I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1661: The fourth game before the wedding

After Jiang Siming told his wives about the news, their reactions were blushing and heartbeat, and their faces were peach blossoms.

So shy, I'm getting married~

Suddenly telling them that they will marry them within a month, which makes the women a little dizzy, including Zhao Xuan.

Of course, what girls look forward to most is the wedding.

Put on a wedding dress, dress up as the most beautiful, and marry the man they have identified in this life.

That picture, just thinking about it, your heart is beating~

Jiang Siming said that if the wedding is to be held, he will do it together. No matter what, if he wants to marry, he will marry it together!

Although this kind of wedding is theoretically impossible.

But they just want to believe that Jiang Siming can do it, because their men are omnipotent!

At the thought of getting married, the girls lost their calmness.

They all started to discuss what kind of wedding dress to wear.

They are going to wear the same series of wedding dresses, so they must be super cool when they get married~

Jiang Siming was still thinking about the house. At this time, Zhao Xuan walked over, naturally sat on his lap, and asked with a smile around his neck:

"Are you scared?"

Jiang Siming skillfully took Zhao Xuan into his arms and said: "Nonsense, I am thinking about moving. If we really want to move, we have to change places. It will be inconvenient to come to the company then, the company headquarters It may also change."

"Why do you want to move?"


"Because Xiangjiang is a bit more relaxed?"


Zhao Xuan smiled, and the jade finger poked Xia Jiang Siming's head and said, "You, you are usually so smart, why are you so confused now."

"Huh?" Jiang Siming didn't understand.

"It's okay to move, but it's not necessary to live in Xiangjiang. We can go back and live here after the wedding."

"Furthermore, I believe that none of the sisters wants to leave this house. How wonderful this house is. We all live in love~ Xiangjiang... honestly I don't want to go."

Jiang Siming heard this and thought about it, there is no need to live in Xiangjiang.

"But here, we may have to face a lot of pressure from public opinion." Jiang Siming is worried about this.

Zhao Xuan smiled and said, "As long as you can accept it, what are we afraid of? You are the center of the storm of public opinion. If you can bear it, of course we can also bear it."

"Not to mention public opinion. We are the people who master Gulu Weibo. The biggest public opinion platform is ours. We are afraid of the rumors."

Zhao Xuan awakened the person in her dream with a single sentence, Jiang Siming gave an initiation, and all at once figured it out!

Yes, the public opinion is afraid of being an egg, what they like to say.

Gulu Weibo is now China’s largest self-media public opinion platform. He only needs to speak and suppress all those public opinions.

Even if there will be other platforms, what's the problem? How can one be influenced by public opinion?

After figuring this out, Jiang Siming was much more relaxed.

Now that it has been decided, the wedding must begin to prepare.

Fortunately, there is a month, enough time for them to prepare slowly.

First of all, it must be an open issue. Jiang Siming intends to announce this after the game.

After all, he doesn't want to influence the team game because of himself.

If it is made public now, his company and team will definitely be affected and implicated.

Anyway, there are only two games left in the finals, and there will be more than half a month before they get married.

The second is the place where the wedding is held. The best place is of course the hometown in Yunnan, followed by the magic capital.

It also depends on the weather conditions of the day. After all, such a large-scale wedding must be arranged outdoors.

At that time, there must be a lot of guests.

There is also the wedding dress and the groom's clothes. This is not a concern. The aesthetic vision of the wives in the family is still bad.

Besides, even if they can't figure it out, they can find Eva Arnott. Her family is a luxury goods company, so it's not a matter of fashion design, just find a few top designers to create a set.

Finally, the wedding ceremony is on. Jiang Siming naturally expressed how high-profile it is to be high-profile.

His wedding must be the world's attention.

After all, people only marry one, but he has to marry more than 20, how can he not let his wives be wronged?

So Jiang Siming began to choose the top domestic wedding company to prepare the venue and decorate the wedding scene, with only one condition.

What he wants is an absolutely luxurious wedding, surpassing all weddings in the world!

As for the money? Is that something?

But he hasn't picked it up yet, but the fourth PUBG game is about to start.

Jiang Siming could only stop temporarily and start the game first.

At the end of this world game, it was when he made his wedding public.

You can also arrange the wedding company at that time, so that you can avoid the wind.

This is the fourth game. After playing this hand, the last one will determine the world championship this year.

The most promising is naturally 4AM, after all, their score is still the first.

Although the first two met Waterloo, they couldn't hold the head count too much, resulting in one fifth and eleventh, and the total score was still No.1.

But the second place TL score is also very high, and it is very hopeful to catch up.


NO.1..【4AM】..【47+26+12//85 points】..【eat chicken x1】

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24+28//70 points】..【Eat chicken x2】




【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【54 kills】..【6868 damage value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【16 kills】..【3705 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【9 kills】..【1018 damage value】

NO.4.【Koy】..【7 kills】..【695 damage value】


The difference of only fifteen points is already very small.

This is the closest match to 4AM in more than a year of competition starting last year.

In the previous World Championships, playing two or three, 4AM will be a huge gap with other teams, people can not see hope at all.

Within three, the score must be broken.

But this year, after three games, only 85 points.

TL, as the most promising team to catch up, brought the hope of spectators from all European and American regions.

Most importantly, TL's Ibiza killed Jiang Siming and unlocked a supreme achievement.

In the frontal shot, it can kill Jiang Siming.

Although it was two-on-one at the time, it was enough to excite European and American audiences.

In the past, where two people were enough for Jiang Siming to fight, he could kill casually.

Now Ibiza can kill him, showing that God is also a mortal and a flesh and blood.

He, Jiang Siming, the state will also decline!

Although Jiang Siming has caused a lot of major incidents in the past few days, he even has the title of Valkyrie.

But here, Valkyrie is not easy to use, everyone is concerned about e-sports.

From the scene of the fourth one, it can be seen that the audience in Europe and the United States has increased a lot.

They all saw the hope of TL and came to the scene to cheer.

If this handful of TL eats another handful of chicken, it will definitely surpass 4AM!

Think about it, they are still a little excited.


[Author's digression]: Fourth more~~~

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