I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1624: Meet at the stadium

After walking around the night market, Jay Chou took everyone to the night basketball court.

All of Jay Chou’s friends have come to the stadium to warm up in advance.

In addition to a few boys, there are three girls.

Of these three, two Jiang Siming have met, Zhang Juning and Guigui, and one is actually a star.

"In other words, why should we follow them to watch basketball, isn't this a free cheerleader for them."

"Oh, Jun-ning, if you are boring, just come out and relax. Besides, Jay Chou will come later."

"Snow, don't you like to listen to Jay Chou's songs, you can still ask for an autograph."

"Can I say...I actually like to listen to Jiang Siming's songs more recently. I heard that he is going to have a concert, so I really want to go~ Unfortunately, there is no schedule."


The three girls sat in the auditorium and chatted, ignoring Old Xiao, Negro, Wilber and a few good boys warming up on the court.

Fortunately, Old Xiao and they thought there were beautiful women watching, and they all worked hard to warm up and show off their various skills, but they didn't care about them at all.

"When will Jay Chou come? It seems that it's almost the appointed time."

"It should be coming soon. This guy seems to be recording a show. He should have brought guests here."

"Oh? Guess which guest, dare to play with us."

"Haha, how about we steal the limelight from the guests for a while?"

"Okay, block him, grab his rebounds, embarrass him."

Several men started plotting bad water while heating up.

At this time, several cars drove to the parking lot outside the stadium at night, which attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm going! Maybach! Who drives this car?"

"The photo seems to be from the mainland, the photo in Shanghai!"

"Niu, the car from Shanghai is coming to Taipei."



Everyone stopped the basketball in their hands, and the three actresses stopped chatting, all looking at the car curiously.

The first ones that came out were ordinary business cars in the back, all with cameras and uncle photographers.

Everyone probably knows it. Ninety-nine percent of it is Zhou Dong.

Sure enough, the door of the Maybach opened and the four of Jay Chou and Lao Du got out of the car.

"Hi! My friends, are you ready for the basketball game."

Old Xiao smiled and threw the basketball to him, and said: "Let's see who the guest is, Maybach, is this definitely not your car?"

"Yeah, and how can this car be driven to Taipei? Doesn't the mainland come to Taipei only by plane or cruise? Is it a cruise ship?"

Wilber asked wonderingly.

Jay Chou smiled proudly and said, "Of course it was shipped by air."

"Air freight? How do you ship!" Several people didn't believe it.

"Private jet, when an oversized private jet flies, its tail compartment is large enough to accommodate several cars. This is how this car came."

I go!

There are private jets? The private jet that can be loaded, NM, who is it?

"Dong Chou, don't sell it anymore, can you, let's reveal the answer soon, otherwise we won't be merciful when we play with him later."

When the black man said this, Jay Chou made an exception and laughed.

If the black man said this to him, he would have to worry about being abused by the black man.

But he actually said this to the guest he invited this time, it's strange that Jay Chou didn't laugh.

Who is in the car? King of China Basketball, OK? World Cup champion! Where does the courage of this black man say he wants to abuse others.

"Okay, black man, I found you so courageous for the first time. I admire you." Jay Chou gave a thumbs up.

"Hahaha, black man, you have to be jealous this time!"

"Black I admire your courage, get ready to die, hahaha."

By coincidence, the Maybach co-pilot's door opened and Jiang Siming got out of the car.

When he appeared, everyone was stunned.

Especially black people, the basketball they were holding in their hands fell on the ground without any response.

He just understood why Jay Chou and the others were so gloating.

There is a big backing for feelings.

Don't say, this patron is too awesome!

"Eh, black man, how can you say this, then the task of facing Jiang Shen will be handed over to you."

"Yes, that's right, Jiang Shen said that he would torture you when he played basketball. We didn't say that, regardless of our business."

"Black man, you are really brave~ you must be the most handsome today."

A few friends immediately sold the black man, and stood on Jiang Siming's side mercilessly.

The black man felt bitter, but he didn't say, not that he didn't want to say, but... he really didn't know what to say.

Jiang Siming didn't care, smiled and greeted everyone.

Sweeping his eyes, he found the ghost sitting in the auditorium. Jiang Siming was a little surprised and smiled and waved in the direction of the ghost.

The three girls blush at the same time, their heartbeats speed up, puff and puff...

Both Xue Fu and Jun Ning thought Jiang Siming was greeting them.

"Daxia Jiang! Haha, it's Daxia Jiang!"

GuiGui laughed the happiest, like seeing a friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and even the two good girlfriends ignored them, and ran down and hopped to greet Jiang Siming with a high-five.

Xue Fu and Jun Ning discovered that Jiang Siming was greeting ghosts, not them.

It's embarrassing...I am so passionate...

"Jiang Daxia, you are not interesting enough, he told me when he was ready, but he sneaked over."

"Haha, I also just arrived today and was caught by Jay Chou to gather the number of people."

"Okay, but it surprised me that you were able to show up in Taipei. I will go back to the mainland to record the show with Xue Fu tomorrow. Do you want to be together? I'll buy you a ticket."

"No matter the ticket, I came by private jet. If you want to go together, please refund the ticket. I just have to go back tomorrow."

"Okay, okay! Hehe, then you can play basketball, I'll discuss with Xue Fu."

The ghost hopped off, ignoring the others once again.

"Let's go, let's play basketball. I haven't touched a basketball for almost half a month."

Jay Chou greeted everyone, and followed Jiang Siming to the stadium.

"What do you mean, Dong Chou, why have you been following Jiang Shen?" Old Xiao felt bad.

Jay Chou cheered and said nonchalantly: "Ah, it doesn't mean anything. We just said it before we came, I will be with Jiang's team, and you can arrange the others as you like."

"Damn, you are too shameless, then I have to be with you!"

"me too!"

"And I!"

Jay Chou was dumbfounded, I'll go, all of them, who are they going to fight with? Could it be with the ghosts?

"Don't mess with it, let's do it, me and Jiang, and then match Lao Du, Weize and Guanlin, the three of them can't play basketball. Isn't it fair?"

This idea is not bad, Lao Xiao and the others can only agree.

Who asked Jiang Siming to be invited by Jay Chou, they didn't know each other, and they were really embarrassed to come forward.

Only two people in their team can play basketball.

Jay Chou is a fancy, he never cares about scoring, he just looks handsome (laughs and cry).

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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