I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1613: The other-dimensional maid Rem!

Jiang Siming also got another hint of completion of the mission, a new pink piece!

"Pick up [Different Dimension Maid Rem] Pink Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Rem]: An important dimensional character from "A Different Dimensional Life from Zero" and Ram's younger sister.

Jiang Siming was also a little dumbfounded when he saw this fragment.

Unexpectedly, he really gave him a sister. Could this be the result of Ram’s accumulation of "little resentment"?

This is all right, sisters come together.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming was accustomed to Ram's existence, and he didn't resist much to one more rem.

On the contrary, Rem's character is more favored by Jiang Siming.

But for the time being, he won't let it go. He is going to sleep all night and will leave the copy after setting sail tomorrow.

It's better to wait until the next time you enter the dungeon to summon Rem, Ram must be happy.

Although the king very much hoped that the Straw Hat Pirates could continue to stay in the palace for a few more days, Luffy and the others decided to take a rest and leave.

For them, a comfortable life will only wear away their fighting spirit to become stronger.

Know that the Straw Hat Pirates will leave tomorrow.

Lying on her princess bed, Weiwei tossed and turned, and could not sleep.

She wanted to continue the adventure with the Straw Hat Gangsters.

However, the Kingdom of Alabastan has just lifted the crisis in Krokdal, and the rebel forces have disbanded automatically.

But her country is just waiting to be flourished, and the father needs her to stay and help.

Vivi had no choice but to stay in Alabastan and first help his father to restore Alabastan to his former glory.

In other words, tomorrow, she will say goodbye to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Thinking of this, Weiwei felt deeply resentful.

She didn't want to leave the Straw Hat Pirates, let alone the man.

Weiwei, who couldn't sleep at all, had to get up, and after taking a shower in the bathroom, she came back and looked at the moonlight outside.

The moonlit end was the bedroom where the members of the Straw Hat Pirates slept.

Not knowing what courage drove her, Wei Wei, with a hot brain, tiptoed out of her princess room.

Carefully all the way to the bedrooms where the straw hat pirates slept.

She clearly remembered Jiang Siming's bedroom, quietly opened the door and walked in.

Moonlight shines through the window and spills on the bed inside.

Jiang Siming's figure was lying on it, sleeping with his eyes closed.

Seeing Jiang Siming, Weiwei's heart jumped wildly, pinching the corner of her clothes nervously, and slowly approaching the other party.

Jiang Siming was going to sleep.

The sudden movement in the room made him open his eyes subconsciously.

When I caught my eye, I saw Princess Vivi, who was just out of the bath wearing only a set of pajamas and her hair was still standing in his room.

This night... the temperature inside the house gradually rises... charming...


The next day, the Straw Hat Pirates set off again, bid farewell to Alabastan, re-boarded the Golden Meri, and set sail!

Standing on the highest observation deck on the ship, Jiang Siming watched the king and a large group of people send them off.

Beside the king, stands Princess Weiwei.

Like the original Nuoqigao, Weiwei waved at Jiang Siming with red eyes.

Jiang Siming made a gesture towards her that only two people could understand, and then followed the boat and left her sight.

After last night, Jiang Siming's realm broke again, and he finally reached the level of foundation building.

Jiang Siming, who has the strength to build a foundation, could not use those powerful forbidden techniques.

But even if you only use the previous skills, the power can be increased several times!

Just as Jiang Siming was about to withdraw from the instance, there were terrified screams from Luffy and Usopp!

"Ah! That woman! Bad woman!"

"Damn it, why is she here?"

"Hey, get out of our boat quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Sanji, get ready to do it!"


I saw that Nicole Robin appeared on the Golden Merley.

Luffy and the others had seen her before, so they knew that this person was under Krokdal's.

Robin didn't do anything to them. Instead, he raised his head and smiled and asked Jiang Siming on the observation platform:

"You saved me, you can't leave me alone, I want to... join you."

Jiang Si knew that Robin would definitely join the Straw Hat Pirates, and replied with a smile: "I don't count this, you have to ask the captain."

"Captain Luffy, can I join you?"

Robin asked Luffy with a smile.

Lu Fei was originally a noob, but when he faced the question, he agreed without thinking.

In this way, Robin finally became a member of the straw hat group.

Although everyone is wary of her for the time being, Jiang Siming knows that as time goes by, everyone will quickly regard Robin as his own.

It's just the purpose of Robin joining the Straw Hat Pirates.

From the original work is to explore the identity of Luffy D.

It has now evolved into an exploration of Jiang Siming, also to repay Jiang Siming's life-saving grace.

This also made Robin not get the trust of the crew for a long time, so he could only come with Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming has no time to bother about all this for the time being.

After withdrawing from the copy, the sky in Kyoto was slightly bright.

Jiang Siming woke up from the bedroom, washed a little, and picked a slightly formal suit, ready to attend today's Kyoto meeting.

Ding Dong~

The doorbell rang.

When Jiang Siming opened the door in the past, Dongfang Weixi still stood there pretty cutely, still carrying an incubator in his hand.

"Brother Jiang, you haven't had breakfast yet. This is my breakfast. Would you like to try it?"

Jiang Siming took the incubator unceremoniously and invited Dongfang Weixi to come in and sit down.

"No, I came here secretly. Grandpa knows he must talk about me. I'll go back first~Brother Jiang, cheer for today's meeting~"

Dongfang Weixi finished speaking and left happily.

Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile, and returned to the house with the incubator, enjoying the meal prepared by Dongfang Weixi.

After having breakfast, it was already past seven.

Although the meeting was held after nine o'clock, you still had to go there in advance to prepare.

The guard drove over, picked up Jiang Siming, and drove to the Kyoto Conference Hall.

When they arrived outside the conference hall, there were already many people queuing up for inspection before they could go in.

Jiang Siming didn't have to be so troublesome at all, he could drive in in the car all the way, and check everything without any problems.

But Jiang Siming, who didn't want to be too special, chose to get off the car and line up with everyone.

The people in the line are representatives from all walks of life, and they are all here for today's meeting.

They come from different professions, don't have sex, age, etc.

There are grassroots staff, there are commercial predators, there are elderly people who are nearly 80 years old, and there are also teenagers.

Jiang Siming glanced around and found many familiar faces.

There are entertainment circles, Huang Bo, Hu Ge and others are all there.

There are also commercial districts, two horses and one king are there, and Shunfeng Wang is also there.

They also noticed Jiang Siming's arrival and shouted hello.

PS: To clarify, the "I Recycling Items in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" recommended by Sake a few days ago is not my own trumpet, but an author friend of Sake. He wrote it in Tomato. If you are interested, you can check it out. It is very good. Oh!

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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