I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1607: Princess grows up

"He doesn't believe it, not just simply unbelief, more, but also reluctant to give up his current leader status. After all, not everyone can have the opportunity to command hundreds of thousands of rebels against the king. You have a sense of power. Satisfied, right?"

Jiang Siming called Zhuji every word, staring at Kousha and asking every word.

Koza felt that Jiang Siming's words seemed to strip him naked.

After the shame and embarrassment, only anger is left.

"Boy, I want you to know what is wrong with your mouth and catch him!"

Koza gave an order and all the rebels surrounded him.

Naturally, Luffy and the others couldn't take mermaid meat. They immediately fought with the rebel army.

These ordinary people don't need Jiang Siming to act.

Even if thousands of people were surrounded, it was not enough for Luffy Mountain to rule Sauron.

Realizing that his opponent was not an ordinary person, Koza immediately blew his whistle, and suddenly more rebels rushed over from other places.

Weiwei was anxious when she saw this chaotic scene.

"Brother Jiang, they are just ordinary people who have been used by others. Don't hurt them."

"If you don't hurt them, don't you fight back and let them catch you." Nami replied unhappy.

Weiwei looked embarrassed, but she had nothing to refute. She just didn't want the people of her kingdom to be harmed.

Jiang Siming turned his head and looked at her, before speaking after a second, he said, "It is a good thing to love the people like a child, but it is a good thing for a citizen who has lost his mind. If you don't beat him up, they won't listen to anything you say. ."

After speaking, Jiang Siming's figure disappeared in place, the next moment, all the rebel forces stopped.

Because Koza was in Jiang Siming's hands at this time.

Jiang Siming easily squeezed Kosha's neck with one hand, and all the rebels suddenly dared not move.

Catch the thieves first.

Jiang Siming has read the original work of One Piece and has always had no affection for this Kousha. This person has a strong desire for power, and his motives are quite deep with the city.

Even if he knew the truth, he still wanted to start a war.

In the end, if it hadn't been for a heavy rain that awakened the people of the rebel army, he might really have to overthrow Alabastan as king.

"Since you want to be a leader so much, why don't I send you to heaven to accomplish your ambition?"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he lifted Kosha up, and Kosha, whose neck was pinched, struggled to kick his legs.

"No...no...I admit defeat, don't kill me..."

Kosha's face was already purple, and his desire to survive made him surrender to Jiang Siming quickly.

Jiang Siming really wanted to choke this guy to death for a hundred, but Weiwei couldn't bear the friendship of her childhood friend and begged Jiang Siming to let Kosha go.

Jiang Siming finally held back his hand and threw Kosha out.

Koza, who had regained his life, not only was not grateful, but completely evolved into a badass leader.

He stared viciously at Jiang Siming and Luffy, and they, including Weiwei, were all hated by him.

"let's go!"

Knowing that he could not beat Jiang Siming temporarily, Koza left with his crew.

But even Luffy, with a stubborn mind, knew that Kosha would not stop now, but would make a comeback even more vigorously.

"Just let Brother Jiang catch Kosha, even if you don't kill him, you should tie him up, Weiwei, if you let him go, it's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

Nami complained.

Knowing that she had made a big mistake, Weiwei sat on the ground with a thud, hiding her face and crying bitterly.

Everyone else went to comfort Weiwei.

Only Jiang Siming and Nami said nothing to Weiwei.

Jiang Siming even turned around and passed Weiwei, pulling Ram to get her dinner.

This incident cannot be said to be Weiwei's fault, but it is also because of her personality that makes the originally simple things very complicated.

Jiang Siming originally planned to kill Koza directly or arrest him, to prevent the rebel army from attacking the royal city, and then find Krokdal's conspiracy from it.

So as to expose the conspiracy to complete the five-star mission.

But now, it is difficult to catch Koza again.

It's normal for Jiang Siming not to care about her. He is not a good old person who is obedient to women.

He didn't want to see a woman, even if it was a god, he wouldn't get a glimpse of it.

Just as Jiang Siming was immersed in making dinner for Ram, Weiwei walked behind Jiang Siming.

"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Siming did not respond.

"I know, it's all my fault."

Jiang Siming still ignored her.

Weiwei saw Jiang Siming's deep disappointment in her, and the sorrow in her heart was several times stronger than before.

An unspeakable sadness filled her heart.

She didn't care about Nami saying that just now.

But Jiang Siming just ignored her, and Weiwei felt her heart pierced with a knife.

Disheartened, Weiwei cried and turned to leave.

"The dinner is ready, do you want to eat it?"

Behind him, Jiang Siming's voice suddenly sounded.

Weiwei stopped, suddenly turned her head and plunged into Jiang Siming's arms, crying even louder.

Jiang Siming is speechless, Nima, I'm talking to Ram! Did she misunderstand something? ? ?

But now it's all like this, Jiang Siming had no choice but to follow the boat, just as he told her.

"Let’s eat first. Koza and the rebel army are temporarily out of control. After eating and resting for a night, we will go back to the city to find Klockdal directly.

Jiang Siming thought of a more rude way, since this method is not working now.

Then change one, find Krokdal, maimed him directly, and force him to tell all the conspiracies.

Although quite ruthless, it is also a good way.

"Well, thank you Brother Jiang."

Weiwei with red eyes came out of Jiang Siming's arms.

Jiang Siming looked at her and said: "We can help you, but you also have to learn how to be a good superior. A princess of a kingdom must have the grace and means. If one is a good person Not only will no one love you, on the contrary, they will squeeze and persecute you without a bottom line."

Jiang Siming is the emperor in the copy of the Three Kingdoms, this little experience is not easy to come by.

Weiwei listened very carefully, did not answer immediately, but repeatedly pondered Jiang Siming's words.

For a long time, she seemed to understand something, and nodded fiercely.

From this moment on, Weiwei finally had the appearance and momentum of a princess of a country.

At this time, everyone else came, and after a simple dinner, they took a rest on the spot.

The next day, everyone left Yuba and went to Albana, the royal city where Weiwei had lived since childhood.

The scenery of Wangcheng is not painful from other cities, it is lush and blooming.

Moreover, the weather seemed to have just rained heavily, and it didn't look like there was a lack of water at all.

Seeing what Albana looked like, it was hard for Luffy and the others to imagine that other cities were short of water for more than three years.

At this time, the royal city was under total martial law, and there were migrants everywhere who wanted to live in the royal city.

When Weiwei saw this scene, she wanted to feel distressed again, but when she thought of what Jiang Siming said to her yesterday, she could only be cruel temporarily.

At the moment, only when Krokdal is solved first can the people of Alabastan be saved!


Dear Shuhuang brothers, you can take a look at your friend's new book "I'm Recycling Items in the Jedi Survival", collect chicken-eating equipment to earn money and points, and reach the pinnacle of life. A lot of friends who like it come to join in.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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