I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1652: Live broadcast·Wulin Conference!

Especially Luo Shao's father, his favorite collection of figure walls for more than ten years, was smashed to pieces, all figures were crushed to the ground.

That guy, that anger, rushed faster than Shenzhou-1.

It's almost a fire in my eyes.

Looking at the child who was still crying, the belt around his waist was already faintly unbearable.

The other four parents were also full of anger, pulling their children, saying nothing, going home and ‘discuss them’.

After watching the scene and their mobile phones, they knew it well.

This is definitely the five kids playing games together and quarreling, then fighting and smashing their phones, and finally wanting to blame the ghost.

Do you mean to blame? Is there a ghost? Go home later, let you see what is more terrifying than a ghost!

Afterwards, five families in a certain community heard the sound of "fried pork with bamboo shoots".

And the cry of five children, intertwined.

To this night, this community has added a strong ‘interest’.

Jiang Siming didn't know what happened next.

Only know that after that night, the glory of the king player -5.

These five accounts never went online again.


The next day, the "Wulin Conference" day that domestic and foreign media and netizens have been looking forward to.

It's finally here!

The scheduled daytime began at ten o'clock, and at only seven o'clock, the central station began to open the live broadcast.

The location of the live broadcast was actually the Shanghai Stadium.

Only the last time it was broadcast live, it was Jiang Siming who held a solo concert here, which was a complete success.

This time, the protagonist is Jiang Siming, but the content of the show has nothing to do with the concert.

It’s not a concert, but... a martial arts conference!

This place was also changed into a martial arts conference, the original singing stage was demolished, and a huge arena was built in the center of the football field.

The ring is full of cameras.

Below the ring is a temporary emergency stand built by a professional medical emergency team. Whenever injured during the competition, they will immediately rescue it.

In general arena competitions or MMA fighting, the medical team is the most critical.

Because if the injury is too serious and not rescued in time, it is easy to die.

The people sitting at the emergency desk today are all well-known first-aid experts in the city, and they are even equipped with professional medical equipment.

There is no need to worry about death.

The surrounding auditorium remained the same, but the broadcast screen of the previous stage was changed to the center of the field.

At that time, today's martial arts conference will be broadcast live 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

The row near the ring is full of people who come to compete.

Some wear taekwondo uniforms, some wear Muay Thai uniforms, some wear karate uniforms, and some wear boxing uniforms, and so on, almost including all kinds of foreign martial arts.

Everyone here has an uncomfortable aura, sitting in a position with closed eyes and meditation, like a master.

The surrounding auditorium was already full by this time, more people than Jiang Siming's concert last time.

For this martial arts conference, Jiang Siming was not allowed to set up tickets, that is to say, as long as you want to see and have a spot, you can come in and watch.

Never make a profit.

The most left are the media reporters.

In addition to the central station, there are also many well-known domestic and foreign media who sprinted against the ring and took a clear picture of all the dead spots in the ring.

Many foreigners also come here, wanting to appreciate the legendary Chinese Kung Fu, is it true?

This martial arts conference has attracted the attention of at least tens of millions of people.

The number of online live broadcasts of overseas oil pipes has exceeded 10 million, and the number of people has soared to 20 million.

"Isn't it started yet? It's dark here in Washington."

"From ten o'clock, the United States wants to wait until ten o'clock in the evening."

"I heard that Huaxia Kungfu is going to challenge the global martial arts, hahaha, ridiculous."

"I also think it is grandstanding. I have a retired soldier brother who said that their army soldier went to China to challenge."

"We, the number one master of the Korean Taekwondo Association, also passed."

"We, the number one master of Japanese karate, have also arrived, and we have also publicly stated that we will step on Huaxia Kungfu."


There are so many people who follow abroad, let alone domestic.

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that he had just a few casual words on the live broadcast, which triggered the largest martial arts exchange at home and abroad.

I heard that many top masters from the Wushu Association have come today and threatened to teach Jiang Siming how to be a man.

Jiang Siming only hopes that he can act lightly and don't cause death.

As long as it doesn't kill anyone, just do it casually.

Dongfang Su also called him, saying that he would play as he pleased, anyway, let the world re-recognize Chinese martial arts.

In recent years, Chinese martial arts has been ignored and despised by more and more people.

Many foreigners have threatened that Chinese Kungfu is just garish.

Coupled with those stupid and counterfeit masters in China, the reputation of Huaxia Kungfu is smeared.

Dongfang Su had always wanted to teach these people, but he had no chance.

This time, it happened that Jiang Siming sighed for him.

Dongfang Su never thought that Jiang Siming would lose, but he just told him not to kill him.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it makes a noise.

Because the contestants will sign an agreement, they are responsible for any injuries suffered during the competition.

Even if he died accidentally, he couldn't rely on others.

Originally, this agreement was not allowed in the country, but who would let Dongfang Su back it? Those legal departments just have nothing to say, and they also strongly support it.

The elders were also supportive when he heard this, so Jiang Siming could fight this fighting unscrupulously.

Jiang Siming actually has an idea in his mind that he has always wanted to implement, first let the world re-recognize Chinese martial arts.

After promoting Chinese martial arts to replace English, Jiang Siming wanted to make a bigger plan.

What the plan is, Lao Jiang kept it secret for now.

This plan is not just for Jiang Siming's hobby.

He always felt that wormholes and space genetic medicine began to exist in the fragments he had obtained.

It is really hard to say whether there are aliens and other living planets outside the earth.

If you do run into it in the future, don't worry if you meet someone who is friendly, what if you encounter someone who is unfriendly.

Is it possible to communicate with others in English?

Jiang Siming vaguely feels that in the future, everyone's physical fitness is really important, not even weaker than the importance of technology.

In ancient times, pure force was used. As the times have moved, weapons and equipment have become the mainstream, but there is no guarantee that one day they will not return to the original.

Besides, it doesn't matter if it doesn't happen. Everyone's physical fitness becomes stronger and there is no harm in it.

Anyway, it's better than learning English.

The live broadcast started at 7:00, and the ring was always empty.

Until ten o'clock, the long-awaited martial arts conference finally began!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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