I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1653: The first is Master Ma?

The whole scene was locked in the center of the scene.

Jiang Siming's figure slowly walked out of the backstage. As soon as he appeared, the audience cheered and applauded like a volcanic eruption.

It was not just for Jiang Siming's fame, but also for admiring his ability to challenge Quan Wulin.

Let the media shoot casually, do not charge any entrance fees, and let professionals supervise the crackdown.

From these perspectives, Jiang Siming's anti-counterfeiting behavior can be basically ruled out.

Because almost all the top players from all martial arts are here to challenge today, they will not ruin their reputation because of money.

These warriors are not the masters of poor money, their reputation is more important than their lives.

This time I came to challenge Jiang Siming.

Fight for your own reputation.

Needless to say, you also know that such a grand martial arts conference has attracted worldwide attention.

As long as Jiang Siming is beaten to the ground in the ring, the type of martial arts they practice will surely shine and become famous all over the world.

This is an excellent opportunity for publicity, so so many martial arts masters came over.

Jiang Siming came out slowly from the backstage, and still had time to smile and wave to the audience.

"Jiang Siming, come on!"

"Jiang Siming, we believe in you!"

"Win against those foreigners and revitalize Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Jiang God, you can definitely do it!"


There are not a few people who support him. Although they think the possibility is remote, they still choose to stand on Jiang Siming's side.

Not for anything else, only for Jiang Siming, on behalf of China Kungfu!

"Don't worry, I will do it." Jiang Siming promised them with a smile, and then strode to the ring.

Today's Jiang Siming is completely different from usual. Today, he is no longer in daily wear, nor is he a concert-style high-profile and stunning appearance.

Instead, he wore a black long gown, also called Huaxia Hanshan. This kind of clothing existed in ancient China during the Ming Dynasty.

Later, it was improved during the Republic of China and became the current style.

People who wear long gowns must be tall and thin, and wear them flat and loose, otherwise they will not be able to control this kind of clothing.

It is precisely because of the high requirements for the figure that the long gown is almost extinct now.

Jiang Siming's long gown today is not abrupt in the slightest. On the contrary, this black handmade gown is worn on him, just like a BMW with a saddle, with a finishing touch.

Coupled with the silver hair dyed during the concert and the original angular facial features, it looks like a character from an anime.

Jiang Siming wears a long shirt to a new height.

This is also true. When I first walked out, there were so many female audience members screaming.

Jiang Siming stood on the stage, standing there stiffly, like a sky pillar standing in the sky.

Today Jiang Siming's aura is something no one has seen before, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, with a chilling air.

The long guns and short cannons around the ring are already ticking. The cameramen did not hesitate to use their own memory and film, and kept taking pictures first.

There is no fancy opening remark, and there is no lively host.

There were only ten boxing testimonials from all over the world watching with wide eyes in the audience, and they would immediately reveal any suspicion of a fake match.

There are also three alternate referees, one by one on stage, announcing their opponents in the first game.

"Jiang Siming, the first opponent you randomly came to today is..."

The referee randomly drawn a player card, and then shouted: "Challenger No. 65, Tai Chi master Ma Weiguo."

This opening caused an uproar at the scene.

Unexpectedly, the first opponent drawn was the Master Ma?

The video of Master Ma being knocked out by an amateur boxer is still widely circulated. Why does this guy still have the face to compete?

I saw the sixty-odd master Ma walking towards the ring with a smile, and did not forget to wave to the camera, as if he was expected to appear on stage.

Jiang Siming did not expect that there would be such a challenger.

You said that you won him. When he wins the next masters, Master Ma will definitely jump out and shout: Don't blame me, they have never played, and I can't beat it. It's normal and it doesn't represent me.

After thinking about it, Jiang Siming had a decision in his heart.

This kind of fake master doesn't give him the whole point, he can really keep jumping out to destroy the reputation of national arts.

After Master Ma took the stage, the referee briefly talked about the rules, and the first round began.

"The master of Xingyi Taijiquan, Ma Weiguo, since I have all mastered out of the country, I don't think we should fight and kill at the beginning. Let's learn from each other, how about?"

Master Ma winked at Jiang Siming kindly.

He felt that Jiang Siming must also be a grandstanding guy. If he didn't propose to be true, the other party would definitely be willing to learn from each other.

But Jiang Siming ignored him and shouted directly to the medical rescue team below the ring: "Get ready to rescue people."

Everyone is confused? Call to save people before the fight? Who do you save?

As the bell rang, the fighting officially began.

Master Ma set up his posture, looking like a Tai Chi master.

But the next second, Jiang Siming scratched his face.


The sound is old.

Master Ma was hurriedly waving his hands in the air, his face swollen.

"Just you deserve to be called the master of Tai Chi?"

Jiang Siming's eyes were full of disgust. In order to be famous, some people really did anything to force them.

This kind of bluffing and deceiving people who are incapable of making money and profit by destroying the reputation of national arts, Jiang Siming must take care of them today.

There was a recorder at the scene, and Jiang Siming's words were passed on.

Master Ma, who was questioned by Jiang Siming in public, became angry and ‘killed’ at Jiang Siming.

There is no such thing as martial arts style in that tooth and claws, it is no different from a child's pinch.

Jiang Siming shook his head disappointedly, lifted his foot a little and moved aside, and Master Ma threw himself away.

Jiang Siming stumbled on him by the way, and the master Ma came directly and fell to the ground.

The audience burst into laughter.

Is this Tai Chi Master? It's funny enough.

Master Ma climbed up from the ground in embarrassment and glared at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't take his anger seriously at all, but stared at him instead.

"I will ask you one last question, do you continue to bluff and deceive under the guise of Master Tai Chi in the future?"

Jiang Siming's words hit the hearts of the people, and he did not shy away from revealing the facts of Master Ma's deceit.

How can Master Ma recognize it? Not only that, but also wanted to take the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack.

Jiang Siming had no mercy anymore, took a kick and kicked Master Ma directly away!


Just like this, Master Ma was kicked out, hit the rope on the side of the ring and rolled, and turned out of the ring, life and death unknown.


Hundreds of thousands of viewers breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Siming is really moving!

This kick is really kung fu!

A person of more than 100 catties was kicked out...

[Author's digression]: First more~

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