I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1659: I want to be a father!

Jiang Siming said with a sneer at the end: "Furthermore, as long as the most powerful people dare to break the law, there will be more powerful law enforcement officers to deal with them. It's that simple, illegal? You let them try to break the law."

Everyone feels very reasonable.

The reporters have to ask again, Jiang Siming is already impatient, he sweats himself out and wants to go home and take a shower quickly, but there is no time to talk to them so much.

His goal today has been achieved, and the strength of national martial arts has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, that's enough.

Others are so slowly that you can't get fat in one bite.

Easily squeezing the reporters away, Jiang Siming slipped away and ran away.

But today's martial arts conference, let the whole world realize the power of Huaxia Kungfu.

What taekwondo karate is not the opponent of Chinese Kung Fu.

What fascinates everyone the most is the lightness of internal power in Chinese martial arts.

For a time, there was a wave of kungfu learning at home and abroad, and a large number of foreigners wanted to come to China to find a master to learn.

There are also more and more people supporting the rise of Guoshu.

Also, if my country has such a strong martial arts, is it silly to learn from other countries?

Some real masters of martial arts have ushered in the peak of their careers.

Apprentices who came to apprentice flocked in. Of course, they had to meet their requirements before accepting them.

At least one has to carry 500 catties of heavy objects.

This is actually not a difficult task for real foreign masters.

But because of the scarcity of masters of national martial arts, more people have nowhere to go. Finally, after the heat subsides, there is no such impulse.

Jiang Siming is also happy to see this.

Before, he was worried that after the upsurge in learning Kungfu in the world, it would make everyone learn Chinese martial arts regardless of anything.

But now it seems that he wants more, not to mention that there are not many real masters.

Even if there are, few people are really willing to learn.

After all, learning Kungfu is a very boring and hard work, and it is difficult to stick to it unless you are determined.

Many people can't bear to quit after a few days of learning.

This is also the reason why the kung fu craze quickly dropped within a few days.

Most people are on a whim and can't persist.

And they are getting older and it is more difficult to learn.

That's why Jiang Siming hopes that Chinese martial arts will be incorporated into the classroom, starting from the baby, and training the next generation.

As soon as the heat dropped, the society returned to its normal state, but the discussion of Chinese Kungfu still existed.

Especially Jiang Siming, now has another title in the world: Valkyrie!

When Jiang Siming knew it, he couldn't laugh or cry, isn't Valkyrie the Zilong...

But in short, his life is back to normal anyway.

Unlike when the craze a few days ago, he didn't dare to go to the company. Mom's company door was full of turbulent people, saying they came to interview and apprentice.

It caused a lot of trouble to Jiang Siming.

Now I feel more comfortable and return to normal life.

Jiang Siming didn't go to the company recently. Apart from fear of being besieged by reporters, there is a more important reason that he started planning oil fields with the Ministry of Energy.

Pakistan's oil field, but with 1.3 billion tons of oil reserves, is the largest oil field in Asia.

Of course Jiang Siming couldn't forget this sweet steamed bun.

So these days, I have been negotiating with the Ministry of Energy.

Knowing that there are such large reserves of oil and natural gas, the Ministry of Energy is of course very concerned and dispatched two companies, PetroChina and Sinopec, to start construction at the same time.

Just before starting the construction, the consent of Pakistan has to be sought.

The Department of Energy has sent someone to talk, but the result is not yet known.

However, with the friendly relationship between China and Pakistan, this matter is definitely not a problem, and it is much easier to talk about than in the Congo.

As for the question of sharing, the Ministry of Energy said that unless Pakistan wants to share, all profits belong to Jiang Siming.

But one thing is that all the oil that is extracted must be supplied to the country.

Regarding such a request, Jiang Siming agreed without thinking about it.

It’s good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. This is true. The Ministry of Energy is the Ministry of Energy, the atmosphere!

Jiang Siming felt a little excited when he thought that he was about to become an oil tycoon.

At any rate, my brother is almost an oil tycoon. In addition, Congo's copper and cobalt mines have been mined one-tenth.

And all have been shipped to the country, and the Ministry of Energy happily paid out one-tenth of the money, totaling 124 billion.

This is the first payment, and there will be nine subsequent payments.

It is expected to be paid in full within two years.

This can really be the richest man in the world without moving at home.

When eating at home in the evening, Jiang Siming told his wives about it at the dinner table.

They are also very happy, after all, it is a good thing that the family is getting richer and richer.

Besides, Jiang Siming can be regarded as a win-win and mutual benefit with the country. He has made money and solved the energy scarcity problem of copper, cobalt and oil for China.

When so many copper drums and oil are all mined, domestic copper and cobalt prices and oil prices will definitely fall.

On the other hand, it benefits the people.

Everyone laughed and toasted to celebrate.

However, just as Xinyi raised her cup, she suddenly felt dizzy and her stomach became uncomfortably tight.

She had to put down the cup quickly, ran to the bathroom with her mouth covered and vomited.

The whole family was shocked.

Jiang Siming rushed to the bathroom for the first time and found that Xin Yi was vomiting against the sink.

But he didn't spit out anything, just retched blindly.

Jiang Siming's first thought was whether Xinyi had a bad stomach, and he hurried over to get her pulse.

Other girlfriends also rushed to Xinyi and asked her warmly.

"What's wrong with Xinyi?"

"Have you caught a cold?"

"No, we are all cultivators, how can we catch a cold."

"Perhaps it is really food poisoning."


The women looked at Jiang Siming eagerly, waiting for his diagnosis.

After Jiang Siming took the pulse, he stayed where he was, not knowing what his expression was.

"What's the matter, husband? Are you talking about it?"

The girls were so anxious that they thought Xinyi really had some serious incurable disease.

Xinyi herself began to suspect that she was ill, looked at Jiang Siming nervously, and smiled pretending to be strong:

"Senior Brother, just say what you have. Don't worry, I am prepared."

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Siming recovered, turned his head and looked at Xinyi, and suddenly laughed!

The laughter seemed crazy, more like childlike excitement.

Before everyone could react, Jiang Siming took Xinyi into his arms and laughed loudly.

While everyone was still in shock, Jiang Siming finally shouted out the reason.

"I want to be a father!!!"


The whole family was dumbfounded.

"This... does this mean... Xinyi is pregnant?" Reba asked blankly.

"Yes, hahaha, there is a little life in Xinyi's belly!"

Jiang Siming finally knew why there was no result from checking Xinyi's body before.

[Author's digression]: The second one~~ Comrade Jiang is going to be a father~ Everyone is ready~ What's your name~ Hee~

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