I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1610: What do you say you pretend to be B?

"If you dare to hit the ground in our casino, you will know the end of the insatiable greed, Jie Jie Jie."

After that, the waiter installed B and wanted to leave.

Jiang Siming hit his chest with a kick.

He kicked this person several tens of meters, hit the cell heavily, and belched on the spot.

"What do you mean you are pretending to be B?" Jiang Siming issued a soul torture.

It's a pity that the waiter never heard it again, so dead.

The movement of this foot caught the attention of the people in the front cell. They saw Jiang Siming and Nami as if they saw a savior.

"Big Brother Jiang~ Save us!"

No one else was speaking, it was Usopp.

Chopper, Sanji, Luffy, and Sauron were locked up with him.

They were all locked up in the innermost cell.

I don't know why, even Smogg is inside.

"It's Luffy and the others! Let's go save them!" Nami was surprised.

Jiang Siming and Nami walked in together, but inside, several people were guarding outside the cell.

"Brother Jiang, be careful, they are all the strongest elites in the Baroque studio, Mr. 1, Mr. 3, Miss Valentine's Day and Miss Golden Week."

Sauron reminded Jiang Siming to be careful in the cell.

The strongest baroque elites gathered here, except for Mr. 2 Feng Kelei who had been captured by Jiang Siming, the others were already here.

"Where is Krokdal?" Jiang Siming asked.

Sauron hasn't answered yet. Among them, Mr.3 sneered again and again: "It seems that you look down on us very little. You haven't even passed our level yet, so you want to see our boss?"

After speaking, Mr.3 started.

A shackle made of candles quickly surrounded Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming did not stop him, letting these shackles lock his hands and feet.

"Hahahaha, this is the pirate who is offering a bounty of 90 million yuan, I don't think so!" Mr.3 laughed triumphantly.

What he has is the ability of wax fruit, although the attack power is not strong, but the imprisonment is quite skillful by him.

This shackle is made of candles, but it is harder than steel.

Seeing Jiang Siming's hands and feet tied up, he was sure that Jiang Siming could not escape his clutches.

"Oh? Is this your skill?"

Jiang Siming smiled at him, then his hands and feet moved seemingly understatement.

Click! Click!

Those two shackles were like tofu torn apart!

"Impossible! Candle Champions Cup!"

Mr.3 attacked again, the most powerful method is to make himself a giant candle robot!

The savage Chaojiang Siming rushed over quickly.

He is a giant candle robot, but easily defeated a pirate who had a bounty of 40 million.

And a little girl carrying a drawing board behind him also painted a red mark behind his robot.

This girl is Miss Golden Week, the strongest support of the Baroque studio, and has the weird art of drawing and controlling others.

The combination of her and Mr.3 almost wiped out the Straw Hat Pirates on Giant Island.

With the blessing effect, Mr.3 laughed wildly, and ran into Jiang Siming like a bull!

With a move by Jiang Siming, the magic sword thousand blades appeared out of thin air, and the eight thousand blades formed an exquisite and transparent blade.

Faced with Mr.3 who rushed over, Jiang Siming did nothing, just slashed out of thin air!

It's not that the wind is slashed, it's just a simple one!

But directly cut the candle robot into two pieces, and the blade of Mr.3's face hovered on it.

Move an inch and his head can fly out easily.

Mr.3 was sluggish and sweaty.

"Where is Krokdal?" Jiang Siming said.

"You just killed me, I won't say it!" Mr.3 just wanted to harden his mouth, so that he seemed very spine.

As long as Jiang Siming asks one more question, he will speak too.

But Jiang Siming didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, and he passed it mercilessly and cut Mr.3's neck.

Just as this guy almost killed Nami on Giant Island, it was enough for Jiang Siming to kill him ten times.

Mr.3 is dead.

The other studio members were shocked.

Those with the dignified wax and fruit ability, just died.

Jiang Siming didn't give them too much time to be shocked, and walked towards them with a knife.

The pressure on a few people increased!

"Hey, Jiang Siming! You have to hurry up to the underground secret room of Alabastan. Krokdal captured the king there. If it is too late, the king and this country will probably be destroyed!"

In the cell, Smogg shouted to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming paused when he heard the words, and slashed at their cell!

Sword Qi hit the cell, leaving a hole, but it didn't shake the cell much.

Smogg shook his head and said:

"It's useless, this is a cell made of Hailou stone. It is extremely hard. Without the key, it is impossible..."


Before Smoger's words were finished, Jiang Siming cut again.

The sturdy sea building stone cell, this time, could no longer withstand the sword energy, and it exploded!

Smogg froze for two seconds, and finally vomited: "Monster!"

"These people will be handed over to you, let's go to Krakdal first."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took Nami and left here simply.

As soon as they left, fierce fighting broke out in the cell.

The battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Baroque Studio.

Jiang Siming and Nami came out of the casino, while Vivi and Ram were still waiting eagerly outside.

"Do you know where the secret rooms of your kingdom are?" Jiang Siming asked Weiwei when he came out.

Weiwei nodded and said, "I know."

"Take me." Jiang Siming said and drove out an off-road vehicle parked in front of the casino.

This car belongs to Smogg. He didn't even pull out the key when he was arrested. Now it is just convenient for Jiang Siming to move.

"Get in the car." Jiang Siming said to Weiwei, and said to Nami and Ram to take care of herself.

Then he drove Weiwei to the basement chamber!

Weiwei was sitting in Jiang Siming's back seat, and the speed of her gallop had to make her hold her arm around Jiang Siming's waist so that she could not fly out.

Weiwei blushed, pressing her hand on Jiang Siming's abdomen, feeling the temperature from above.

"Brother Jiang, I misunderstood you in the palace before, sorry."

Weiwei leaned in Jiang Siming's ear and apologized sincerely.

Jiang Siming didn't take it to heart either. After saying something was fine, he continued to drive his motorcycle to his destination.

The two arrived at the entrance of the underground chamber of the Kingdom of Alabastan at the fastest speed, and the guards at the entrance had been killed by Krokdal.

Everyone is sucked into human beings.

Krokdal's ability is a rustling fruit, in the desert, he can be said to be invincible.

It can **** moisture from the enemy's body until it **** the adult dry, which is terrifying.

Weiwei couldn't help but hugged Jiang Siming tightly when she saw the appearance of these corpses.

"Let's go, find Krokdal, this matter is over."

Jiang Siming comforted.

"Is it?"

Suddenly a voice came from the ground, and the sand condensed a figure out of thin air.

It is one of the Qiwuhai, Krokdal!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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