I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1615: Amazing advice!

"All the time, the phenomenon of road bumping in our society has become more and more serious. I believe that everyone who has driven a car has encountered the phenomenon of bumping. These people rely on the looseness of the law on them and the low cost of doing evil. There is no taboo to blackmail and touch others."

Jiang Siming paused after speaking, and continued: "This situation is already serious enough to be taken for granted. I think it is time for this phenomenon to be rectified severely. I suggest that the malicious touch with porcelain should be classified as medium. The ranks of criminal acts must be punished intensified to contain this unhealthy trend."

As soon as Jiang Siming finished his suggestion, everyone present applauded.

It's time to rectify this group of people touching porcelain!

Miss Etiquette thought Jiang Siming had finished speaking, and made a please gesture.

"Sorry, I haven't finished."

Jiang Siming spoke, and the second suggestion was the death penalty!

"Also, I suggest that people who abduct children, women, and human organs should be included in the ranks of executed prisoners. I don't think they are worthy of being individuals. They are not as good as beasts. This kind of scum, I think the death penalty is not excessive! "


Everyone took a breath, Jiang Siming is really vigorous, he dare to say anything.

The death penalty is not a joke, it is an extremely criminal act that will be sentenced to death.

But then I think about it, all people who abduct children and women deserve to die!

There are hundreds of thousands of missing children every year, which means that there are hundreds of thousands of criminal cases of kidnapping and trafficking in children every year.

Even if many of them were lost by themselves, the chance of abduction by human traffickers is equally high.

The death penalty is not excessive for those who destroy other people's families and lives!

The people in charge in the audience began to whisper to each other.

The elder is still the same as before, always smiling.

He even suddenly asked Jiang Siming, "Are there any other comments?"

Jiang Siming nodded honestly: "Yes!"

"Talk about it." The elder gestured Jiang Siming with great interest to continue speaking.

Tens of thousands of people are envious of what they don’t want.

Originally, this rule of opinion is that one person can only make one opinion. After all, time is limited, and it is impossible to listen to you alone to make a lot of suggestions.

But Jiang Siming mentioned both, but the elder still supported him to continue.

This fellow Jiang Siming is really spoiled!

Jiang Siming was also not at all polite, saying: "What I'm talking about has nothing to do with crime. What I want to mention is... it is recommended that English be taken out of the high school and college entrance examinations, so that English can be changed from compulsory to elective. Included in the required subjects."


When this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Will English be kicked out of the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination?

This suggestion is really too bold!

English has become a compulsory course for students and has a history of decades.

Many Chinese teenagers devote their precious study time to English textbooks.

English scores are at the same level as Chinese and mathematics. You can even see the English corner in almost every school, but there is no language corner and math corner.

Many parents even hire foreign teachers or take their children abroad in order to let their children learn English well.

Such an important concept of English that is deeply rooted in everyone's mind has been challenged today.

Suddenly someone at such a meeting today proposed that English should be reduced to an elective course.

"Tell me, why is there this suggestion?"

The elder asked with interest.

Jiang Siming briefly explained: "We seem to be overly paying attention to English. All children learn English from elementary school, but the ones that really grow up use it, not 5% or even less."

"Moreover, I think that the excessive emphasis on English is our own lack of self-confidence in ourselves and a serious waste of children's precious learning time."

"With this time, I think it would be better to open a Chinese martial arts class to improve the children's physical fitness and sports cells."

Jiang Siming paused for a while before saying:

"I personally feel that the importance of physical fitness is much higher than that of a foreign language. It may be ten years from now, or several decades from now, when human beings on earth can actually get out of the universe, it is definitely not a matter of English is based on, and it must be physical quality!"

"Okay, that's the end of my speech. Thank you for your patience."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he bowed and then strode back to his position.

As soon as Jiang Siming left, there was thunderous applause in the lobby, and it was the elders who took the lead.

The elder recalled the last paragraph Jiang Siming had just said, thoughtfully.

He even had some doubts, did Jiang Siming... have a foreboding...

Jiang Siming's three suggestions also became the most dazzling presence in this meeting.

The first is to severely punish the phenomenon of touching porcelain, and the second is to classify human traffickers as death row criminals.

Second, it's amazing. English is cancelled and changed to Chinese martial arts class.

Of these three points, the first two can be said to have been thought of by everyone, and they are what everyone has said.

But the last one is that no one really thought of it.

Groundbreaking super bold proposal.

This suggestion is to get rid of the deep-rooted ideas that people have cultivated for decades.

Cancel English and change to Guoshu.

If it is really realized, there will be no place for English in the future.

Instead, children start to learn Chinese martial arts from an early age, build their bodies, and each possess unique skills.

So... does anyone really agree?

Jiang Siming didn't know, but at least he felt that learning English really didn't have to be so hard and dedicated.

It’s better to go for a run, or even...play games and open your mind than learning English.

After Jiang Siming made his speech, it was his turn to speak again.

The subsequent speeches seemed insignificant when compared with Jiang Siming.

It was almost noon when the meeting was suspended, and everyone had a rest and dinner.

Continue to open in the afternoon.

The entire meeting was held for two days.

Jiang Siming also stayed in Kyoto for two days.

After two days, the meeting finally ended.

On the Internet, there is no controversy surrounding Jiang Siming's last suggestion.

Pros and cons are almost equal.

"Agree! Raise your hands to agree! I always feel that English is useless!"

"To be honest, even if you learn English and go abroad, you will find that the English you learn is fundamentally different from real communication."

"Support Jiang Siming! It's so cool to change to Chinese martial arts! I have wanted to learn since I was a kid!"

"Learning Chinese martial arts can not only strengthen the body, but also develop children's motor cells."

"That is, look at the children nowadays, some of them are obese and overweight when they only go to elementary school, or wear thick glasses. How can this kind of physical fitness work."


"No! Resolutely oppose! Jiang Siming is sensationalizing!"

"Yes, I have been learning English for so many years. If I say cancel it, then cancel it? Who does he think he is?"

"What's so good about changing the national martial arts? Do you want my children to become martial arts masters to fight with people every day?"

"Funny, those kids who learn taekwondo every day didn't say they beat people every day."

"Jiang Siming is a young man with a hairless mouth who is playing the piano indiscriminately.


There are many people who disagree and agree.

I just don’t know, do you agree or disagree...


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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