I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1641: Sky Island

Even foreign netizens and the media paid special attention to this martial arts conference.

I have always known Chinese Kungfu, but most foreigners actually report skepticism. They think that Chinese Kungfu is all about fisting.

Of course, there are people who really believe it. After all, Bruce Lee has a great influence in the world. He opened the country with his fist and made the world recognize Chinese Kungfu.

It's just that in the past few years, the entire Chinese Kungfu has been discredited because of those fake masters.

It also makes more and more foreigners doubt the Chinese martial arts.

This time Jiang Siming challenged martial arts masters from all over the world, just to make them reconfirm whether China Kungfu is really good?

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Jiang Siming is easily knocked out this time, the image of China Kungfu will plummet!

Because Jiang Siming is so well-known, he is a big figure in China, and his words and deeds represent the highest level of China.

For example, when Boss Ma was the richest man in China, it naturally means that he is the richest person in China.

But if his money comes to the world, he won’t even be able to get it in the top 50 of Forbes.

That can only show one problem, China is very poor.

This is the representative effect.

Today, Jiang Siming is a public figure, and China has such a status and is also very famous in foreign countries.

He said he wanted to represent national martial arts and challenge other martial arts.

If he loses again, foreign trust in Huaxia Kungfu will also drop to a freezing point.

So many foreign media also heard the news and ran to Shanghai, waiting to witness the matchup with their own eyes.

They are also afraid of Jiang Siming's fake match, so they must see it with their own eyes and report in person.

But in this way, the China Martial Arts Association began to worry.

They are afraid that Jiang Siming will fail. Once they fail, their face in Chinese martial arts will probably be wiped out.

As things became more influential, the General Association wanted to talk to Jiang Siming and cancel the competition.

Or let Jiang Siming choose a few soft persimmons to challenge.

Regarding these suggestions, Jiang Siming is not a bird and sleeps at home.

In fact, this kind of martial arts conference is really boring to him, without any suspense.

I just don't want to let those so-called masters who want to be popular and crazy, the so-called boxing masters to jump down again.

This time he not only wants to fight, but also tore their fig leaf fiercely!

It is necessary to re-maintain the signboard of national martial arts!

To this end, Jiang Siming not only generously agreed to any media to report on the spot, but also invited CCTV to broadcast live and all platforms on the Internet.

Even let all the skeptical people check all the equipment they will use that day.

Check it and watch it and record it, only one point, give me a truthful report.

Any media that finds out of context or inverts black and white, whether it is China media or foreign media, Jiang Siming will report him to the sky!

Jiang Siming's remarks made everyone look forward to the martial arts conference even more. Unfortunately, there are still two days to hold and two days to wait.

During this period, Jiang Siming was just like a okay person, what he should do at home.

Recently, I learned a small enchantment technique, and every night Jiang Siming can do what an adult should do with his wives.

Never worry that Zhao Xiaoxiao next door will hear it again.

Xiaoxiao is still a little puzzled, why haven't he heard the voices of mothers recently, is it possible that her father has changed **** these days? Started to be restrained, or...no longer...

Regardless of what Xiaoxiao thought, she couldn't understand.

Jiang Siming is happy.

Similarly, taking advantage of the rest of the past few days, Jiang Siming once again returned to the copy of "One Piece".

A lot of time has passed since "One Piece" in the few days he left.

Jiang Siming remembered that before he left, the Straw Hat Pirates had just left the Kingdom of Alabastan and headed to the next destination.

It has been a long time since I am now, and I don't know where they are.

At night, Jiang Siming slept with three Korean sweethearts, Yoona, Jenna and Ji Hyo.

The three of them were tired to sleep, each holding Jiang Siming's left and right arms, while the rest lay on Jiang Siming's body, and the three had sweet dreams.

Jiang Siming had no sleepiness, closed his eyes, and entered the copy of One Piece which had been last month.

When he opened his eyes, he still appeared on the ghost battleship.

Not far away is the Golden Merley.

But it didn't hurt at all, the Golden Meri was suspended on an altar, and the hull was badly damaged.

It seems to have experienced a great impact and injury.

There seems to be no one on the boat, and neither of them is Luffy.

The most bizarre thing is that the warship under Jiang Siming's feet is not floating on the sea.

Instead, it floats on the clouds!

Yes, looking at the sea of ​​clouds under the boat, Jiang Siming was very convinced that this is the cloud.

Thinking back to the plot of "One Piece" again, Jiang Siming instantly understood where this was.

Sky island!

Sky Island can be said to be Luffy’s first secret experience. It is an island in the sky, 10,000 meters above the ground.

The ocean here is the sea of ​​clouds, the sea of ​​clouds is the same as the normal ocean, and there are many fish and sea kings that are only found in the sea of ​​clouds.

There are also residents here, and the place where they live is called the kingdom of gods.

Those who live here will grow a pair of small wings behind them, which can also be called angels.

It was such a mysterious secret realm that was found by Luffy and the others.

Speaking of which, during the period when Jiang Siming was no longer there, Luffy and the others should have experienced a lot.

And since the ship has not been repaired, it means that Luffy and the others have not passed the crisis challenge of Sky Island.

The crisis on the sky island is far more severe than when he encountered Krokdal in Alabastan.

Because there lives a ‘god’ here, who, to be precise, possesses an extremely powerful thunder fruit ability, Anilu.

This person is quite powerful, not only possesses the lightning spell, but also possesses the original version of the domineering style, also called the Heart Net.

With the combination of the two, his strength is at least above Qiwuhai, or even the emperor deputy level.

In addition, Ainilu has been operating on Sky Island for so many years, and has trained many powerful men.

You don't need to think about it to know that Luffy will not be better off.

Luffy and the others are okay. He doesn't need to worry too much. People with the protagonist's aura generally don't burp easily.

Moreover, Luffy’s rubber man ability perfectly restrained the lightning of Ani Lu.

That is to say, his life is good, and the rubber sky makes lightning.

Otherwise, ten Luffy are definitely not Ainilu's opponents.

If Ainilu descended from the sky island, the emperor's level would be at least, perhaps not much worse than the admirals like the green pheasant and the yellow monkey.

When "One Piece" was nearly 400 episodes, Luffy and the others even fought so hard, even Moonlight Moria, one of the weakest Qiwuhai.

It was even hammered by the Basolomi bear on the ground, forcing Sauron to almost give up his life before he escaped.

If it were not for natural enemy restraint, would it be Ainilu's opponent.

So this is the protagonist's halo, just like Zhang Wuji in "Yi Tian".

No trick, who let the author write the protagonist is him.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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