I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1625: Basketball Fire is a documentary

In this way, all five of them played well. Black people used to be professional basketball players, and Yan Chengxu came from behind.

According to the League of Legends gameplay, five of them should be considered all platinum levels.

On the opposite side is a king with a gold and three black irons.

This combination, there is no reason why they will lose platinum.

Do it! Who is afraid of whom!

Everyone gathered on the court. Jay Chou began to take off his jacket, put on a headscarf and arm guards. In short, he looked handsome before playing.

Jiang Siming is much simpler. He takes off his coat and he is done with a white vest inside.

The vest was taken up accidentally when he took off his jacket, and the exposed corner was just looked at by the three women.

The three women secretly swallowed their saliva unconsciously at the same time, their faces were hot.

"Come on, let go."

The black man was also willing to fight, and he probably wanted to challenge Jiang Shen.

There are really not many opportunities to play against the World Cup champions, and we must grasp it.

"Let's play for 30 minutes. Which team loses, please drink water and think of a punishment."

Jay Chou was full of confidence and started to place a bet.

This is the beginning of the wild game between the stars.

As soon as Wilber and the black people began to focus on defending Jiang Siming, they were paired with an old Xiao, and the three of them locked Jiang Siming and prevented him from touching the ball.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, please, just at the beginning, I haven't touched the ball yet, so I don't need such a ‘good’ treatment.

Seeing so many people around Jiang Siming, Jay Chou didn't want to pass the ball, mainly because he wanted to make two calls beforehand.

The result was terrible, the ball missed, and instead was robbed by Lao Xiao and his two teammates.

The embarrassed Jay Chou must find his place, but reality gave him a cruel blow.

Ten minutes later, Lao Xiao and the others had scored more than 30 points, and Jay Chou's team still didn't make a point.

Jiang Siming is the worst. He hasn't touched a basketball in ten minutes...

Mainly he watched Jay Chou want to show, and simply let him have enough.

"It seems we are going to win, what punishment should we think of."

The black felt that the winning ticket was in his hands. After all, surrounded by the three of them, Jiang Siming seemed to have nothing to do, not even the ball.

As long as they keep doing this, they will definitely win the world championship!

Jiang Siming didn't care about winning or losing, but the corners of his mouth rose when he heard what the black man said.

"Really? The ball is coming."

With a shout, Old Du Zhengchou didn't know who to give the ball to. Hearing Jiang Siming's words, he immediately threw the ball to Jiang Siming.

But he threw it so casually, the black man laughed and unceremoniously wanted to intercept the ball.

However, the ball is almost in his hands, but he doesn't know when he will grab it with lightning.

When the black turned his head, he found Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who hadn't moved much, seemed harmless to humans and animals, but when he moved, the huge pressure instantly made them out of breath.

Old Xiao and Wilber wanted to stop at the same time, but they couldn't catch up.

Can only watch Jiang Siming dribble the ball easily into their three-point line, Yan Chengxu nervously opened his arms to defend Jiang Siming.

When Jiang Siming saw him suddenly remembered "Basketball Fire", he yelled to Yan Chengxu when he was playing.

"Dongfangxiang, show you that my Kanglong has regrets, whirlwind dunk."

When this was said, everyone laughed and peeed.

But in the next second, they won't be able to laugh.

Because... Jiang Siming really used this trick!

Leaping high inside the three-point line, the basketball came off the palm of the hand, hit the rebound and bounced back.

During this period, Jiang Siming made a circle in the air, took the ball back steadily, and made the last dunk!

Show up!

Isn't this the skill of Dongfang Xiang in "Basketball Fire"...

The people present were all stupid. I didn't expect "Basketball Fire" to be a documentary...

Classmate Yan also watched this scene with his mouth open. He felt like he hadn't woken up, was he filming here?

Is Jiang Siming hanging on Wia?

It wasn't until Jiang Siming got off the backboard that everyone recovered.

Old Xiao and the others wryly hammered their hearts, regretting why they were so stupid, and they wanted to agree to Zhou Dong's words.

Is this the world champion? Is this Jiangshen? Okay, excuse me, we are not worthy (crying)...

Jay Chou didn't want to show off his skills anymore, so he threw the ball to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming started various fancy goals, stunned his opponent, and beat the three girls in the audience (smile).

Simply, in the next ten minutes, Jiang Siming not only surpassed Lao Xiao and their scores, but also exceeded 30 points.

This, I can’t fight...

In the last few minutes, Jiang Siming stopped taking action and handed it to Zhou Dong.

Jay Chou happily showed off the last ShowTime, this star friendly match, which is over.

"Oh, you guys can't do it. Recently, my skills have regressed."

Jay Chou won, but he didn't forget to ridicule them.

Lao Xiao and the others rolled their eyes, obediently bought water for Jay Chou and them, and finally danced a dance of Shiranui Dance together, Jay Chou let them go.

Later, Jay Chou wanted to have another appointment with them, but Lao Xiao and the others refused to agree.

Jay Chou had no choice but not to make an appointment, so he played with each other.

After playing until ten o'clock in the evening, the three girls had already drove home. Zhou Dong and the others had to bid farewell to Lao Xiao and them, and took Jiang Siming back to his house to sleep.

Jiang Siming wanted to sleep in a hotel, but Zhou Dong said that he would not agree to anything, so he insisted on taking Jiang Siming to his house for one night.

The reason is that his wife likes watching him play "You From the Star" recently, and is fascinated by Du Minjun in it.

Jay Chou, who has always spoiled his wife, took Jiang Siming home.

Jiang Siming can only say that his brother is helpless and passive.

When he arrived at the mansion of Zhou Dong's house, Jiang Siming had met Zhou's wife first.

When Zhou Sao saw Jiang Siming, she was pleasantly surprised and asked for an autograph and a photo with him.

After that, Jiang Siming met their little baby again, a very cute little girl.

Seeing Jay Chou holding his daughter coaxing crookedly as soon as he went home, Jiang Siming had a taste.

Damn, I didn't expect this wave, I feel that this guy is deliberate, deliberately greedy him.

Isn't he just being a father? Isn't he just having a daughter? Brother doesn't envy him.

Yes, I am not envious at all!

"Jiang, do you want to hug my daughter? It's so cute."

"No, I'm sleepy and want to sleep, good night."

Jiang Siming autistic, finished.

The next day, Jiang Siming came out of Jay Chou's house, ended the recording of the show, and returned to Taipei Airport, ready to go back to Shanghai.

Zhou Dong and Zhou Sao took Jiang Siming to the airport together.

In the airport, Xue Fu and ghosts were waiting as promised.

"Next time you go to Shanghai to record a show, you have to entertain me." Zhou Dong did not forget to tell Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming gave an OK gesture and said, "No problem, please eat sliced ​​cake."

"Cut cake? What is that? Is it expensive and delicious?"

"I don't know if it tastes good, but it is expensive."

Jiang Siming replied.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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