I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1660: Wedding preparation

Before, Xinyi suddenly became lethargic and the reason why Zhujidan had no effect was found out.

There is only one reason, all to blame for the little guy in his stomach.

When he checked, this little guy was just a tadpole, so naturally he couldn't find it out.

But this little tadpole absorbed Zhujidan, which caused Xinyi to have adverse reactions at the beginning.

In the past half a month, the tadpoles have gradually grown into embryos, and they have been discovered by Jiang Siming.

Joy filled the whole home.

Of course the happiest one is Jiang Siming, good fellow, so excited.

Fortunately, he was in his own home, but if he was outside, his image would be gone.

Jiang Siming should be so excited.

After all, with his special status, it is very difficult to have children unless he has a girlfriend who can reach his level.

Moreover, the key to his realm has been constantly improving, which has made Jiang Siming's possibility of wanting to be a father very low.

For so long, Jiang Siming has been fighting for the goal of becoming a father, trying his best to improve the strength of his wives.

After all, his efforts paid off. Now, Jiang Siming can proudly announce that he is going to be a father!

After discovering that Xinyi was pregnant, Jiang Siming rushed out of the bathroom and immediately called his parents.

At this time, the family is also eating.

"What's the matter, son? What's wrong with the phone?" Mom asked slowly.

Jiang Siming endured his excitement and said to the phone: "Mom, tell you something, don't be too excited."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm going to be a father."

"What? Really!"

Jiang's mother who was eating suddenly jumped up.

"Really, it is absolutely true." Jiang Siming smiled and affirmed that his genius doctor's diagnosis could still be false.

"Hahaha, son, you are great! I am going to be a grandmother, hahahahaha."

Jiang Ma on the other end was more excited than Jiang Siming, and she didn't even know she accidentally broke the bowl.

Dad Jiang and grandparents were also very happy.

"Haha, I'm going to be a grandfather, um, this day has finally come."

"Oh, I'm going to be too grandma, I have to start preparing sweaters and pants for my great-grandson now."

"Oh, old lady, your grandson can't afford anything now. You still need sweaters and trousers."

"I don't care, I will knit for my great-grandson by myself."

"Forget it, follow you." Grandpa Jiang laughed while touching his beard, and then said: "Hurry up and eat quickly. After eating, I will go to Uncle Aming's house and say a good news, which makes them happy too."

Here Jiang's mother hasn't finished talking, all kinds of questions, rushed towards Jiang Siming.

"How old is the child? Did you go to the hospital for an examination?"

"It's been less than half a month. Don't worry, I can go anytime."

"Who is pregnant with that?" Jiang Ma asked this question...be careful~

There is no way, Jiang's mother really doesn't know, there are so many sons and daughters in law, who knows which one it is.

"What I am happy about is the first girlfriend I told you about." Jiang Siming replied.

"Ah, this little girl is pregnant, I remember she seems to be still studying, will she not let her go?" Jiang Ma worried.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said, "Mom, people are just studying for graduate school. People who study graduate school get married and have children everywhere. When they get older, there will be no problem."

Just kidding, it's hard to be a father, who dares not let his baby be born, he is the first one to refuse!

"Then..." Jiang Ma thought of something and stopped talking.

"What?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

"Oh, it's nothing, just be happy. We will come to Shanghai again in two days after Wanwan's holiday." Jiang Ma skipped the topic.

Jiang Siming also guessed what his mother was going to say, so he followed her and said, "Don't be so anxious, there is no birth."

Jiang Ma immediately reproached and said: "What's the joke, I must have a look. We are here to thank Xinyi for opening up the Jiang family. This gratitude must be given."

"It's fine if you don't say it on the phone."

"Nonsense, can you be sincere on the phone."

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, so he had to agree, and then chatted for a few words. Jiang's mother was anxious to tell her uncle and the others, and hung up the phone.


When sleeping at night, Jiang Siming put his arms around Xinyi and didn't think about anything bad.

Instead, lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, his eyes gradually became firm.

After the excitement, problems followed.

Still that problem, get married.

He knew what Jiang Ma had said before, and that was it.

After all other girls are pregnant with your baby, you must give them a place.

But because Jiang's mother knew that Jiang Siming had many girlfriends, she was afraid that he was under pressure, so she chose not to talk about it.

Jiang Siming had made up his mind before that once his girlfriend had a child, he would give all his wives a public wedding.

But now that Xinyi is pregnant, it means that his plan must be implemented.

He didn't want Xinyi to get married after giving birth or having a big belly.

Taking advantage of this, I was just pregnant, and my belly hadn't bulged, so I got married soon.

But if you want to do it, naturally you must do it together.

Jiang Siming is not a faint emperor, and any girlfriend who is pregnant with a dragon is particularly hurt.

Both rain and dew are necessary.

The wedding is going to be held, it must be together.

But this wedding together is not easy at all.

First of all, I will not talk about the relationship of public opinion, but say that the law will not allow it.

Several plans flashed in Jiang Siming's mind. The first best plan was to move to Xiangjiang, although polygamy was no longer allowed there.

But as long as you have money, things can still be done, and the certificate can still be obtained.

The second is the least wanted option, immigrating abroad.

This is Jiang Siming's least wanted plan.

But then I thought about it, he didn't necessarily need the certificate to get married, anyway, it was just a certificate.

As long as he is married, as long as his wives agree, I am afraid that he will not be able to prove it.

So the second plan was immediately passed by Jiang Siming.

Then there is only one plan left to move to Xiangjiang.

"If you can't help but live in Xiangjiang, then you have to start asking Father Li to get him a better mansion in Xiangjiang..."

Jiang Siming decided to pay attention.

The next day, he called and communicated with Dad Hundred Billion.

He needs a mansion no less than Shanghai Manor as a new house for him and his wife.

Father Li said that there is no problem, but it will take some time, after all, such a big place is hard to find.

Every inch of land in Hong Kong, the good land has long been snatched away by the rich.

Thinking about it, it is too difficult to find a residence of the level of Jiang Siming Manor.

And even if you find it and buy it, you have to redecorate it.

Moreover, Jiang Siming's newlywed house must be decorated to the highest specifications.

Father Li told Jiang Siming that it would be done in one month.

Jiang Siming also agreed. For one month, Xinyi's belly should have not risen.

Then, within this month, the major events of his life will be done!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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