I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1617: Offend martial arts?

Regarding these controversies, Jiang Siming didn't care at all.

Their discussion is their business, and they only put forward their opinions, and the right to decide is the unified result after the meeting.

But Jiang Siming has been in Kyoto these two days and has also dealt with some meeting leaders.

They told Jiang Siming that there was nothing wrong with his first and second opinions, and that amendments to the legal provisions for human traffickers and porcelain would be implemented soon.

However, the third article mentioned by Jiang Siming is that it is too difficult for the proposal to cancel English to be implemented immediately.

After all, English has been intertwined in China for decades.

Moreover, there are too many objections, and the above needs to be discussed carefully before giving Jiang Siming a reply.

Jiang Siming also readily accepted this reply. After the meeting, he immediately went home to accompany his wife and children.

At this time, there was less than a week left before his solo concert. Jiang Siming didn't even have time to go to the company, so he went to the Shanghai Stadium to rehearse every day.

This stadium has been packaged by Huayi for a month.

As early as last month, we started sending people to work on Jiang Siming to prepare all the facilities for the concert.

At present, everything has been basically done, and even the band is the top group of Huayi, digging for Jiang Siming to work.

When Jiang Siming has time to rehearse, they will report on time.

Huayi said that the boss must be comfortable and happy to finish the concert.

Besides, even if Jiang Siming is just a singer in their company, they have to take care of him.

There are nearly 100,000 tickets for a solo concert, and their Huayi can only be done by a very few singers.

Rehearsal is really not stressful for Jiang Siming.

Especially if you sing, you just pass it once.

Sometimes the band accidentally played the wrong notes before re-arranging.

The captain of the band said that he has worked with countless singers, and Jiang Siming is definitely the most stable and reassuring.

The typhoon is as steady as a dog, and the singing becomes a monkey.

The closer to the concert, the more and more people flow near the Shanghai Stadium.

Many tourists from other places ran to the vicinity of the gymnasium, which also caused the nearby hotels to be full, even the homestays.

The atmosphere of Jiang Siming's concert is getting stronger and stronger. Many businesses see the business opportunities and start to sell cheer cards, light sticks and other peripheral products near the stadium.

This is the largest number of concerts in Shanghai in recent years.

Fans have already bought tickets and waited for the day when they started singing.

The organizers are greedy, fans are greedy, nearby businesses are greedy...

Only Jiang Siming is quite calm. He drives to the gymnasium to rehearse for two hours every day, and then drives home.

It's just like clocking in at work.

Even knowing that the concert is about to start these days, it stands to reason that it should remain mysterious and not suitable for public appearance.

Jiang Siming didn't even have this concept at all, and even started a rare live broadcast at night.

Even Jiang Siming's fans can't laugh or cry at him. They have never seen such a wayward idol.

Brother, you are about to start a concert, can't hide, leave a sense of mystery for the concert.

If you don’t start broadcasting for ten thousand years, what's the matter with it?

Jiang Siming: "Don't watch it, don't watch me turn off the broadcast."

Fan: "Don't don't don't, look, it smells really good~"

It really wasn't Jiang Siming's intention. Mainly tonight, I had an appointment with basketball Yao to play Warcraft.

The enthusiastic Jiang Siming decided to start a live broadcast ahead of time. He just agreed to eat chicken with UZI before.

Just start the broadcast ahead of time, first play with UZI, and make an appointment with basketball Yao at night.

This wave of operation is beautiful.

The dusty live broadcast room finally opened.

The data of Jiang Siming's live studio is still the first on the whole platform.

Even Master Lu, who had been rebroadcast for so long, was far behind Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's live broadcast happened just after dinner, which was a prime time period of six or seven o'clock.

As soon as it started broadcasting, the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

No less than the peak period of focusing on live broadcasting.

It's even worse.

"Finally willing to start broadcasting!"

"Forget it, Myojin, you haven't played a live broadcast for 105 days, your uncle!"

"The concert is about to start and it will start, I am also a Buddha~"

"Myojin cowhide, the three suggestions at the Kyoto meeting are too great!"

"I propose to cancel English and I agree with both hands, but I don't quite understand why the Chinese art is added."

"Does Mingshen suggest a Chinese martial arts class? Do you know martial arts?"


Seeing everyone's various questions, Jiang Siming was overwhelmed and could only pick a few answers.

"Guoshu? Of course it will."

Jiang Siming answered naturally.

The water friends did not expect him to answer so decisively, remembering the boxing test that Jiang Siming played when he first participated in "Chicken Strips".

Now everyone think about it, Myojin might really know how to martial arts.

Thinking of this, everyone was excited and begged Jiang Siming to perform Chinese martial arts.

"Huh? What are you doing looking at this."

Jiang Siming was speechless, and Chinese martial arts came to keep fit, and they all wanted to watch the show.

But after all, it has been a long time since the live broadcast, and I feel a little owed to everyone, so Jiang Siming's small wish of the water friends is satisfied as much as possible.

No matter what, you have to watch it, the barrage is all asking Jiang Siming to perform.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to get up and scratch his head, and said, "How to perform, I think of a way."

Jiang Siming didn't know how to perform national martial arts, but he had been proficient in a set of fighting and grappling techniques before.

He punched everyone in front of the camera.

Although the punches were alive and well, there are still many people who do not believe that Jiang Siming's stuff is powerful.

There are even some guys who adore foreigners and foreigners utterly ranting on the barrage.

"Haha, is this the national martial arts? Huaquan embroidered legs, it is better than taekwondo!"

Jiang Siming happened to see this barrage, laughed, and said, "Your ignorance is really ridiculous. Is Taekwondo worthy to compete with our Chinese martial arts?"

This sentence seems to have hit many people who like taekwondo, and disputes suddenly arose.

This is a rhythm in the live broadcast room, and the rhythm is off-track.

But Jiang Siming didn't care at all. Not only did he not save the field, he added fuel to the fire.

"I can tell you very seriously that taekwondo, karate, Muay Thai, Sanda boxing, etc. are insignificant in the face of our ancestors' martial arts."

Jiang Siming is telling the truth, but some people don't believe in this evil.

"I laughed. A few days ago, I saw that Tai Chi master Ma Baoguo was knocked out by an amateur fighter. Is this fake?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming chuckles and said, "I believe that he is real by KO, but I definitely don't believe that this person has real abilities. Now various masters are emerging in endlessly, but there are many fakes. Don't believe it."

"A true Tai Chi master will never be able to beat an amateur boxer. If he fails, it means that he is a fake. Even if he has really learned it, he is not good at learning art and is a trickster."

Jiang Siming's words offended all other martial arts schools.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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