I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1609: 20 Bailey wins 25 million Bailey?

Nami suggested that everyone go to the casino separately and pretend to be.

After all, the swaggering past, the enemy's secret, it is easy to be trapped by others.

Everyone felt reasonable, so they found a clothing store and dressed up in disguise.

Nami, as the first costume designer and shopaholic of the straw hat group, gave everyone a suitable outfit.

Usopp was dressed as a desert merchant, with a big smoke pipe in his mouth, and a gilt-rimmed jacket. At first glance, he was full of local tyrants.

After Chopper transformed himself, Nami pretended to be Usopp's bodyguard, and the two were in a team.

Jiang Siming was also dressed up by Nami in disguise. Nami chose him a pure white suit, and she put on an evening gown herself.

As soon as the two changed their clothes in the store, they amazed the audience, one handsome, the other beautiful.

Nami was also very satisfied, holding Jiang Siming's arm, and smilingly pretending to be a couple with him.

Ram was too small to attract attention, so he left it to Weiwei to take care of him. They just had to wait outside for the signal.

In this way, several people were divided into three waves and went to Yuyan Casino before and after.

Usopp and Chopper passed first. After they entered the casino, Jiang Siming and Nami followed after a while.

"Hey, why didn't you see Chopper and Usopp?"

Nami was puzzled and glanced around.

Jiang Siming didn't find any trace of them either, where did these two guys go.

"Sir, are you here to play?" A waiter came to ask the two immediately.

Nami pretended to be careless, and said, "Why, don't we seem to be here to play? Do you think we can't afford it?"

"Of course not. Just now two people pretended to be rich and wanted to come to the casino to make trouble. They were arrested."

The waiter explained.

Nami and Jiang Siming looked at each other, and the two people were most likely Usopp and Chopper.

"How come these two fools were caught." Nami whispered in Jiang Siming's ear.

Jiang Siming was very calm and said to the waiter: "The troublemaker should be taken away, otherwise it will defeat the Yaxing we came to play. Do you have any big projects here?"

The waiter was overjoyed and said: "It should be the first time for you to come here, sir. Our casino is the largest casino in Alabastan. This is the first floor, and there is one floor above. That is the VIP room."

"But we have a rule here. If you want to go to the second floor, you have to win or win over 25 million Baileys on the first floor before you can go to the VIP room."

"Is there such a rule? Isn't this just trying to pit money!" Nami refused to accept and told her to lose money? Isn't that killing her!

The waiter explained: "You can win or lose. As long as the guest is really capable, he can go upstairs at any time if he wins 25 million Bailey."

Nami wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Jiang Siming.

"Okay, let us exchange 20 Pele's chips first."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took out a twenty Bailey bill from his pocket.

"Twenty Bailey? Isn't Mr. joking?"

The waiter almost thought Jiang Siming was here to make fun of him. 20 Bailey wanted to win 25 million?

"Why, afraid?" Jiang Siming sneered.

The waiter was enraged at the time and immediately exchanged 20 Bailey's chips to Jiang Siming.

"I want to see how Mr. Bailey won 25 million with 20 Baileys. This is really a big joke!"

The waiter was also afraid that other guests would not know, so he shouted loudly: "Look, everyone, this person threatened to use 20 Baileys to win 25 million!"


There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Facing the ridicule, Jiang Siming said nothing, but brought Nami to a gaming table.

The big and small points are read at the gaming table.

Jiang Siming sat down and put all 20 Bailey chips on the leopard.

As soon as the opener opened the Gu, it turned out to be a leopard!

The guests who had been watching laughed, they just thought Jiang Siming had good luck.

Besides, 20 Bailey won a leopard without much money.

Jiang Siming didn't care, and continued to gamble slowly at the gaming table.

What's amazing is that Jiang Siming only beats the Leopard with the highest odds in every hand, and he doesn't have any hole cards, he can bet as many as he has, and allin!

And every time the opener opens a card, it must be a leopard!

Within five minutes, Jiang Siming's 20 Bailey rose to 200,000.

In five minutes, 200,000 becomes 5 million Bailey!

All the guests gathered around and witnessed this incredible thing. There were even many guests who followed Jiang Siming's bet and made a lot of money.

Seeing that Jiang Siming was going to push up all 5 million Baileys.

The lobby manager rushed over in sweat and interrupted everyone's betting.

"Sorry, there may be something wrong with this gaming table. We need to overhaul it. Please move to other gaming tables."

5 million Bailey, if it is still a leopard, it will cost 100 million!

"Why, when we bet we are feeling it!" Nami protested angrily.

But the casino was obviously shameless, saying that Jiang Siming would continue to gamble at this gaming table.

"It's okay, let's go to a place with higher odds."

Jiang Siming didn't take it seriously, so he pulled up Nami and walked to other gaming tables.

In less than half a minute, Jiang Siming's five million won again, a full thirty times!

Earn 150 million Pele's chips at once!

The faces of the casino manager and waiter are green.

Nami was so excited that she was going crazy,

"How about it, are we still qualified to go upstairs?" Jiang Siming asked the waiter with a smile.

The man was sweaty, so he nodded sadly and invited Jiang Siming to go upstairs.

"Give us these chips first." Jiang Siming was not in a hurry.

If you have money, don't take it for nothing.

For the sake of credibility, the casino gritted his teeth and exchanged a full 150 million Baileys for Jiang Siming.

It was also the first time Jiang Siming knew that a similar bank existed in One Piece.

Pele with such a large amount can be replaced with something like a bank card.

It is very convenient to find the World Bank in various places.

"Put the card away and let's go."

Jiang Siming generously handed over 150 million cards to Nami without any hesitation.

It was the first time that Nami received such a valuable item, or her favorite money, and she was so happy that she couldn't describe it in words.

Trojan ~ Trojan ~

Excited Nami gave Jiang Siming several kisses again.

Just put a few lipstick marks on Jiang Siming's face and then stopped.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and took Nami to the second floor, still with the fragrance of Nami's lips still remaining on her face.

The two came to the second floor, only to find that the waiter did not seem to lead them to the VIP room at all, but turned left and right, leading them to a very large confined space.

Inside were all prison-like cells, the cells were made of strange stones, which looked a little strange.

After sending the two people here, the waiter suddenly showed a wicked smile.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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