I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1628: Small enchantment technique!

[Pirate Bounty Level 1]: Reward real pirate gold bars x50!

"Pick up [Small Enchantment] Orange Fragment*1 (1/13). The number of fragments is not full, so it is temporarily unavailable."

【Small Enchantment】: One of the secret techniques of the Nascent Soul Stage, it can create a temporary circular enchantment with a maximum range of 500 meters.

The place surrounded by the enchantment will be protected by the enchantment, isolating all sounds, the people inside can only go out but not in, and someone who comes in will only enter an endless loop of maze.

The enchantment is very secretive, difficult to find, and the defense is amazing, unless a master of the same level of cultivation can use the strongest blow to break it.

Effect: According to the size of the display range, the maximum lasting 24 hours, the minimum can only be stored for 4 hours.

And only one enchantment can be cast at a time. If you need to re-cast it, you need to break the original enchantment yourself.

Jiang Siming did not expect that the first fragment today would give him an orange skill, 666!

Isn't he incarnate today as the Emperor of Europe? Hehe!

This small enchantment technique is very practical. Sometimes it is much safer to open an enchantment to rest or heal injuries in dangerous places such as dungeons.

Moreover, this thing can also be soundproofed. Jiang Siming is already thinking about doing something adults should do at home with his wives, if he doesn't have to worry about Zhao Xiaoxiao's eavesdropping.

Well, this can be, and this must be~

Not much to say, get together! Must get together!

This good start made Jiang Siming suddenly full of energy.

At this time, the other members of the EF team also surrounded them one after another. They each leaned aside and hid behind the trees, sealing Jiang Siming's back road firmly.

"Do you want to blow up his motorcycle tires?" EF members asked.

Captain EF shook his head and said, "No, if he hits a tire, he not only knows the position, but he may also be deadlocked with us and call his teammates. We will wait for him to drive the motorcycle."

EF is determined to kill Jiang Siming. He is so arrogant. If they dare not fight EF, they will be laughed at by colleagues and fans.

They thought Jiang Siming could not hear the footsteps, but he had heard the footsteps outside long ago with his hearing enhancement.

There are moving footsteps in the east, west and north directions.

Mainly they are bold and close, and Jiang Siming wouldn't be able to hear them if they were a little far away.

Knowing that his opponent had touched him, Jiang Siming was not in a hurry. He first hid in the room and drank a drink.

Then Jiang Siming began to pick up the smoke bombs in Kavi's corpse box, pull the bolts and throw them all at his feet and around the house.

When the whole house was surrounded by smoke, Jiang Siming immediately turned out the window and disappeared in the smoke.

EF saw the smoke and actually guessed that Jiang Siming was going to escape, but they subconsciously thought that he wanted to pick up a motorcycle and run away.

So the three of them stared at the motorcycle closely. As long as Jiang Siming dared to get in the car, they could absolutely guarantee that the three guns would instantly beat him into a honeycomb.

However, Jiang Siming didn't choose to ride a motorcycle at all. He just circled around in the smoke and quietly moved to another house.

And this house happened to be one of the directions Jiang Siming heard the sound of footsteps.

The EF player hiding behind the tree would never have thought that Jiang Siming sneaked into his vicinity.

He had been squatting behind a tree, leaning half of his body and holding a gun, but he didn't expect to be in the next house.

A QBU barrel protruded from the inside and aimed at his forehead.

"Haha, Brother Xiaoming is a real chicken thief, he closed the cigarettes and then slipped to another house under the pretense of Karma, and performed an anti-encirclement technique. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. Who is the oriole?

Xiao Tuantuan began to surgingly explain, not to mention, her explanation really looked like that.

Convex! Convex!

Just talking.

QBU's low and steady gunfire sounded, and two consecutive shots came out without any interruption!

Two big -67 injuries burst out.

The first shot, the helmet was red, the second shot, the helmet was broken, and the man fell.

This is why people who play Chicken Eater are equipped with a sniper rifle unless they have not picked it up.

Playing with two rifles, Tiehan Hanshi hammer.

The power of the marksman rifle, as long as it is a sniper, regardless of whether you are a big sniper or a continuous sniper, as long as the head is the first, only two shots.

Unless you wear a three-level head, a low-damage combo like QBU needs three rounds.

Otherwise, two bullets would be enough to kill people.

"Fu*k! This guy is in the room next to me!"

The EF player who fell to the ground was very depressed. He waited for a long time, before he fired, he waited for the opponent to throw his head off.

The teammate had no choice but to come over.

"You stare at him behind the tree and give us a report. Be sure to report his position immediately."

Captain EF explained.

Just as this person wanted to say that it was okay, a small and exquisite thing flew out of the window.

The person's eyes widened suddenly.

If there is a BGM to sound the music at this time, it must be: eyes staring like copper bells, shrewd like lightning, ears erect like antennas, hearing all suspicious sounds... la la la~

When this little thing flew out, it brought a powerful explosion.

It also blew up EF's conspiracy to find out the location of Jiang Siming.

However, the second before this person died, he saw Jiang Siming turn out of the room impatiently.

He felt that this was Jiang Siming's mistake, he was too anxious, and he changed positions before he died.

"He turned out! He is outside, he must have hidden behind my tree!"

The EF players were overjoyed. He believed that Jiang Siming was careless, and he accidentally exposed the flaws.

But he never expected that after Jiang Siming turned it out, he turned it back again.

This wave of seemingly silly operations can only be seen by Gao Wan.

The audience thought that Jiang Siming was shaking his hands, and he accidentally turned out by pressing the space bar at the window.

Even Tuantuan and DaDa are both considered.

No way, their level... well, hard to tell.

Hearing the important information reported by their teammates, the remaining two people really no longer guard the room, but quickly surrounded the tree where their teammates fell.

One of the members of EF, after getting information, also wanted to come to a wave of praying mantis to catch cicadas.

So he rushed into the room where Jiang Siming was just staying.

Because his teammates reported the news, he entered the room without any precautions.

But after entering, he ran into Jiang Siming, who was waiting for him, lying in the room, holding a big scary pineapple against him.

At this moment, this buddy's mind was muddled.



"I am your father."


The big pineapple vented wantonly in the house, blowing EF's hope to the point of faltering precariousness.

EF then realized that they have been step by step into the trap Jiang Siming prepared for them.

Psychological tactics were superbly played in Jiang Siming's hands, and the three enemies were solved without any effort.

The remaining EF captain became the orphan of the EF team.

He was full of resentment and didn't choose to fight Jiang Siming. Instead, he wanted to go back to find Jiang Siming's motorcycle and break it!


[Author's digression]: First more~

Four shifts today~~ just got daddy!

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