I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1623: magic? magic?

Magic is Jay's biggest hobby.

I heard that Jay Chou played magic for longer than music. Magic and basketball are his two hobbies.

Of course, there are games...

Many netizens joked that Jay Chou's "Travel Notes" is a magic game.

Because this show will not lack magic.

Not only because there are two magician friends in the show, but also Jay Chou's favorite trick to play cool.

But most of Jay Chou's magic are post special effects and carefully prepared props.

Of course, this is the case with magic.

It's just that after Jiang Siming got [Magic Proficiency] a while ago, I think it's pediatrics to watch any magic.

He now has the world's top magic performance skills, and if he matches his cultivator strength, Jiang Siming can become the world's strongest magician at will.

Zhou Dong performed a wave of card magic to Jiang Siming on the spot, and the performance was very successful.

But Zhou Dong found that Jiang Siming didn't have much expression floating, but his mouth was smiling.

"Ah, what is it, do you see through it?" Jay Chou asked with a guilty conscience.

Jiang Siming smiled without saying a word, just picked up his playing cards in the same way.

"Draw any one."

"Oh, you can also do tricks? It seems that you want to compete with us."

Jay Chou said that he drew a card very cooperatively. Take a look at it. It's 4 of Hearts.

"Make a mark, then burn it with a lighter." Jiang Siming said.

Jay Chou wondered, there is this kind of magic?

He didn't believe it, so he immediately marked it with a pen and burned the card on the spot.

Fortunately, this is his own shop, otherwise he would be driven out by the clerk if he played with fire.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that this marked 4 of Hearts was destroyed by fire and turned into ashes.

Jiang Siming handed them the pair of cards in his hand, and said, "Look carefully to see if there are any duplicate 4 of Hearts."

Zhou Dong and Lao Du were looking for cards one after another, and the four of them worked together to search, confirming that there was no second 4 of Hearts, and returned the cards to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took a card in his hand, drew out one at random, and handed it to them. He didn't bother to take a look.

Coolly asked: "Look, is it this one?"

Jay Chou and Lao Du quickly opened the cards, and it was indeed the marked 4 of Hearts!

Jay Chou and the other two magicians have different eyes. Unexpectedly, the guests they invited this time will also be magical.

And it seems to be no worse than them!

"Young man, it seems that you want to play on the court, Weize, you must return him one to let him know how good it is."

How could he bear this little dissatisfied arrogant public personality.

Weize immediately performed a close-up coin disappearance technique.

Jiang Siming applauded slightly, his hand speed is indeed fast, he deserves to be a professional magician.

However, Jiang Siming, like them, began to play the coin disappearance technique.

But his coin disappearance technique does not play hand speed at all...

I saw Jiang Siming pick up a handful of coins and spread it in his hand, just putting it in his palm.

"Be optimistic, they will disappear under your nose in three seconds."

Upon hearing this, Jay Chou and Weize immediately double-teamed each other, staring at the coin in Jiang Siming's palm 360 degrees without a dead angle.

At the same time, they didn't believe that the coin could disappear in front of them without any movement.

3, 2, 1!

When the time came, the coin in Jiang Siming's palm really disappeared!

Disappear out of thin air!

This made Jay Chou and Weize stunned, and the audience who had gathered around to watch the excitement in the restaurant couldn't help but screamed.

How do I rely on this? ? ?

"I will change them back again."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the coin really returned to his palm again.

During this process, he really didn't move, without any movement.

Watching Dong Chou, they kept studying around Jiang Siming's palm, and even touched and explored, discussing how Jiang Siming did it.

They are actually more shocked than ordinary audiences, because they play magic and know magic best.

They felt that Jiang Siming's magic tricks were too weird, so weird that they couldn't believe it.

Watching them discuss for a long time to no avail, almost no quarrel.

Jiang Siming couldn't smile in his heart.

To make magic, this kind of item disappearance technique only needs him to use Qiankun Ring, which can be easily done.

Magic is too simple for him.

"Hey, teach me a bit, we haven't understood how to do it for a long time."

Zhou Dong weakly asked Jiang Siming for advice. This wave of magic is too cool. If you learn to be cool, don’t be too cool!

Jay Chou loves to be cool, whether playing basketball or doing magic.

Jiang Siming was very stingy, and said, "The secret technique cannot be spread, after all, this is my exclusive space magic."

"Cut, if you don't teach it, don't teach it. Sooner or later I will decrypt your magic and learn it by stealth." Jay Chou said sourly.

At this time, the food is ready, everyone will not play for the time being, and eat first.

After having a big meal in Jay Chou’s own restaurant, Jiang Siming patted his stomach contentedly, and ordered a cup of Jay Chou’s favorite milk tea with him while he went out to drink.

This typical behavior of eating and taking is quite ‘shameful’.

"Student Jiang, you are really good at eating. There are at least ten dishes on the table. We only ate two plates at most, and you did all the rest."

Jay Chou's appetite for Jiang Siming was even more shocked than the magic just now.

"How do you keep your figure so good by eating like this?"

Jay Chou became envious. Before he got married, his figure was quite good.

He even practiced the mermaid line when he filmed the MV for the "Cross Era" album.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. After getting married, she may be too moist, and Kun's wife raised her well.

Jay Chou's weight has risen sharply, and he has evolved from Peng Yuyan to Eason Chan.

It's very blue, OK...

Jiang Siming drank the milk tea and answered without turning his head: "I won't get fat, I will only eat more and more."

Jay Chou said that he is heartbroken, Tiezi.

Out of the restaurant, Jay Chou took Jiang Siming and started visiting Taipei's night market.

One point, Taipei’s night market is really amazing!

All the famous snacks and delicacies in Taipei, eating, drinking and having fun, are all available in the night market, and there are many people who come to play, and the atmosphere is very lively.

Jiang Siming also went shopping while eating snacks with Jay Chou from time to time, or playing small games on the street.

Time flies so fast, during the program recording has never stopped, but everyone does not feel the existence of the photographer.

It's not like recording a show at all, it's more like going out to eat and drink with real friends, chat and talk, and do whatever you want.

In this atmosphere, it doesn't matter whether the program is not the program, the important thing is to have fun.

Jiang Siming also knows why so many friends of Jay Chou love to come to "Travel Notes", it is really a good place to have fun.

And you can also add the section list by the way to increase your exposure, why not do it.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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