I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1626: Martial arts conference?

After bidding farewell to Jay Chou, Jiang Siming took Guigui and Xue Fu, boarded his plane and flew back to Shanghai.

It was the first time that Guigui and Xuefu took such a luxurious private jet. In fact, this was also the first time they took a private jet.

Both girls looked very cautious along the way.

Jiang Siming only briefly chatted with them on the plane.

Although he was always chatting with ghosts, Jiang Siming found that Xue Fu beside her always looked at him with strange eyes.

This kind of look immediately understood Jiang Siming's old world.

But Jiang Siming didn't have any crooked thoughts about her, even though this woman was indeed pretty and sexy.

So before getting off the plane, Xue Fu took the initiative to ask Jiang Siming for WeChat, but Jiang Siming directly refused.

She was embarrassed, and finally left in disappointment.

After returning to Shanghai, Jiang Siming discovered that another hot news appeared on Gulu's Weibo, which was also related to him.

This news was caused by other people, but the protagonist is him Jiang Siming.

There is only one news topic, the martial arts conference!

That is to say, Jiang Siming had broadcast live broadcast of all foreign martial arts association masters in the China-Joint battle.

In the past two days, countless people have sent out challenge books to the Shanghai Wushu Federation. They are all Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate, Judo, Sanda, Boxing and so on.

These challenge books accumulated more than 70 copies in two days, and they all came to challenge Jiang Siming.

This is also based on the requirements of Jiang Siming, the most authoritative and powerful players in each martial arts ranks.

Otherwise, the number of challenge books can be at least ten times higher.

In addition to these foreign martial arts circles.

There are even some domestic martial arts'masters' who want to participate in the enthusiasm and challenge Jiang Siming.

For example, the fake monk Yilong, the hype master Xu Xiaodong, and Pi Xiangyuan who imitated Bruce Lee's grandstanding.

These domestic people with some reputation also get together and send challenge books to Shanghai.

They don't care if Jiang Siming challenges foreign martial arts, they only know that this is a great opportunity to catch up on the heat.

At first, Jiang Siming didn't need to accept this kind of challenge books, but Jiang Siming accepted all of them for this kind of behavior.

If you want to fight, you can fight together, and it happens to have been watching these fleas upset for a long time.

This has also led to this news that has already received great attention and popularity without the need to push it.

Many people are looking forward to the contest between Chinese martial arts and foreign martial arts.

But there are also many Jiang Siming fans who are worried about their idols.

After all, there are more than 70 people who challenged him. Even if Jiang Siming really knows the martial arts, he can't stand the opponent playing wheel war.

It's just that they are worried, but Jiang Siming is not worried at all, including his wives, everyone is very relieved.

Is there anyone in the world who can beat their husband?

These foreign martial arts are pretty good without asking for more blessings.

The Shanghai General Association is actively bringing together this martial arts conference.

As the biggest protagonist, Jiang Siming didn't pay attention to this matter at all. Instead, he still devoted his greatest energy to the e-sports competition.

PM Internet Cafe.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds World, the third game, the gong kicked off.

In the last three games, Jiang Siming said that he must grasp everything.

It is estimated that after the World Championship, he will have to stop for a long time before the game can play, so this good opportunity to catch the debris cannot be missed.

Because of the poor performance of the last 4AM and only took the sixth place, the 4AM score did not pull other teams too much as usual.


NO.1..【4AM】..【47+26//73 points】..【Eating chicken x1】

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24//42 points】..【Eat chicken x1】


NO.4..【17】..【17+12//29 points】


【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【42 Kills】..【5865 Damage Value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【12 kills】..【2705 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【9 kills】..【1018 damage value】

NO.4.【Koy】..【7 kills】..【695 damage value】


The TL team is in hot pursuit, and FPS games are all possible.

So this score gap, in the view of the TL team, there is still an opportunity.

TL played very well in this World Championship. On the other hand, Faze, the most promising foreign team, did not even make the top four.

The map of the third game was announced long ago.

Map of Sano.

This map is full of infinite charm and miracles.

After all, this map is small and quick to clean up poison.

People like Jiang Siming who like guns are the most dangerous.

Not only to run the drug, but also to worry about whether he will be ambush behind him.

In this case, the 4AM rollover probability is even greater.

Players from abroad are looking forward to it, looking forward to their teams in this competition.

I hope that Jiang Siming can overturn in this game...

The 4AM coach may also be more worried about this issue.

So with this map of Sano, he painstakingly advised the kite to stop following Jiang Siming.

The coach can't control Jiang Siming and dare not control, so he can only control other people.

Under the coach's painstaking instruction, Kite finally agreed to not charge Jiang Ge.

Although a little bit reluctant, Kite also knows that Sano’s map is much more difficult than other maps.

As long as the fighting power of the Great God and Eternal is in danger, they will be overthrown instantly like small rocks thrown into the lake.

The lessons from the previous game also fully illustrated this point.

Therefore, Jiang Siming became a lonely man again.

He has two options, one is to follow the team and the other is to fly solo.

The score has been pulled back a lot, and it is the dangerous Sano map, plus the golden shadow and the red shadow are not good.

With so many unstable factors, Jiang Siming hesitated for a long time.


He still chooses.


It's just over! Don't be afraid and just do it!

The flight set sail.

Jiang Siming plunged into the sky of the autistic city.

The map of Sano, and only the sky in the autistic city is the bluest.

This is an excerpt from Article 38 of Mingshen Quotations.

It's a pity that Autistic City, which was originally very lively in the passerby, was not much interested in the game.

When Jiang Siming fell down, he saw only two teams and eight umbrellas.

And it seems that the number of people is a little too large, the two teams, the special meow actually chose to change places at the same time!

Jiang Siming was speechless, the brothers are here, it's not too late to leave a few lives!

(Listen to human words?)

Now the autistic city has completely become an ‘autistic’ city, and no one can kill Jiang Siming’s autistic city. If he wants to enjoy a city alone, wouldn’t he be autistic.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming saw from the sky that there was a motorcycle outside Autistic City, and the other two teams flying to other places did not fly too far.

They all settled in the wilderness not far from him.

Then Jiang Siming won't be in a hurry, he has a car anyway.

After landing, Jiang Siming landed in the Central Building of the Autistic City for the first time and began to quickly search for supplies from the roof to the downstairs.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

Today’s sake shop has a lot of things. Today’s update may be a little later, but you can rest assured that the sake will be more complete. Even if you don’t finish it today, it will be filled tomorrow~

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