

The smaller the number, the stronger the strength.

Krokdal himself is Mr. 0, and this ladyboy number is 2, which shows that his strength in the studio is quite high.

"Then he can pretend to be me whenever he touches my face?"

Luffy then remembered the seriousness of the problem.

"Yes." Weiwei nodded and said: "As long as he touches the face, he can imitate it, but he shouldn't recognize you for the time being, otherwise he will definitely do it just now."

When everyone heard this, they were a little scared.

After all, no one wants to be imitated. If something bad happens, wouldn't everyone think that they did it themselves?

Only then did Nami understand why Jiang Siming didn't let Feng Kelei approach her.

It turned out that he had a hunch for a long time, so he pulled himself away.

Nami Kwang thinks that when she was imitated by a ladyboy, she felt her scalp numb. Fortunately, Brother Jiang was there~

"It seems to be coming soon! I see the desert!"

Usopp yelled.

Everyone heard the words and looked at it, and sure enough, there was a sand dune not far away.

Weiwei was overjoyed and said, "It's here, this is my country, Alabastan!"

The boat drew ashore soon, and a hot breath came over.

This kingdom of sand makes it possible for people to forget the moisture of the ocean immediately.

As soon as they landed, everyone still wanted to discuss how to act, and Luffy jumped off the boat and rushed out.

"Restaurant restaurant! I want to eat!"

Everyone was speechless, feeling that this captain had no other hobbies except eating.

And eat more than anyone else.

"This guy, how are we going to find him in a while! He is a reward!" Nami knotted.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "It's okay. With his strength, it's not easy to catch him. We can go to the most lively place to find him later. He should be there. Let's start too."

The most lively place?

Everyone was taken aback, and they obviously did not understand the deeper meaning of Jiang Siming's words.

Jiang Siming smiled without explaining.

Now in the Kingdom of Alabastan, there is definitely more than the Straw Hat Pirates.

In addition to a large number of elites in the Baroque studio, there are also the Kingdom Rebel Army, Krokdal, one of the seven Wuhais, and the intellectual beauty Nicole Robin.

As well as the Smogg naval forces from Rogue Town, and even Luffy’s brother, Firefist Ace, also came to this kingdom.

This place is also the first and most lively gathering place in One Piece.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but look forward to his ‘journey’ in this kingdom of sand.

Just stepping on the sand dune with everyone, the task will follow.

"The task has been generated, please check it yourself."

[Four-Star Mission]: Go to Alabastan and expose Krokdal's conspiracy!

[Task Reward]: Reward a random boutique pink piece!

[Mission failed]: deduct a random pink fragment!

"The task has been generated, please check it yourself."

[Five-Star Mission]: Kill Krokdal and destroy the Baroque studio!

[Task Reward]: Reward a random orange shard!

[Mission failed]: deduct a random orange fragment!

Good guy, here again.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes inwardly, and he felt painful every time there was a pink shard mission.

After all, the pink fragments are related to the existence of pets in the family, and Jiang Siming must not be careless.

Fortunately, this is not the first time. Jiang Siming is used to it. When the task comes, it's finished.

But I didn't expect to kill Klockdal, a five-star mission.

The last five-star mission was to challenge Father Luffy.

But think about it, the last mission didn't say that you would kill Father Lu Fei, just challenge it.

Now what he had to face was the enemy of Qi Wuhai under the king, and it was still difficult to kill the opponent and then destroy the enemy's group.

The main reason for everyone to disembark is to buy materials and water sources for the desert in nearby towns.

To go to the'Yuba' oasis, they need to pass a long desert road, and they must have sufficient water.

"We are all wanted. Vivi is still a princess and is easy to be recognized. So I suggest that everyone act in twos and gather here in two hours. Vivi and Karoo are waiting for us here. how about it?"

Nami took the weather stick and made plans for everyone.

Everyone nodded one after another, expressing no objection.

Nami smiled happily when she heard the words, and said: "Then I will be with Brother Jiang~"

Sauron next to him said silently: "Didn't you say that you are in pairs, Brother Jiang is going to wear his own sister?"

"What does it matter? If I encounter an enemy, I can protect Jum, right?"

Nami just wanted to be with Jiang Siming.

Weiwei on the side was quite curious when she saw it. It seemed that Miss Nami seemed to like this man very much.

Weiwei knew Sanji and them very well, but only didn't know Jiang Siming much.

After all, Jiang Siming has been in a coma since she got on the boat.

That's how a few people decided, and they set off separately, and Sanji and Chopper went together to buy ingredients.

Sauron and Usopp went to buy water, Jiang Siming Nami and Ram went to buy clothes.

You also need sunscreen clothing to go to the desert, otherwise the heat will quickly dry your body's moisture.

After the decision was made, everyone set off separately, and Weiwei and Karoo stayed behind the Golden Meri.

Entering the town of Alabastan, Jiang Siming tried to find someone from the Baroque studio while admiring the customs of this kingdom of sand.

Nami bought three sun hats from the roadside stall and put them on Jiang Siming after they brought them to herself and Ram.

Puff~ giggle...

Seeing Jiang Siming wearing a headscarf, Nami and Ram couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Such Jiang Siming seems to have become cute.

It's over, why does Brother Jiang think he looks good~~~

Nami whispered secretly in her heart.

But he said nothing.

Jiang Siming didn't care either. You need a sun protection hat in this hot place, otherwise tanning would not be cost-effective.

The three of them continued to set off, wondering if the three of them had too much luck. They didn't see any suspicious characters all the way.

I didn't see the people in the Baroque studio, nor the navy.

Jiang Siming regretted taking this route, and thought he could meet a few acquaintances.

Nami was very happy, no one recognized them, and she was able to shop unscrupulously.

Nami bought a lot of clothes, and she picked herself a very **** girl's dress, and walked to Jiang Siming.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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