I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1640: Great value concert!

Jiang Siming used a song to evoke the tears of 100,000 viewers!

No singer has ever achieved this achievement!

Seeing everyone crying, Jiang Siming was a little embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry, sing this song on this festival, cry, cry, it's not a sin."

Jiang Siming's words made everyone laugh.

This guy... is so annoying...

After the heat of "Father", the concert continued.

Next, Jiang Siming sang many previous songs.

"Half City Smoke and Sand", "Rain on Qingming Festival", "If At That Time", "Dust in Fireworks", "South of Nanshan Mountain", "Times Like Songs" and so on.

A dozen songs in a row, singing uninterrupted, everyone listened so enjoyable.

The audience realized that Jiang Siming had sent so many popular songs to everyone this year!

This is almost a quality song that many top-tier singers don't play in their lives.

It's like returning to the period when Jiang Siming was productive last year.

Almost every live broadcast will release a new song, and also participate in music programs, each issue of a fine new song.

It was a wonderful time for fans.

Jiang Siming gave the audience nearly 30 pieces of music in one year.

To be honest, none of the sows can produce.

On this point alone, among all singers, there is no one who has come before.

Other singers may be able to write so many songs in a year.

But the songs they wrote are all good and bad, most of them can only be regarded as ordinary, even very ordinary songs.

Very few are fine products.

But Jiang Siming is the first masterpiece.

Although Jiang Siming's song speed is not as good as before, but the fans are also content.

Especially today I got his sentence: Hui always brings new songs to everyone.

Fans think this is enough.

No matter how talented musical talents are, they are also human beings, and there are also times when they lack inspiration.

Jiang Siming must understand this truth. In fact, if there is a long flow, he will divide these songs into small batches.

Three or four songs are released every year, which not only keeps his popularity in the music world, but also gives fans a perfect explanation.

This can at least be enough for him for ten years.

But Jiang Siming did not. He released more than 30 pieces of music in one year.

This shows that Jiang Siming really doesn't want to maintain his status and popularity in the music world in that way.

What can I say when I meet such an idol, love is over!

In the middle of the concert, a chubby guy couldn't help his admiration for Jiang Siming, and even started to stand up from his seat, take off his shirt and **** body.

Then frantically waved his shirt towards Jiang Siming and danced.

Everyone thought this man was a lunatic, even the security at the scene thought so, and forced him away.

The guy was helplessly taken away by the security, and there was no resistance. He just looked back at one step and three times with regret, looked towards the stage, and finally left.

Jiang Siming didn't know this episode. After all, it was something that happened in the stands, and he didn't pay attention at all.

The concert is still going on, and the originally scheduled three-hour concert time has been delayed by two hours.

During the period, the fans were afraid that Jiang Siming's voice would not be able to stand, so they called for Jiang Siming to take a break.

But Jiang Siming did not agree and kept singing.

In the end, not only sang two new songs for everyone, but also invited Jay Chou and Lin Sansui to sing in turn.

It was so until 12 o'clock in the morning, when the last song "Goodbye" was finished, Jiang Siming announced that tonight's concert ended successfully!

The five-hour long concert was so enjoyable for all the fans present!

Generally speaking, it takes three hours for a singer to sing, and there are also guests to help sing, dance breaks and so on.

But Jiang Siming's concert didn't have a helping singer, from beginning to end, he sang to the end alone.

A total of nearly forty songs were sung, which is totally the amount of two or three concerts of many singers.

After the end, many fans were reluctant to leave for a long time.

They were not willing to get up and go back until the security came to persuade the scene.

Once the concert ended, it became the biggest hot search on Gulu Weibo that day.

One hundred thousand concert, ten thousand chorus, five hours, divine comedy "Father", Zhou Lin chorus and so on.

These are enough to attract the attention of netizens.

Many netizens know that they regret not grabbing tickets. They want to go to such an ‘affordable’ concert too~

The fans who returned from the concert happily showed off how happy they were last night.

With an average price of less than 300 yuan for concert tickets, I enjoyed a gluttonous musical feast. It’s worth it!

After the concert, Jiang Siming naturally went home with his wife and family.

When they brought Jiang Dad and Jiang Ma to their manor, the old man's expression was a wonderful one.

Naturally, Jiang Siming was given more than an hour of moral education on conservation.

Fortunately, father-in-law and mother-in-law were present to help them, and Jiang Siming's "Father" today really moved them.

This allowed Jiang Siming to escape a ‘catastrophe’.

Jiang Siming originally wanted his parents to live in the main building where they lived, but there were actually many rooms inside.

But parents were unwilling, instead they took a fancy to the auxiliary building next to them.

The auxiliary building is usually reserved by Jiang Siming to receive guests. The decoration and layout are different from the main building.

Unexpectedly, they still like the style of the annex building.

Jiang Siming was helpless, knowing that this was just their rhetoric and didn't want to disturb the lives of their young people.

Seeing his parents insisted, Jiang Siming had to let them go.

Several father-in-law and mother-in-law are the same, and they all live in the annex building.

And they all stayed at Jiang Siming's house for two or three days before returning.

In the past two or three days, they have had a lot of fun. Jiang Siming took them around Shanghai during the day and moved a few mahjong tables to the auxiliary building at night. They played cards and played happily.

Put a few more chess tables, Grandpa Jiang happily competed with a few father-in-laws who love to play chess.

Until they left, Dad Jiang still reluctant to leave.

But they are still willing to live in their hometown, after all, they lived in that life, and they still have to take care of Jiang Siming's planting base and Wanda Hotel.

After leaving his parents and father-in-laws, Jiang Siming's home is back to the days of only him and his wives.

After these two days, the concert boom is over.

But what followed was another bigger boom.

Martial arts conference!

The martial arts conference that will begin the day after tomorrow, which will cause everyone to pay attention to the confrontation between Chinese martial arts and foreign martial arts, is also about to begin.

Almost all the fighters who came to challenge arrived in Shanghai. Hundreds of media reporters waited in vain. The national audience is looking forward to this martial arts conference!

Jiang Siming challenged all the martial arts masters in foreign countries. Is it sensationalism, bloggers' attention, or... really sure?

Looking forward to it!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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