I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1654: The essence of Chinese martial arts

And Master Ma has completely become a joke, no one pays attention to life or death.

Everyone was shocked by Jiang Siming's first-ever kick, and completely ignored Ma Weiguo who was being first aided.

Who will pay attention to a liar.

The first aid team quickly rescued Master Ma. The experts saw that Master Ma... was kicked badly... At least seven or eight ribs in his body were kicked off.

Coupled with the age of more than sixties, at least one or two years of lying in the hospital to move.

If such a serious injury were left in peacetime, the police would come to the door.

But today in the ring, life or death is irrelevant.

Don't mention Jiang Siming kicking him off his ribs, and kicking him to death today is not responsible.

Who made them sign the certificate of life and death.

Anyway, I have not seen Tai Chi Master Ma in the past two years. It is estimated that I will not dare to swindle after being discharged from the hospital, for fear of being kicked into the hospital again.

In less than half a minute, Jiang Siming won the game.

The referee announced that Jiang Siming won and asked if he needed to rest for ten minutes before playing?

Jiang Siming shook his head and said coolly: "I just hope to be faster, the family is still waiting for me to go back for lunch."

So arrogant!

It's ten o'clock, and there are more than two hours left for lunch.

Jiang Siming wants to complete the challenge of nearly a hundred players in more than two hours?

This is too much of a pretense.

The referee began to draw the second lottery, and then announced: "The second challenger is from the Japanese Karate Association Master Bros."

After the referee finished speaking, a burly man in a karate uniform stepped onto the ring and twisted his limbs calmly.

Just listen to the crackling of the joints, and then rush to this, even a layman can see that this person is not Master Ma, it seems that he definitely has real skills.

"Hello, my name is Duan Shui Liu, please remember this name, because this name will become your life's nightmare."

After breaking the stream, Shiming Chongjiang was confident and made an offensive posture.

After the referee announced the start, he stepped aside.

The water flow immediately chose to attack Jiang Siming.

Karate is one of the most traditional and representative fighting techniques in Japan, including kicking, beating, throwing, holding, locking, twisting and other techniques.

It is also one of the most proud martial arts among Japanese people who love martial arts.

They believe that Japanese karate is the best in the world!

But in fact, the origin of karate is also the Chinese martial arts. It originated from the Chinese Tang hands, and later evolved and improved to have today's karate.

Of course, Japan will never recognize this point, and it does not matter, love to admit it or not.

The Japanese people who are watching the live broadcast in Japan are proud at this time, waiting for the water to easily defeat Jiang Siming.

They are well-known karate geniuses in Japan. They have won many domestic karate championships in their twenties.

The offensive of the water cut is indeed not at the level of Ma Weiguo, the attacks of others are full of martial arts genes, moving like a rabbit, fierce like a lion!

Each move is amazing and powerful.

The audience underneath watched intently, and at the same time, they were keen on Jiang Siming, such a powerful opponent, can Jiang Siming win.

The two played against each other.

Jiang Siming didn't choose to kill the opponent directly with his strength, because that would not be able to show the true essence and charm of the national arts.

If it is a trick to fight anyone, this battle will lose the result Jiang Siming wants.

Then everyone may still think that Ma Weiguo is quite powerful, after all, he was defeated by one move.

So what Jiang Siming wants today is to thoroughly show everyone today, the essence of Chinese martial arts and the mystery of Chinese Kungfu.

So Jiang Siming didn't dare to use True Qi, and even adjusted his body functions to a normal level.

Then, when fighting against each other, Jiang Siming had to be cautious, for fear that he would faint if his strength was not controlled.

Oh, so tired...

Next, Jiang Siming and Broken Stream fought fiercely.

Especially Jiang Siming's shots are completely better than any action movies and martial arts movies!

It was dumbfounded to the audience, this is the real kung fu!

The fight between Guoshu and Karate did not last long. In less than two minutes, Jiang Siming knocked the karate master to the ground with an inch punch.

The big brother struggled a few times to get up, but he vomited blood and fainted in the ring.

The Japanese viewers who watched the live broadcast were stupid, so did their big brother fall?

They felt like a pair of invisible slaps slapped their faces.

Is this Japanese karate? How could it be defeated so easily.

"Hurry up, pull it down for first aid!"

The medical staff hurriedly stepped onto the stage and pulled the unconscious senior brother down.

The audience finally understood why such a large-scale medical team was arranged on site.

This was just the beginning, one broke a bunch of ribs, and the other vomited blood into a coma. It was too **** and violent!

But they like it!

This is what the fighting should be like.

If there is no injury or sweat in the martial arts fight, then it's better to find time to spend the house.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

In martial arts battles, one must win.

The referee continued to ask Jiang Siming if he wanted to rest, but Jiang Siming still shook his head.

The referee had to draw a third card.

"In the third session, Shaolin Temple represents the monk Yunlong."

Seeing this, Jiang Siming sighed. He was this kind of challenger again, speechless.

A bald monk came up topless.

Looking at the figure, it's okay. It looks like a Shaolin Temple. It's easy to fool others. I really thought it was some Shaolin monk.

Jiang Siming has also watched his game video. This person has a bit of skill, but he is by no means as hyped online.

It can be said that he is a person who is more famous than powerful, and this person has too much interest.

After he became famous, he made money through various commercial performances and various advertisements, completely losing his original intention, and martial arts was also abandoned, gradually being forgotten by people, and his fame was no longer.

Coming here today, he obviously wants to rely on this opportunity to gain another reputation and become famous again.

As soon as he took the stage, Yunlong made a very polite Buddhist etiquette with Jiang Siming, and introduced: "The monk at the Lower Shaolin Temple, Yunlong, please advise."

This is actually a secret expression of weakness, and I hope Jiang Siming will take care of the face of the Buddhist family and let him go.

But it is estimated that he never expected that Jiang Siming had always had no good feelings for Buddhism.

Yunlong also thought about it. As long as he survived a few tricks under Jiang Siming, even if he lost, he would still have a lot of face.

After all, the karate masters just fell, as long as he is not knocked out like Master Ma.

As soon as the game started, Yunlong immediately gave up his offense, and fully carried his Shaolin unique, Golden Bell Jar.

The real golden bell cover iron cloth shirt can indeed be like a rock to defend against enemy attacks.

But that is the real Shaolin secret technique, the practice requirements are very high, the most important thing is to practice internal strength to be useful.

What monk Yunlong is showing now is undoubtedly a picture of cats and tigers, and it has only learned superficial skills.

Jiang Siming is not at all polite, he still flies!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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