I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1619: Experience dragon?

But something strange is that when Jiang Siming inspected Xin Yi's body, he always felt a weak breath of blood that is thicker than water.

But when he thoroughly examined Xinyi's body, he found nothing.

In fact, Jiang Siming suffered a loss of inexperience, but if he had some experience, he could guess what was going on.

I really didn't experience this feeling, Jiang Siming only thought that Xinyi had stayed with him for a long time.

That's why there is a breath of blood thicker than water with him.

After all, Xinyi is his first girlfriend, and she has been with him the longest, and it is possible to subtly.

Without thinking about it, Jiang Siming put the quilt on Xinyi before leaving quietly.

At night, when Jiang Siming was sleeping, he had a dream.

In the dream, a little baby's face appeared in front of him all the time. The baby looked like Xinyi three-pointers and seven-pointers like himself.

It's very cute and looks like an angel.

Jiang Siming had never seen such a good-looking baby before, especially when he heard TA's milk crying to his father, his heart was broken.

I want to give her the whole world.

Unfortunately, before Jiang Siming went to hug TA, the baby was gone.

When he woke up in the morning, Jiang Siming was still thinking about this dream.

"Oh, if it's so good to have a baby, I'm not too young, I should be a father."

Jiang Siming wants to have a child more and more, but unfortunately he wants a child because his cultivation is too high, so he can only wait for his wives to improve.

This way the probability of pregnancy will increase.

Shaking his head, Jiang Siming could only not think about it temporarily.

Now he can only go with the flow and wait to see if there will be such a small chance of "winning" one day.

Get up and eat.

Jiang Siming walked out of his bedroom with a yawn. When he went downstairs, he just saw Li Shengxue enter the house from outside.

Shengxue, who had been shifted all night, yawned.

"Why work overtime for one night?" Jiang Siming asked distressedly.

Li Shengxue nodded, and said helplessly: "In order to squat a drug dealer, I have to lead him out. Unfortunately, the drug dealer is very vigilant. Huo Wu and I stayed together all night without gain."

"Why not just grab it."

Jiang Siming wondered.

Li Shengxue explained: "There is a big drug lord behind him. We want to control this person first, and then dig out the big drug lord behind him."

Jiang Siming understood, but he was a little unhappy, saying: "That won't make my wife stay up all night and wait, it makes me feel so distressed for her husband."

Li Shengxue pursed her mouth and said, "It's okay, I'm a cultivator, and occasionally there is nothing wrong with not sleeping for a night or two."

"Then if the drug dealer hasn't come out, do you have to keep guarding?" Jiang Siming asked.

Li Shengxue nodded and said, "This is the only way."

"How come, there are too many ways to get one person out." Jiang Siming said in disapproval.

"Really? What way?" Li Shengxue's eyes lit up, but she knew her husband's IQ.

"Is there his phone?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Yes, but we don't dare to fight for fear that it will startle the snake." Li Shengxue said.

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll call, call me."

Li Shengxue did not hesitate, and cooperated to report the phone number of the drug dealer.

Jiang Siming took out his cell phone, entered the number, and called.

Then he sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting for the other party to connect.

Not long after the phone rang, a bad man's voice rang.

"Who is it?" the other party asked vigilantly.

Jiang Siming immediately replied: "Old Wei, when will you pay me back? When will you delay it for 500 yuan?"

"Old Wei? Who, are you calling the wrong number!" The other party was confused.

Jiang Siming's tone of voice was pretentiously surprised.

"That's because I made a mistake. Don't bb. I can't hang up."

Jiang Siming smiled arrogantly.

This really ignited the anger of this buddy.

"Are you sick?"

"Who are you scolding?"

"Why scold you?"

"Try another scolding!"

"How can I drop if I scold it? I'm ****"

"You TM also dared to bluff Lao Tzu on the phone, and I want to put aside Lao Tzu to kill you first!" Jiang Siming said fiercely.

"Don't brag about it, can you? If you don't want to come to the Agricultural Bank of China now, whoever does not come will be the grandson!" The guys on the opposite side have completely lost their minds.

"What **** Agricultural Bank, you're the one who brought the handle!" Jiang Siming continued to arouse him.

"The Agricultural Bank of XXX Road, XXX District, Shanghai, you know, if you are not in Shanghai, you can make an appointment with you alone. If you want to be in Shanghai now, come quickly and see how your father cuts you!"

"Okay! Lao Tzu is nearby, you TM wait for Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Siming hung up after speaking and said to Li Shengxue:

"Agricultural Bank on XXX Road, XXX District, Shanghai, hurry up and call someone to take a look. After a long time, maybe this fool will react and run."

Li Shengxue next to him has a question mark, and...this kind of operation?

The worst thing, Li Shengxue called the criminal police team, and within five minutes, the criminal police returned the call.

Drug dealer... caught...

"Why look at me? If you catch you, go to bed."

Jiang Siming said amused that this girl may have never seen such a method of solving crimes.

In fact, he just wanted to try his luck, hoping that the other party was a fool.

Unexpectedly, the other party is not only a fool, but also a very temperamental fool.

The drug dealer was so confused when he was pushed on the ground by the police. Didn't you mean singled out? How come there are so many people and don't follow the rules of the world.

"Wait, why don't you ask what my name is?" The drug dealer finally asked a soul question.

"What's your name?" The police were very cooperative.

"My name is Jin Yanlong."

"I see, you are indeed an experience dragon, and you can give us experience."


The drug dealer finally did not want to speak, and left tears of regret.

The world is too sinister, and there is no trust between people.

I regret it now, I regret it...

With five days to go before the concert, Jiang Siming will not go to the rehearsal.

Because all the processes are done, it's just a waste of time to go again.

There are still two days before the third PUBG World Championship.

Jiang Siming originally thought that he should be able to rest at home for two days.

But I didn't expect to receive a call from an old friend, Zhou Dong called.

Invite him to record a show in Taipei.

Only then did Jiang Siming know that Zhou Dong had recently put on a slow variety show called "Travel Notes".

This program is that Jay Chou travels around various countries or cities and invites a friend and guest to play with him in each issue.

Jay Chou would like to ask Jiang Siming if he has time and invite him to be a guest.

Jiang Siming was still hesitating. Jay Chou told him that the show was about eating, drinking, and having fun, and he took him to Taipei.

After Jiang Siming listened, he said nothing, take off!


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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