I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1644: Have you heard of Ti Yunzong?

At this time, located in the island of gods, under a huge skytop Vineman, is experiencing a fierce battle.

There are only two protagonists in this battle, the **** Ainilu and his opponents.

Look closely, this is a one-sided battle.

All that fell on the ground were the corpses of Shandia people. They were all charred and beyond recognition.

When the last Sandia fell, Ainilu smiled disdainfully.

"Challenge God, you must have the consciousness to taste the wrath of God."

"Tsk tusk, it seems that another group of Sandia people are coming over. Today is really lively, and it happens to be the day I left. Double happiness is coming, Yehaha!"

She had a turban on her head, and under the turban there was an aunt's face, and her earlobes were very long, long enough to make the Buddha worship the wind.

His upper body was naked, with three gouyu drums on his back and a golden stick in his hand.

This person is the most powerful boss in Sky Island, God Anilu.

"Master, those people from Qinghai have all fallen into the trial ground, right?"

The subordinates behind him respectfully asked.

Anilu smiled sharply and said, "Well, no one can escape my eyes under my heart. These people will soon accept the trial of God, eh? What's the matter?"

Ainilu frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong, master?"

Aini's road surface gradually became gloomy and said: "Sura is dead."

"What? Who did it? Who can kill Shura, one of the four priests?"

Ainilu's heart network quickly locked Jiang Siming and his party who were moving to the trial land.

"If you guessed it right, it's him. When did he appear? Why is there one more person?"

Ainilu was puzzled, but soon, Ainilu's expression returned to normal.

"Yehahaha, Shura's strength is still too weak. If you die, you will die. As long as it doesn't interfere with my plan, it doesn't matter how many people die."


Jiang Siming, who was in action, slowed down slightly. He noticed that someone was watching him, but the peeking quickly disappeared.

"This should be the ability of Anilu? It is indeed a bit strong. It can detect things from such a long distance. If it is replaced with the cultivation of gods, at least it can be done at the Jin Dan stage level."

Jiang Siming was a little surprised.

The heart network, that is, seeing and hearing the color domineering, can feel the surrounding atmosphere.

But it does not mean that Anilu's strength has the Golden Core Stage, if it were the Golden Core Stage, this guy would have been invincible.

Ainilu is able to control the thunder and lightning because of the thunder fruit, which uses the electric wave to transmit, greatly enhancing the range of his heart network.

In this way, the sound of the entire sky island can be heard.

In fact, the abilities of many big figures in One Piece cannot even be achieved by Jiang Siming.

This may be the obstacle that can make Jiang Siming not so smooth sailing.

The three finally searched for Yunhe and came to the entrance of the trial ground.

There are four entrances here, namely the trial of the ball, the trial of the iron, the trial of the rope and the trial of the swamp.

"Brother Jiang, there are four entrances, what do we do, which one should we choose?"

Chopper asked weakly.

Jiang Siming thought about the plot for a moment. The trial of the ball is Luffy and Shanzhi them, the trial of the rope is the Sandia, and the trial of the iron is Sauron and Usopp.

In the end, the trial of Numa was Robin and Nami, and Jiang Siming decisively chose the trial of Numa.

There was no task reminder for the trial of these four priests, and Jiang Siming was too lazy to remove them.

Let's go and see Nami and others first.

The three of them walked inside along the Yunhe of the marsh trial.

The ground inside is covered by thick clouds.

Qiaoba accidentally walked to a place and sank, making it cry.

Fortunately, Rem kindly pulled it back.

"Thank you Rem, what is this place, it's terrible..."

Chopper was courageous and easily frightened.

"This should be Yun Marsh. If it falls down without other people's support, it's probably impossible to get out."

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, he stepped on a cloud marsh, and his figure sank quickly.

Chopper and Rem hurriedly wanted to come to rescue.

But Jiang Siming himself jumped out of the swamp easily.

"Wow! Brother Jiang how did you do it?" Chopper was curious.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Have you heard of Wudang Tiyun Zong?"

Chopper shook his head cutely, never heard of anything.

"I haven't heard of it, I'll teach you if you want to learn."

"Hmm, I want to learn!" Chopper nodded quickly.

Rem on the side is not to be outdone: "I want to learn too, brother~"

"Well, I will teach you when I have time." Jiang Siming nodded with a smile.

To walk with two cute creatures, you really have to have a strong heart, otherwise they will be cute.

The more you go inside, the more cloud marshes you have.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming had already figured out the appearance of Yun Marsh, and the three of them walked around and quickly entered the depths of the trial.

This is a land of ruins, and many building remains are left here.

There are many words on these wrecks, which seem to be inscriptions recording some history.

It's just that many inscriptions have traces of fighting and even blood.

"Sniff! Brother Jiang, I smelled Robin, this blood belongs to Robin!"

Chopper has a keen sense of smell for reindeer and can easily smell it.

"Can you determine her location, take me over."

"Well, yes!"

After Chopper finished speaking, he ran forward following the smell.

Jiang Siming and Rem followed behind.

When the three rushed to the scene, they saw Robin kill Anilu's guard leader!

Although his body was covered in scars, Robin still defeated the enemy.

"Robin!" Chopper shouted.

Robin looked back and found that it was Chopper, but he noticed that Jiang Siming who had arrived, his eyes were full of surprise.

Robin endured the pain and squeezed out a smile, and said to Jiang Siming: "Are you finally back? Leave me alone for two months."

Jiang Siming rubbed his nose amusedly, and said: "You are talking like I'm a heartless man who always gives up."

"I didn't say that, you were thinking about it yourself." Robin got up from the ground, his intellectual and elegant temperament undiminished.

"Not bad, I thought I would save you again." Jiang Siming smiled and praised.

Robin smiled slightly and replied: "You can't let you save me every time, or it doesn't appear that I'm useless in the team."

"Listen to you, do you have fully integrated into our team?"

"Well, this is the most belonging team I have ever stayed in. I really want to stay here." Robin said meaningfully.

Chopper didn't understand, and asked in confusion, "Robin, have you been there all the time?"

Robin didn't answer, but showed a touch of undetectable bitterness.

Jiang Siming fully understands everything about Robin. A little understanding of Nicole Robin's childhood will tell how bitter her past is.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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