I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1608: Fake King

With Weiwei, everyone entered the royal city smoothly.

The scene in the royal city is quite different from other cities.

Famine, drought, and riots outside.

Inside, there is peace, happiness, and prosperity.

This is due to the frequent rains in Baiwangcheng, so that the people here are quite comfortable, without worrying about the lack of water resources.

However, the seemingly peaceful King City is actually dangerous.

As soon as they entered the city, they found that many sneaky eyes were staring at them.

"Everyone be careful, it seems to be dangerous." Weiwei reminded.

The others nodded, and they had already felt it.

Only Luffy, a very nervous man, didn't realize the danger at all, and he wanted to eat.

"So hungry, so hungry! I want to eat! There must be so many restaurants in such a rich city, I'm here~"

Luffy's soul and body have left the team in sync, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"This idiot!" Sauron and Sanji were speechless, so they had to rush to catch Luffy back.

The team was forced to disperse.

The enemies hidden in the depths are still worried about how to separate the Straw Hat Pirates, but they didn't expect that they would disperse very cooperatively by themselves...

All thanks to their good captain, Mr. Lu Fei.

"Do it!"

In the shadow, an order came down.

Those monsters couldn't help it anymore, and they rushed out of the dark.

"It's from the Baroque Studio!" Weiwei recognized the person.

"Is there so many people in the Baroque studio?" Usopp grunted.

He thought everyone was as good as Mr.3.

Mr.3 was the enemy they encountered on Giant Island, when Jiang Siming was still in a coma.

That Mr.3 had the ability to wax wax fruit, and there were many helpers who were very high in Mr.'s numbers.

For a while, Luffy and the others fell into desperation.

So now, Usopp still has lingering fears.

Weiwei shook her head and said, "No, they are the elite employees of Baroque Studio, but everyone's strength is comparable to that of a pirate who offers a million reward."

"Huh? So amazing? Luffy, come back for help~"

Seeing that the enemies are all around, they haven't waited for them to start to meet the enemy.

Several figures rushed out from behind them, knocking the enemy off guard.

When Weiwei looked at the person, she said with joy: "It's my father's guard!"

"His Royal Highness, the matter is not good! The king is missing!"

It's a pity that the guards came, and they didn't bring good news to Weiwei, but rather bad news.

"What? How could my father go missing?"

The guard shook his head and said: "We don't know. The king is in the palace well, but he is strangely missing. We will **** you back to the palace before discussing the princess."

Weiwei was anxious, and under the **** of a good guard, everyone immediately set off to the palace.

As for Luffy and the others, they can only stay by themselves temporarily.

I thought that Luffy Mountain ruled Gasolon, the leader of the three straw hat pirates, it was impossible for anything to happen.

But Sauron, a road idiot, disappeared soon after chasing Sanji out...

This is also Sauron's special skill, super road crazy.

But not long after Sanji chased him, he suddenly encountered a group of beautiful women beckoning to him, and immediately put Luffy behind him and seduce his sister.

This is also Sanji's unique skill...

The three main forces were defeated one by one, fell into the trap carefully prepared by the enemy, and were caught.

It's just that Weiwei and the others still don't know anything about all of this.

They rushed to the palace, and strangely, the king appeared out of thin air!

"Father!" Weiwei was overjoyed, thinking it was just a false alarm.

"Oh, it's Weiwei, my dear daughter, come and let the father hug." The king opened his hand and said with a pleasant smile.

Of course, Weiwei didn't doubt, ran over happily, and wanted to hug her father.

However, Jiang Siming grabbed her wrist and told her to stop where she was.

"Brother Jiang, you?" Weiwei's eyes were full of doubts, wondering why Jiang Siming stopped her from reuniting with her father.

Jiang Siming looked at the king in front of him and said with a chuckle: "Stop acting, dead monster."

The king's eyes instantly became angry, but he held back in time and pretended to be innocent.

"Weiwei, is this your friend? I don't know why you want to scold the father."

Weiwei was also confused, and her face was a little angry. After all, her father was scolded, and no one would be happy.

Jiang Siming was too lazy to be long-winded, the figure flashed out, and he moved towards the king!

"His Royal Highness! Protect the King!"

The guards were shocked, thinking that Jiang Siming was Krokdal's undercover agent and hurriedly wanted to protect the king.

But their speed was too late. Before they could leave, Jiang Siming had already arrived in front of the king.

The king was panicked and wanted to fight back, but at that moment Jiang Siming caught his neck, and the whole person was lifted up.

"Father! You let go of my father!"

Weiwei was anxious, and even pulled out a weapon, trying to protect her father.

Although she was very reluctant to believe that Jiang Siming was a bad person, her father's life completely made her lose her mind.

Weiwei subconsciously moved her hand to Jiang Siming.

Unfortunately, her attack was immediately blocked by Nami's weather bar.

"Nami, are you too..." Weiwei couldn't believe it.

Nami said with a cold face, "Please believe Brother Jiang, he is definitely not a bad person."

Weiwei looked at Jiang Siming again, he still pinched her father's neck with one hand.

Just when Weiwei wanted to rush over at all costs, the king spoke.

"Don't... I was wrong, I shouldn't be the king, let me go, I was wrong."

After speaking, the king changed his whole person, from a burly man to a ladyboy in a swan skirt.

"Mr.2 von Krei!"

Weiwei was too surprised to speak.

Unexpectedly, her father was faked by Feng Kelei!

In that way, she simply blamed Jiang Siming, and even almost started with Jiang Siming.

Just thinking of this, Weiwei felt that she should feel sorry for herself.

However, Jiang Siming didn't take care of her at all, but continued to ask, "Where is the king?"

"I don't know this. Krokdal did it. I am only responsible for disguising. I really don't know where the king was captured..."

The ladyboy answered Jiang Siming's question honestly, and felt a deep fear of the man in front of him.

One move, he couldn't even use one move, and his life was already controlled by this person.

too frightening!

"Where is Klockdal?"

"His whereabouts are uncertain, but he designed to ambush your Straw Hat Pirates. If I'm not mistaken, he should be in the'Rainbow' Casino, where is his lair."

The face of the ladyboy was turning purple, and at this time, he answered any questions quickly.

Jiang Siming found out the news he wanted, but he didn't want to kill the monster.

This ladyboy is actually a pretty good person behind, and helped Luffy them many times, but the front is a bit hateful.

"Tie him up."

Jiang Siming threw him to his guards, and he immediately went to the rain banquet.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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