I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1622: I can't turn my heart

Jiang Siming likes the atmosphere of this program very much, just like the first time he participated in "Longing".

In fact, Jiang Siming felt that the atmosphere of the show had changed a bit.

Only because of his arrival, the program group had to change according to Jiang Siming's preferences.

"This show is very relaxing, you can ask Teacher He to come to an issue, let him relax and enjoy it."

Jiang Siming never forgets Hejiu.

"Is it really possible? Of course it would be nice if you could get it!"

Jay Chou said in anticipation, "Ms. He and I have not seen each other for ten years. I remember that the first time I went to the fast book, it was in 2001, and then again in 2008, and never again. Up."

"Okay, I will ask at that time." Jiang Siming agreed with a smile.

Teacher He actually likes to participate in this kind of show, but people can't help themselves in the arena and can only follow the arrangements of the station.

The car quickly came to a restaurant in Taipei, this restaurant was opened by Jay Chou, called Mr.J.

As soon as I entered, I saw a motorcycle of the same model in the movie Batman on the booth, next to a piano.

A pianist played Jay Chou's songs on it, and the atmosphere was very good.

The guests in the restaurant screamed when they saw Jay Chou coming.

Jay Chou is not a person who often appears in his restaurant, it is too rare to see it.

See the reactions of these guests and the fans gathering outside the restaurant.

Jiang Siming also had to sigh, the charm of Zhou Tianwang.

This man carries the youth and memories of two generations.

Even if he Jiang Siming has released dozens of songs, each song is very good.

But compared with Zhou Tianwang, it was still not a small distance.

There is no doubt about the status of Zhou Tianwang in the Chinese music scene, and perhaps no one except Zhang Geshen can shake his status.

All of this is the result of Jay Chou's musical talent and hard work.

Jiang Siming also had nothing but admiration in his heart.

At the same time, I am very fortunate that his youth is accompanied by him, not some Kun and Han. What are these things?

After dealing with some fans' signature requests, Jay Chou took Jiang Siming to the corner table and ordered all the dishes he could get in the restaurant.

While waiting for the food to be served, Jay Chou felt a little itchy for a while, and said to Jiang Siming: "Should I play a piece of music and listen to it?"

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Okay, how do you play?"

"In this way, let's have a different one, and we will improvise a piece of music. Anyway, we are all singers. Let's sing some lyrics."

Jay Chou said this like a commonplace.

For a music king like him, improvisation is quite normal.

Rumor has it that Angela Chang asked Jay Chou to make a song, and Jay Chou wrote it in only ten minutes.

That song is "Dear That Isn't Love".

Not only is the writing fast, but it is also so nice, and the name of talent is well-deserved.

Jiang Siming was also eager to try when he heard it. The two hit it off and came to the piano.

Alexander, the piano player just now, plays the piano carefully.

Jay Chou pointed to this person and said: "We are like this. When he finishes playing, we will go up and sing the song we made up. It doesn't need too much, just one or two sentences are enough."

"Okay." Jiang Siming said there was no problem.

Brother Du and the others watched expectantly, they didn't even dare to say the usual laugh, for fear of affecting their creation.

The piano sounded for two minutes, and the pianist quickly gave way after playing.

"Are you coming first or me first?" Zhou Dong asked.

"It's all right, then I'll be fine." Jiang Siming said.

"Please." Zhou Dong made a gesture and looked forward to it.

Before sitting on the piano, Jiang Siming prepared for a while, and then started quickly playing on the black and white keys!

The sound of the piano fascinated everyone.

But what everyone is looking forward to is the song. I don't know what kind of song Jiang Siming will compose.

What shocked everyone that they never expected, Jiang Siming sang it in a drama!

"My heart bandit cannot be turned, my heart bandit cannot be swept away, staring empty, the love word has no understanding..."

After singing a passage, the sound of the piano also stopped.

Everyone present was surprised by the lyrics just now.

Jiang Siming not only arranged the music, but also the lyrics, but it was the most difficult ancient Chinese style to write.

Jay Chou took the lead in applauding, and the restaurant was full of applause.

"Very good! This paragraph is from the "Book of Songs"?"

Jiang Siming sighed with emotion, he was indeed a master of music, and he could guess the source after only listening to it.

"Well, the lyrics are the words in the Book of Songs." Jiang Siming nodded and admitted.

Jay Chou also sang it several times, completely different from Jiang Siming's style, and it was just as good.

Then, Jay Chou sang what he had compiled.

"I like to read her slightly drowsy eyes, the world is already too sweet because of her, the murals on the arch walls, the graffiti in the old city..."

It was also a short part. After singing, Jiang Siming applauded similarly.

"Hey, let me tell you, I feel that this paragraph can be expanded into a complete song, I have thought of the title of the song, it's called "Mojito", how about it?"

Jiang Siming reacted quickly and asked, "Mojito cocktail?"

"Yes indeed."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "You name it so casually, I think Fang Wenshan gave you a nice one before."

Jay Chou laughed loudly and said: "What he took is too artistic, the hair is like snow, the fireworks are easy to cold, etc., I want to take something more popular."

"Well, each has its own advantages."

The two of them returned to the dining table just now, and discussed the scales around the song "Mojito".

Jiang Siming gave a lot of opinions, so that Zhou Dong has a more outline of this song.

It is estimated that with his talents, new songs will be released soon.

Lao Du and the others couldn't talk in the whole process, but fortunately, the food came at this time, and Jay Chou temporarily put down the music exchange.

After a meal, the guests enjoyed themselves.

"By the way, how are we going to play in a while? There is a night court here, which is great."

Jay Chou can play whatever he thinks of.

The same is true for this show. It doesn't follow the script at all, it's all according to Jay Chou's own mood. He shoots whatever he wants to play.

"Okay, but just whether we are missing a few." Jiang Siming said.

"It's okay. I will call Lao Xiao and the others, Pan Weibo, and black Chen Jianzhou. They are all old basketball fans. They are definitely willing to come."

As he said, Jay Chou started to make phone calls.

Jiang Siming also let him arrange. Anyway, he came here to be a ‘fool’. How would Heavenly King Zhou make arrangements?

Jay Chou's face is still great, and everyone on the other end of the phone said yes after hearing the call.

Get the players, but it's still early.

"Well, how about letting Guanlin and Weize perform a magic trick for you?"

Zhou Dongchao Jiang Siming said.

It can be seen here that Jay Chou really takes care of his friends and often gives them opportunities.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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