I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1643: Six-star mission, brown fragments!

Rem also rushed over from the altar at this time.

When Chopper saw it, he thought it was Ram, and shouted happily: "Ram~"

Jiang Siming was happy and explained: "She is not Ram, she is Rem, she is Ram's sister."

"Huh? Really? Is she a stranger?"

"Right." Jiang Siming nodded.

When Chopper heard this, he immediately hid behind the sails shyly. Of course, it hid again and exposed itself.

Just like this, Chopper was very shy to strangers.

"Chopper, how about Luffy and the others? And how did the Merley become like this?"

Jiang Siming asked Qiao Badao.

Chopper didn't hide it, and told the whole story again.

They were exiled to the altar of the gods because they violated the law set by the **** Anilu. In order to find a way out, Luffy and the others chose to find a way separately.

And Chopper stayed to watch the boat.

As soon as Chopper finished speaking, the task appeared in Jiang Siming's mind.

"The random task has been released, please check it yourself."

[Six-Star Mission]: Kill God Ainilu

[Task Reward]: Reward a random boutique brown fragment.

[Mission failure]: deduct a random fine brown fragment.

There is only one task, but the task reward is enough to attract Jiang Siming's attention.

Fine-quality brown fragments.

The fragments of this color are all treasures related to the copy, but you must get it.

As for this six-star mission, Jiang Siming did not take it seriously.

Before leaving the instance, he received Princess Vivi's ‘gift’ in the Kingdom of Alabastan, and his strength was successfully raised to the foundation.

Dealing with the **** Anilu may be a little troublesome, but Jiang Siming doesn't think he can't beat him.

If you can't beat it, let Luffy go, anyway, this kid is a rubber man, finish Keai Nilu.

When he is almost done, Jiang Siming will finish, hehe.

Of course, this is the worst result.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming misses Weiwei and Nuoqigao a little bit.

Their sailing route will eventually return to the starting point of the red earth continent.

It was the original Gemini Cape, the place where Luffy and the whale Rab made an agreement.

When the time comes, Jiang Siming will go back to the East China Sea to pick up both Nuoqigao and Weiwei, and spend some time in retreat to clear One Piece.

"Brother Jiang, what shall we do now, stay on the Merley and wait for them?" Chopper asked.

Jiang Siming came back to his senses, shook his head, and said, "Of course not, go find them, in case they are in danger."


With Jiang Siming as a backer leading the way, Chopper felt safe.

"By the way, is Nami okay?"

"She's very good. She often talks about you. When sailing, she often lie on the observation deck in a daze, waiting for you to come back."

Jiang Siming smiled softly when he heard the words, Nami, this Nizi, hadn't seen her for a few days and thought about it.

"Where is Robin, are you getting along well with her?"

"Yeah, Robin is fine. She often takes care of me. We misunderstood her before. In fact, she is very nice, so she often asks why you disappeared."

Along the way, Jiang Siming was talking to Chopper about his disappearance, and Chopper spoke very seriously.

Rem also listened very curiously. The three of them were walking deep into the jungle like going on an outing.

This jungle is full of dangers.

From time to time, various dangerous beasts, jungle pythons, super spiders, fierce tigers and leopards will rush out.

Every time Qiaoba was scared and hugged Jiang Siming's thigh tightly.

It's just that these crises have no effect here, even Jiang Siming deliberately went to trouble with these beasts.

For example, dig out snake gall, remove spider venom naan, and cut off the fattest piece of tiger and leopard meat.

After that, Chopper won't be afraid, anyway, with Brother Jiang, no one can hurt him.

The more he touched, the more Jiang Shiming felt the cuteness of Chopper.

This little reindeer is so funny, although his family's A Qiao is very similar to Chopper.

But after all, he couldn't speak, and he had never eaten everyone's fruit, so he was just a simple little reindeer.

And Chopper is different, it is a combination of reindeer and human, half human and half deer, very cute.

No wonder Chopper is a well-deserved favorite of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Anyone who has been in contact with Chopper has no dislike for it.

Cute, kind, stupid, righteous, brave, etc., these are its advantages.

Even the cold Sauron is very fond of Chopper.

"Chopper, do you like female reindeer?"

Jiang Siming asked Chopper jokingly.

"Ah! I...I..." Chopper was suddenly dumb and nervous.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "If there is a chance in the future, I will bring you a little doe."

Seeing such a lovely Qiaoba, Jiang Siming couldn't help but want to tell Qiaoba about his family, and give his wife Aqiao to Qiaoba.

Anyway, A Qiao has no chance to become a human being, at best he will only become a half-human and half-deer like Chopper.

Jiang Siming is most assured of A Qiao, don't worry that he will cough and cough like Ari and A-Nan.

After hearing this, Chopper blushed like a monkey butt.

Fortunately, at this time, there were rustling footsteps in the jungle, interrupting Jiang Siming's questioning, otherwise Chopper probably wanted to find a seam to get in.

"Stop! Who are you, dare to break into our Gaya Island!"

What came out were a few very primitive people dressed up, all of them dressed up as indigenous people, led by a bald-headed man with an abominable face.

There are dozens of people in total, all of them holding weapons, as if they are facing an enemy.

There is also a woman, her dress is much cleaner, and her figure is very **** and hot, and her shoulders also have wings unique to the residents of the island.

The woman also looked at Jiang Siming Rem and Chopper curiously.

"Gaya Island? How did I hear that this is called the Island of Gods, the site of Aini Road?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

But I didn't expect this sentence to hit their sore spot.

The headed bald man immediately ordered Jiang Siming to be caught.

"Wait for Weber, they should just be Qinghai people who strayed into Gaya Island. Forget it, don't forget our business."

The woman stood up to speak for Jiang Siming.

Although Weber was a little unwilling, he still let Jiang Siming go when he remembered the business.

"People from Qinghai, get out of here quickly, otherwise we can't take care of any problems."

After finishing speaking, Weber hurried away in one direction with his men.

The last woman who left coquettishly blinked her eyes at Jiang Siming, her voice faintly seductive.

"You are the best looking man I have ever seen. I hope I can meet again when I have a chance~"

After speaking, the woman picked up the gun in her hand and followed the team and left here.

"It's quite flavorful." Jiang Siming commented funny.

Regardless of her looks or figure, this woman is on the top.

He seemed to remember who this woman was, Laqi, the female warrior of the Shandia.

"Brother Jiang, what does it mean to have a smell?" Qiaoba asked stupidly.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "It's not interesting, let's go, Chopper."


Chopper followed.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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