I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1629: Listening skills

You won’t make us feel better, and we won’t make you comfortable either!

Captain EF had such a deep resentment, he must be sick of him the night before he chose to fight Jiang Siming.

Hit him in the car and let him run into the circle.

The risk factor of running into a lap is higher than that of driving.

This can be regarded as his last force for other teams.

Captain EF ran in the direction of the motorcycle without looking back.

"Hey, hey, it's too much!"

When Jiang Siming heard the footsteps, he had a premonition of what his opponent would do.

He didn't even need to make up people, and climbed up from the ground and ran toward the house.

Jiang Siming wanted to use a small enchantment technique on his motorcycle.

Damn it, I can't beat me to hit my car, cowardly!

But no move, people just want to disgust themselves.

Jiang Siming tried his best to run out.

Fortunately, when he ran out of the house, this man just saw the motorcycle and was about to shoot.

Jiang Siming lifted the big pineapple without any hesitation and beat this man into briquettes!

"Uncle, it's okay to hit me, but it's not impossible to let you shoot twice, but if you hit my car, there is no door!"

Jiang Siming said with a grunt, he was puzzled and made another shuttle to the boxed body of Captain EF.

The audience chuckled when seeing this, Myojin cutie was angry~

Tuantuan smiled happily with Duan Tuan, and they rarely saw Jiang Siming showing such a cute little temper.

At this time, I really wanted to rush to the contestant stand, hug my husband and kiss him, and then coaxed: "My husband is not angry~"

All EF members were destroyed by the group.

The last captain, perhaps too afraid of Jiang Siming's resentment, gave him a white shard.

"Pick up [Listen to the Voice] White Fragment*1 (1/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Listening to the position]: Hearing enhancement plus 20%, and any sound you hear can be 100% determined the opponent's position!

And this skill can be used in any FPS game!

Yo, it's ok.

Hearing was increased again by 20%, so that when Jiang Siming had no golden shadow, he could detect the location of nearby enemies to a greater extent.

In addition to this, the pirate bounty was also exploded to level 4.

Only level 4 is considered a good thing.

[Pirate Bounty Level 4]: Reward a pair of Qing Dynasty Amethyst Go pieces

It's a cultural relic, and it's in the treasure house.

Four heads, four points.

Jiang Siming can be regarded as calm down.

A simple search from the backpack of the four of them, but unfortunately there is no 98K.

Mosin Nagan brushed on the desert map and snow map, as well as Karajin and Allengar.

It just won't appear in Sano, you say you are out of breath.

Only one SKS can be used.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to change, mainly didn't want to bring two kinds of bullets, which took up too much space.

It is estimated that many players have similar habits, searching for guns like searching for guns with the same seed ammunition.

Either it's all 5.56 or all 7.62.

If you carry two different bullets, you don’t know how to choose, not to mention the space.

How much is installed in 5.56, how much is installed in 7.62, tangled...

So Jiang Siming did not replace the QBU, but replaced it with a sniper silencer.

Then just take away some throwables and drinks.

They rode on a motorcycle and left.

At this time, the sound of airdropping planes just came from the sky.

Jiang Siming glanced at the route, and not far from him, directly used the [Exclusive Airdrop].

It didn't take long for the plane to lay an ‘egg’.

The location is not very good, it is located in the third factory on the mountain outside the city of C.

This was intentional by Jiang Siming. He wanted to try if the people in City C would see if anyone would come over.

And his motorcycle quickly reached the third factory, stalled and slipped in, making no sound.

Afterwards, Jiang Siming hid the motorcycle, and he hid the person beside the stone cliff outside the third factory, using [Proficient in Camouflage] to completely cover up his body and footsteps.

Jiang Siming lay on the edge of the stone cliff and began to act like an old man.

When the audience saw Jiang Siming starting to be King Gou, they all began to mourn and sympathize with the dying team players for three seconds.

When Myojin started to play, the game had completely turned into a horror game. After a while, it was estimated that the person who was beaten would be autistic.

The team in City C is still the team from its own China Division, 17...

The 17 team really saw the airdrop very close to them.

"Haha, this is a good luck, the chosen one! The airdrop smashed his face."

17shou laughed and looked forward to this one again.

"I went to get it with Dajing."

After the monkey got on the motorcycle, he took Dajing to get the airdrop.

The two even started discussing about giving you a rifle and a sniper rifle when they were still on their motorcycles, who to give to the third class A, and who to give the third class head.

and many more.

The negotiation was good, and in the end, during a discussion, the two happily reached a consensus.

The motorcycle drove into the third factory, Dajing began to mount a gun, and the monkey began to show a foolish smile and ran towards the airdrop.


Before the monkey ran over, a very low gunshot came.

QBU with a silencer, the sound is only a little lower than VSS, is one of the real killer special sniper rifles.

The monkey fell halfway and fell to the ground.

Dajing was shocked, but failed to know the location of the gunfire in the first place.

But they found that they were beating them with a terrifying ID.

"It's over, Captain, we met Myojin in ambush!" Dai Jing was almost crying, and quickly hid behind a bunker next to him.

17shou heard that the original smile disappeared, but in exchange for an expression of constipation.

Originally, I expected Jiang Siming to discover whether they would be merciful.

But 17shou suddenly sounded a hand, they bullied the kite so much, Jiang Siming hasn't avenged him yet.

Now that he has finally caught the opportunity, will he let them go...

"I think Kite is a sister and a teammate of Myojin, but based on my friendship with Myojin, I am definitely more important than Kite in his heart. I think he will stay under him..."

The monkey was made up before the love character was exported.

17shou: "...."

Damn, this fellow Myojin is too shameless, give him a blow!

"Where is Myojin, have you seen it?" 17shou got serious.

Dajing smiled bitterly and said, "I only know that it is over Shiya, but I really didn't see anyone else."

"How can I not see it?"

"He fought."

"Damn! Muchuan, let's run."

17shou called on the remaining team members and ran away without looking back, and sold Dajing directly.

Dajing: "??? Captain, why did you turn off your microphone? Please turn on the microphone to communicate."

17shou said that he was powerless. If he had just shot a gun, he felt that 17 still had a chance.

But now, Jiang Siming is playing Gou, so what else are they playing.

The scenes in London last year, the match between King Gou, and Jiang Siming's crossbow arrows are still deeply imprinted in their memory.

I'm not afraid of Myojin carrying a gun and squatting in the grass~~~


My friend wrote the book "I'm Recycling Items in the Jedi Survival" in Tomato. It's pretty good. Brothers from Shuhuang can check it out~

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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