I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1606: Oasis Yuba

If the Magic Sword Thousand Blades were used against Daddy Luffy, Daddy Luffy would at least be seriously injured.

Hearing Jiang Siming said that he wanted to rest, everyone naturally said yes, just as Sauron was also silently comprehending the sword intent just now.

Everyone found a cool place to rest, Jiang Siming sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

Luffy and the others have never seen such a way of resting, cross-legged and closed eyes, what kind of resting is this?

Nami thought Jiang Siming just wanted to sleep, so she secretly moved her position next to Jiang Siming, whispering:

"Brother Jiang, if you want to sleep, you can put your head on me..."

Nami blushed after she finished speaking, and she was really cute.

It was in front of Jiang Siming that Nami had such a feminine side.

Usually in front of Luffy and them, they are all known as "tigresses."

Jiang Siming closed his eyes and heard it, knowing that the other party had misunderstood.

But if you don't give a response at this time, wouldn't it mean that the girls are very shameless?

Is Jiang Siming this kind of person who slaps others' face? That's definitely not it.

Therefore, Jiang Siming fell down very bachelor, his head directly on Nami's white legs, and continued to close his eyes and rest.

His main purpose is to prevent Nami from losing face, and absolutely absolutely does not mean to take advantage of others. Really, he sends four!

Nami only wanted Jiang Siming to rest on her shoulder, but she didn't expect him to sleep directly on her lap.

This sudden change made Nami stunned for a full three seconds.

Then she reacted, and she felt like sitting on pins and needles.

What to do... It's over, everyone will see...

The first thing I noticed was Weiwei, and Weiwei was also a little surprised.

But soon she returned to normal, she is a girl who can understand the heart of a girl best.

She had long discovered that Nami had a completely different attitude towards the others in the Straw Hat Pirates and Jiang Siming.

If Nami doesn't like Jiang Siming, she stands upside down and eats sand on the spot.

So Weiwei was only a little surprised to see this scene, and then returned to normal.

It's just that she will somehow remember the scene when Jiang Siming saw her changing clothes in the cabin...

Sanji was forced to carry the scorpion tail needle back with Usopp, and at a glance he saw Jiang Siming lying on Nami's lap.

With a light of envy in Sanji's eyes, he ran to Weiwei bitterly, and asked ‘ashamedly’: "Ms. Weiwei, can I lie on your lap and rest?"

Weiwei: "No way."

Sanji: "..."

After resting for more than two hours, Sauron had returned long ago, and everyone was waiting for Jiang Siming to wake up.

Considering that Jiang Siming was seriously injured before, everyone was very patient and waited until Jiang Siming opened his eyes.

"Am I resting for a long time?" Jiang Siming asked when he got up.

"Well, it's been over two hours, brother." Ram said.

Sanji said with a sour face: "You have lie on Nami's legs for more than two hours. Miss Nami stayed still in order not to disturb you, so your legs were probably numb."

Jiang Siming turned to look at Nami, and saw that Nami stood trembling from the low mountain, her legs trembling with soreness.

"Sorry, Nami, I overslept." Jiang Siming said sorry.

He knew it at first, but then he closed his eyes and immersed himself in regaining his anger, forgetting the time.

Nami shook her head with a strange expression, and said, "It's okay, what a big deal."

Jiang Siming didn't say anything. He glanced at the weather, and the sun was almost down.

"Let's go, we can't delay our schedule because of me, we still have to expose Klockdal's conspiracy for Vivi."

When everyone heard this, they all set off to follow, and a group of people continued to drive in the desert.

The scorpion tail needles collected by Sanji and Usopp were put into the Universe Ring by Jiang Siming.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, how did you hide things? Why do you don't even need a backpack."

Lu Fei looked left and right on Jiang Siming, very curious.

"Have you heard of Space Magic Device?"

Jiang Siming answered with a smile.

Luffy shook his head very bachelor, Jiang Siming gave him a popular science about the space magic device.

Luffy finally understood why Jiang Siming could conjure so many popsicles.

Everyone chatted as they walked, but they never encountered the giant red scorpion before.

Maybe Jiang Siming had made the lair by a trick, and the nearby red scorpion ran back to the depths of the desert early even if there were any.

At night, everyone finally arrived in the city of Yuba, the Oasis.

According to Weiwei's description, Yuba was the oasis of the Kingdom of Alabastan three years ago, and was known as the dream capital in the desert.

But after coming to Yuba, what everyone saw was not an oasis, but an abandoned city.

Everywhere was covered by yellow sand and corroded, most of the buildings collapsed, the river dried up and no life was seen.

Not even a grass with strong vitality has ever grown here.

Not to mention people, there are dead bones of animals and humans everywhere.

All people see is despair and extinction.

Not long after everyone got here, a large group of people in desert costumes surrounded them.

The number of people is very large, at least thousands of people.

From among them, came out a headed man.

The man swept past Luffy and them first, and finally focused on Weiwei.

"Are you? Weiwei?"

Weiwei looked at him for a while before she was sure, and said, "Are you Kosha?"

"It's me, Vivi, why did you come to Yuba?"

The man's name is Koza, Weiwei's little friend when she was young, and he was also the leader of the rebel army.

After confirming that it was Weiwei, the man looked very excited, and subconsciously walked towards Weiwei, wanting to hug her.

It's a pity that Weiwei went over by mistake, stepped back a few steps, and kept a distance from Kosha.

"Koza, haven't seen each other for many years, we are good friends, right?"

Koza paused, nodded and smiled: "Of course."

"Then listen to me, the rain in the royal city was not made by my father at all. Everything is a conspiracy of Klockdal!"

Koza seemed to hear a good joke and laughed loudly.

"Vivi, didn't you just want to tell me this? It's not your father or anyone else. I still know Klockdal's reputation. If you want to plant the crime on others, please find someone more reliable. "

Koza did not believe that Krokdal had been acting as a messenger of justice in Alabastan over the years.

Helped the people of Alabastan to get rid of many pirates, and made Krokdal's position in Alabastan second only to the king.

Now that the king has disappointed everyone again, Krokdal has become the most loved by the people.

Weiwei was anxious, and explained the ins and outs to Koza.

But Koza couldn't listen to it at all, and she sneered at Vivi's change. Not only did she no longer regard him as a friend, but she also began to lie.

Weiwei was angry and anxious, and wanted to continue to show her **** and explain it to Kosha.

With a hand stopped in front of her, Weiwei turned her head to see that it was Jiang Siming.

"No need to explain, you can never wake up a person pretending to be asleep."

Jiang Siming spoke calmly, seeing blood for a while.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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