I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1651: Grandpa? Are you arrogant?

Yoona and the others didn't pay attention at all, Jiang Siming silently put on a pair of glove-like things.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Network Justice Gloves] black fragments*1 (10/10), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Network Justice Gloves]: It can also be called a punching glove along the network cable, which can carry out an indiscriminate and concealed attack on someone at the other end of the designated network.

This method can avoid all network reconnaissance, but the attack time is only 30 seconds, and can only be used once at a time, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

PS: The light of the righteous way is sprinkled on the earth, and your gloves are smashed in the face.

It's just such a glove, I have never used it in the last match.

Jiang Siming stretched out his palm and looked at it after putting on the gloves.

Well, it's pretty good-looking, and it must be very exciting to fight people.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming did not hesitate to choose to use online justice gloves.

"Please select the object you want to conduct network justice."

Jiang Siming only needs to glance at the chat messages sent by the five people, and then he can choose the target for justice.

Jiang Siming is still a bit hesitant, not knowing which one to choose.

After all, this online justice glove can only be used once at a time, with a cooling time of a whole day, and only 30 seconds to display.

There are a lot of restrictions, and it's definitely impossible to justice five people at once.

Jiang Siming could only choose one randomly, and he chose a person named [Yeao, Nai Wo He].

In fact, the names of these five people are all pretty grassy.

[I'm proud of my father]

【Yeao, He Nai me】

[Grandpa proud, laughing at the sky]

[Master is proud, laughs common people]

Look, these five second names, Jiang Siming just wants to vomit.

Picking one randomly, Jiang Siming's eyes flashed.

On the other side, five little boys gathered in a certain urban community.

Today, during the holiday, the five children are all children from the same community, and gathered together during the holiday.

In order to find an excuse, he lied to his parents to go to classmates to review their homework.

One of the children has a lot of money at home, and their parents are often away, so they all choose to play in this child's house.

In fear of their parents coming back for an inspection suddenly, the five people ran to play in their father's study.

Everyone had a mobile phone and had a good time. They never touched the pen in the schoolbag.

"Hahaha, these five rookies can abuse them with one hand!"

"I just lied to my grandma to ask for books two days ago and bought Diao Chan's legendary Midsummer Night's Dream skin. It's really easy to use."

"I lied to my mother that the new Mi mobile phone bought for the supplementary tuition fee is also very easy to use. My mother went out to sweep the streets every day and didn't have time to watch me, ha ha."

"These five female real Nima rubbish, they were all handicapped gangs in their previous lives, I guess they haven't played games in this life, tusk."

"Sao Luo, don't worry, we humiliate and humiliate them, I hate watching women play games, they are not worthy!"

"Shao Luo's house is just fine. This study has a sofa and air conditioning. The most important thing is that your dad also likes to play games."

The kid named Luo Shao smiled triumphantly and said:

"That's, my dad also loves to play games. Seeing if there are any figures in the wall cabinet, let me tell you, these are all my dad's treasures, and I won't touch them."

"Concentrate on playing games. I haven't abused these five rookies enough. If you want them to make them play better than life, you have to beat them, haha."

The five little kids laughed triumphantly, unaware of the internet side, and their eyes had already seen their every move.

Jiang Siming didn't expect it.

I just wanted to beat one, but I didn't expect these five people to get together.

Then it's just a pot.

What surprised him most was that these five disgusting things were five little kids.

They all seem to be in elementary school.

The primary school student who scolded the most was this Luo Shao, and any **** could come out of his mouth.

The other four are not much better.

The other party is a minor, Jiang Siming thought about it, let it go...

Forget it? What about your mother!


That Luo Shao was playing, suddenly a slap slapped his face.

The strength was not light, and Luo Shao's face was flushed.

"My grass! Wang Jiale, why the **** are you hitting me!" Luo Shao raised his head, covering his face, glaring at the partner next to him.

"When did I beat you? I've been playing games."



Ye Ao, right? Kou hi, right? Lie your parents hard-earned money to buy skins to buy mobile phones, right? Is your mouth smelly?

It was another slap.

Now the child on the right also got angry and stared at the partner next to him: "Chen Xiao, are you hitting me paralyzed?"

"I do not have it!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped...

N palms, palm after palm, slapped the five children at a loss, completely unaware of what happened.

The only thing they knew was that the face was so hot and painful that Lao Gao was swollen on the cheek.

It is estimated that their parents should not recognize who their son is the first time they come.

After the slap, a few children realized something was wrong.

"There is a ghost, there is a ghost in this room..."


One of the timid children cried out, desperately running to the door of the study to open the door and run out.

But the door was locked, and more than that, a pair of invisible hands screwed him back.

The five children were so frightened that they cried.

Until thirty seconds passed, the door finally opened, and all five of them were beaten hard, and their faces became more swollen than the other.

Grandpa? Are you arrogant?

Jiang Siming cleaned up the five boys fiercely, watching them run away and didn't intend to continue chasing them.

With ten seconds left, Jiang Siming smashed all the five mobile phones they had left behind.

Looking at the hand-made wall on the wall of the study for the last five seconds, Jiang Siming showed a gentle smile.


After destroying the entire wall of figures and crushing all figures, the time is over.

Yoona and the others, who were still fighting hard, suddenly realized that the other party didn't seem to be online.

"What happened to them?"

"It seems to be disconnected, please push it quickly."

"Hehe, pick up points for nothing."

After they finished playing, they still felt a little weird. Sometimes one or two dropped out and they saw it, but it was the first time they saw five dropped out together.

After eating Meimei, the four women in a good mood began to massage Jiang Siming again.

Jiang Siming still closed his eyes to enjoy, but the five arrogant little boys on the other side were miserable.

Crying and ran home to look for his parents, saying that he had encountered a ghost.

How could their parents believe this kind of nonsense, as soon as they saw that the child's face was beaten into a pig's head, they believed that they were beaten.

Whatever you say, you have to take them to the door to reason.

After the four little kids were all taken to Luo Shao's house by their parents, Luo Shao's parents also happened to be back.

Five parents ran to the study where they were talking about haunting. Good fellow, not to mention a mess. There were five broken mobile phones on the ground.

The five parents immediately questioned where the five mobile phones came from, but the five children couldn't tell, but they all explained that they were secretly bought under threat.

The parents of five children were so angry that their blood pressure was soaring.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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