I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1614: The charm of the game

After a brief exchange with them, Jiang Siming lined up to pass the security check and entered the conference hall.

The Kyoto conference hall is full of live cameras.

The camera changes as the conference representatives keep coming in, and then broadcast live to the people of China.

This meeting is more important than the global environmental protection meeting held some time ago.

After all, this conference is a series of conferences on the people's livelihood, society, law, etiquette, etc. of China.

It is also the most concerned thing for all Chinese people.

More than an hour before the start of the meeting, thousands of TV channels have already been tuned to the live meeting.

The common people are discussing how this year's conference will bring about changes in all aspects of China.

Of course, discussing the celebrities present is also a topic they talk about.

If they could see their favorite celebrities appear in the camera, it would be enough for them to be proud.

This is also the pre-opening show before the meeting.

"I saw Director Zhang!"

"Isn't this Brother Cheng!"

"Hahaha, I saw Uncle Benshan!"


The celebrities that you see are basically the characters of the older generation.

The director also knows that most people only know these celebrities, so they lock the camera in the star area.

Occasionally, I adjust a few lenses to look at other areas, such as business areas, agricultural areas, and workers' areas.

When the camera scans the sports area, there are also many familiar characters, such as the trapeze Liu, the table tennis Zhang, the volleyball man, the basketball Yao, etc...

They include sprint sports, table tennis sports, volleyball sports, and basketball sports.

There are swimming, high jump, diving and so on.

Almost all sports items are included.

On the front table of the sports area, a sign on the table caught everyone's attention.

【E-sports representative】


This is the first time a representative has joined e-sports since previous conferences.

There has never been such a representative before.

Although e-sports was included in the official sports competition in 2003, 17 years have passed and no e-sports representative has ever been able to enter here.

Even Zhang Xiaofeng, the first idol of numerous Chinese e-sports fans, has never received such treatment.

The main reason is that everyone is biased towards e-sports.

Especially the older generations think that e-sports is just plaything and the root of all evil.

The e-sports industry is also burdened with the innocent ‘criminal’ of ‘helping others to abuse’ and ‘bringing abusive youth’.

But today, the brand of e-sports representative appeared in this conference hall for the first time.

Just for this, it has already made all the audiences who love e-sports excited.

Finally one day, their beloved e-sports players will enter this conference hall! Still such a high position!

But who will it be?

People in this position haven't arrived yet, so everyone talks a lot.

"Guess Jiang Siming blindly!"

"Nonsense, Jiang Siming is the richest man in Asia, so he will also represent the business world."

"I think it's Li Xiaofeng!"

"The one upstairs makes sense."

"I guess it should be PDD, hahaha."


Just as everyone was speculating, discussing and arguing, a figure finally reached the position of the e-sports representative and sat down generously.

The camera was given to the opponent, and the audience's eyes widened.

It's not Jiang Siming, who else can it be!

"How could it be Jiang Siming?"

"Yes, he is not the richest man, he is also a singer again, he should be regarded as a celebrity or business representative."

"Hahaha, Myoko leather!"

"Myojin's favorite is really e-sports, oooooooo, so touched~"

"All eSports people stand up!"


Jiang Siming, who is in a straight suit, sits today as an e-sports representative.

Sitting next to him are basketball Yao and Ping Pong Zhang, both of whom are the most valued figures in China Sports.

Moreover, the position of the three of them is very forward. Just by looking at the position, you can know where Jiang Siming is sitting, which is definitely not the kind of corner position for soy sauce.

It's a real C bit!

Seeing this, all e-sports personnel and players have a deep sense of pride.

At this time, no matter which game is the e-sports player, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, League of Legends, Overwatch, CS: GO, Warcraft and so on.

In the hearts of these players, you are all in harmony.

Seeing Jiang Siming sitting there, they also seemed to see the industry they were engaged in, and it was the first time that they were so valued.

Also, in recent years, the e-sports industry has been thriving.

Some heavyweight players are even more popular than many first-tier celebrities, and sometimes many celebrities have to rub the popularity of players.

And a heavyweight e-sports competition can even drive local consumption, tourism and even the image of the city.

This is obvious to all city managers.

For example, this year's League of Legends S10 game will be held in Magic City. Even the Mayor of Magic City will promote League of Legends for free. Everyone is welcome to watch the game.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds held the World Games in the Jiaxing PM Internet Cafe. The governor of Zhejiang Province came out to advertise for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for free, and asked Jiaxing City to support and cooperate with the competition.

This is the face of e-sports today!

Those older generations look down on the e-sports that they despise and hate to be killed by a stick, which has become an existence they all look up to.

Parents of those children who had excellent e-sports talents, but were helplessly restrained and forced by their backward-minded family members, and even sent them to a school to receive Yang Yongxin electrotherapy.

Maybe if they knew that their children could become excellent e-sports players with a little support and training, would they regret it?

Jiang Siming also didn't expect his position to be so high, he thought that the e-sports position might be in a certain corner.

"Hey, I really envy you, I can follow my favorite interests to participate in such a meeting."

Yao enviously smiled at Jiang Siming.

"How do you say? Isn't basketball your favorite?" Jiang Siming asked back amused.

Yao laughed and said, "Now it is, but before I played basketball, what I loved was actually games."

"It's a pity that the game was too simple at the time. I was still playing a stand-alone game of Xiaobawang. Later, when I came into contact with Warcraft, there was no concept of competition at that time."

"Otherwise, I might be the first height in the gaming circle."

After Yao finished speaking, Jiang Siming laughed with him at the same time.

"Actually, I also like to play Warcraft, but when I was relieved, Warcraft had been in operation for many years, and I was just a rookie in it." Jiang Siming said.

"Then I can take you, if you want to play World of Warcraft next time you live broadcast, call me, and I will take you to the book!"

"no problem."

The ping-pong devil on the side saw two men who were not in the same age at all but could have such a happy chat.

The big devil is very curious about the word game. Can the game really make two men who are more than one round away so speculate?

It's a pity that she doesn't play games and can't feel the charm of games.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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