I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1618: Azeroth forever

Coupled with Jiang Siming's special status, he is not just a KouHi anchor.

Under the rush of spreading, many people in the martial arts industry rushed to Jiang Siming's live broadcast room to shout.

"Jiang Siming, since you are such an exaggeration, our Karate Association would like to discuss it with you." The chairman of the Karate Association.

"I want to ask, who gave you confidence? Taekwondo expressed dissatisfaction and wanted to compete." Taekwondo Association.

"The Sanda Association also wants to join in the fun." The Sanda Association.

"The Muay Thai Association is here to challenge!" The Muay Thai Association.

"The Boxing General Association sent an e-challenge book. I just recently educated a master to protect the country. Now I want to learn from the richest man Jiang." The Boxing General Association.


The water friends are dumbfounded now, I didn't expect them to be real.

Everyone began to worry about Jiang Siming, but Myojin's wave stabbed a hornet's nest.

People in these associations are eager to show their popularity and reputation to promote their martial arts.

Now the opportunity is here, how could they miss it.

Even if the opponent is the famous Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming himself didn't expect that so many people from the martial arts world would come to the door. They are like taking medicine.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Siming laughed and said: "Don't think that I don't know your purpose, but I advise you to take back what you just said. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you can't get off the stage."

After these words were said, those people became more ‘popular and indignant’, and each incarnation of justice messengers threatened to challenge Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took the trouble and waved his hand and said, "Okay, challenge, right? Give you this opportunity. Ten days later, I will address the Shanghai Wushu General Association. I will be waiting for you at the Association at 10 am."

"Remember, I don't have time to fight with you one day a day. There are too many things. If you want to fight, let's come together. I allow you to fight on the wheel and send your challenge book to the General Association. I will find someone to collect it."

Jiang Siming added: "Also, all challengers must be the best members of the associations. Don't have any cats and dogs to challenge, there is no idle time."

"In addition, those who want to challenge me must first sign an exemption agreement. Don't hurt me by that time. Is this the head office? Are you satisfied?"

As soon as Jiang Siming finished talking, the live broadcast room exploded.

I rely on!

Myojin play really?

Still challenged all the martial arts people alone.

However, those people didn't give Jiang Siming a chance to repent. They said something when they saw the truth and ran away.

It seemed that Jiang Siming would go back for fear of running slowly.

Jiang Siming didn't seem to take it seriously, and continued to invest in the live broadcast.

It didn't take long for a hot news item to spread across the Internet from Gulu Weibo.

[Jiang Siming publicly challenged foreign martial arts in the live broadcast room! 】

[Jiang Siming, the founder of the Kyoto Conference National Martial Arts, will challenge the major foreign martial arts associations! 】

These news spread all over the place, and soon there was a lot of noise.

Everyone is a little curious, does Jiang Siming really want to promote Chinese martial arts in this wave of challenges?

But is Guoshu really so powerful?

Everyone has questions on their heads, and the answer to this question can only be given to them in ten days.

The Internet is very hot, but Jiang Siming's live studio is another scene.

"Warriors and soldiers go up!"

"Damn, this boss hurts so much!"

"Fortunately, we mage Niu, it is true that the mage is Blizzard's own son, haha."

"Yao Brother Niu, you mage, it's too easy to take me to write a book."

"Haha, I have been playing for many years. From the beginning to the present, it is normal for this game to be more powerful."

"Hey I found your number is also good."

"Where, I haven't played for years, I almost forgot about pulling monsters, hahaha."


In Jiang Siming's live broadcast room, there is no term for eating chicken as it should have been.

Instead, it was a bunch of World of Warcraft lines.

Everyone heard it right and entered the live broadcast room.

Jiang Siming will really play World of Warcraft inside.

And with basketball Yao, the two got together.

Originally at this point in time, Jiang Siming wanted to fight Jedi to survive.

But it happened that something happened at UZI's family and couldn't come today. Basketball Yao arrived early.

The two decisively logged on to Battle.net and entered World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft, this game Jiang Siming also played when he was in college.

But he entered the pit too late at that time and didn't play for long.

But this does not prevent Jiang Siming from sincerely complimenting and liking this game.

While chatting with basketball Yao Shuben, Jiang Siming occasionally took time to look at the barrage and return to the questions of the friends.

There was just a barrage, which made Jiang Siming very unhappy.

"I don't know why I want to play this garbage game."

Jiang Siming replied mercilessly when he heard these words: "If this game is rubbish, any game you play is not as good as rubbish. If you don't see it in my live broadcast room, don't say anything. It looks like you are mentally retarded."

"Let me tell you one last sentence, the only game that can defeat World of Warcraft is the World of Warcraft nostalgic server!"

After scolding Jiang Siming, he also banned this person forever.

But I didn't expect Jiang Siming's curse, but it moved the hearts of all the old World of Warcraft players, including basketball Yao.

"Thank Myojin for protecting our Azeroth."

"True e-sports people, whoever refuses to obey you will convince you."

"Thank you, I am so touched by these words, the 85-year-old player passed by."

"Somehow I heard that Myojin wanted to cry because of World of Warcraft."

"Azeroth will live forever!"


No one could have imagined that Jiang Siming would make such an abnormal spit for an old game.

In Jiang Siming's mind, when there is a game that carries the youth and memories of a large number of players.

So this game is no longer a game, it is more like a time monument to record growth.

Jiang Siming will never allow anyone to slander people's time monument at will. World of Warcraft is not good, and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is not good either.

Played more than three hours of World of Warcraft with basketball Yao. Basketball Yao is getting older and has to go to bed. He said goodbye to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming glanced at the time, and it was too early, so he started broadcasting and prepared to sleep with his wife.

When he walked out of the study, Jiang Siming realized that it was Saturday and the wives were not asleep at all, they were all playing.

Because there were too many wives, Jiang Siming counted from the third floor to the first floor.

I found that all but Xinyi were still up.

"Why did Xinyi go to bed? Doesn't she also like to play cards on weekend nights?"

Jiang Siming asked curiously.

Chi Zheng, who was also playing cards, shook his head and said: "I don't know, we are also surprised. Xinyi said that she was a little sleepy these past two days, more lethargic."


Jiang Siming has some doubts, is it because relatives are here?

With concern for his wife, Jiang Siming ran to Xinyi's bedroom.

As soon as I entered, I saw Xinyi lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Jiang Siming walked in, she didn't notice it at all, and she slept deeply.

For fear of his wife being unwell, he walked over and quietly checked Xinyi's state.

After careful inspection several times, no abnormalities were found.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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